Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
How old were you when you had your first true sexual experience beyond petting?
Under 13 |
13-15 |
16-18 |
19-21 |
Over 21 |
Which one of the following best describes your first true sexual experience beyond petting?
Full intercourse |
Being masturbated |
Masturbating my partner |
Receiving oral sex |
Giving oral sex |
How did your first sexual experience come about?
We both wanted it. |
My partner pushed me into it. |
I pushed my partner into it. |
My first partner was a prostitute. |
What's your biggest regret about your first sexual experience?
I wish it had been with a different partner. |
I wish I had waited until later. |
I wish I had done it earlier. |
I wish it had been more enjoyable. |
I have no regret. |
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in response to young wfs comment,
Go figure. Typical kiddie comment. Grow up little girl.
educated wf   
Monday, November 11, 2002 at 08:30:09 (PST)
all you good girls and alejandra
Lets ignore some of the BS we just heard from some heartless girls who are picking on a rape victim.
Dont take it personally, they must have some serious psychological problems.
I can make them cry but I'll be a gentleman and show them mercy this time.
Sunday, November 10, 2002 at 22:23:27 (PST)
leave adjendra alone. You guys are out of line. URRRRRRRRRR
Have some empathy cold hearted ******s
You lucky you are girls. I am willing to die for any girl in trouble but now I might think twice, to save people like you who diss rape victims.
Sunday, November 10, 2002 at 22:11:33 (PST)
"You must be an ignorant and low asian girl for sure" Alejandra
How dare you. Don't make this an issue of someones race. Some here might feel that you are the typical low class swearing hispanic, and maybe you just enjoy fighting with people. Don't judge and make everything into a catfight. Take your anger to the AM/LF msg board. How about leaving this msg board for the more civilized people. Noone appreciates your bitterness and catfighting. Its unattractive and childish.
take it someplace else   
Sunday, November 10, 2002 at 08:42:46 (PST)
hey file charges agains those guys. The statute of limitations is 7 yrs for rape i belive, prehaps longer. Do it. make them go to jail.
he he. You know what happens to rapists in jail dont ya?
They become the punks, bitches become the victims. Prioners HATE with a DEATH VENGENCE on rapists and child molestoers. If they go to prison guaranteed they will get raped, and or seriously wounded.
Friday, November 08, 2002 at 13:14:49 (PST)
good girl, glad you defended yourself
Sounds like you live in a bad neighborhood.
Hey start packing some real heat. Sig sauer is a good german gun. best hand gun in the world. Learn to use it.
Next time give them some lead for their hard work, two peices delivered straight into the brain.
anyways, good job, and stay safe.
As for the self defense things, psychology means a lot, You have to have the killer instinct. The knife, gun, peeper spray wont do much if you wont be willing to use it. SHOW NO MERCY, GO FOR THE KILL.
Do a premptive strike if necassary. If you can run beforehand do that, if you cant hurt them first.
Friday, November 08, 2002 at 13:11:44 (PST)
IMO, beauty doesn't have much to do w/ rape. A lot of butt-ugly girls get raped too. the rapist do that cos they want to assert their power and dominace...and u know...that taiwanese guy was drunk. Nothing wrong w/ you admitting to being pretty but i don't see it as necessarily a reason for getting raped.
I'm quite surprised you are inclined to that thinking cos most rapees aren't. Really, I think it is such a ridiculouus excuse for guys to rape...even moreso when girls think a beautiful face lead to that...
[You must be a very ignorant and low asian girl for sure!!!!!!!
How dare you to say my tragedy is fake?
How in the hell you think that,b****?
I have ony one thing to tell you:
I hope that what happend to me that night it happens to you for the rest of your nights! once after another!]
Now who is ignorant and low-life??? Anyway, she didn't say your story is fake, just give it the benefit of doubt, no need to make such a big fuss about it. If you know you didn't make up anything then fine...nothing for u to get angry.
one more thing, what the hell makes you think she's asian? Any woman who come across as being opposed to your opinions are asians? Are you prejudiced towards asian women?
[bad and low mouth you got there! are you sure you still a girl? a female? think twice before give an opinion about this issue next time! understood??????
Alejandra ]
are u talking about yourself... i see u when i read those lines...no offense intended...
Friday, November 08, 2002 at 12:51:52 (PST)
You are a bitter disgusting B****! What does my being asian have to do with anything? So should I call you a slutty ignorant hispanic? No. I won't stoop to your level. For your information I am hapa, and damn proud of it. I also think you ARE making up that story. Why? For the simple fact that you continued to talk about your looks. Looks have nothing to do with being raped. People that rape do not discrimminate. They will do this to anyone. Women and children young and old. I was not trying to insult you. But I felt you were insulting people that have really been raped, like myself. If you have truly been through this experience, then I understand what you have been through. Sometimes there are so many fake postings, its hard to distinguish the facts from fakes. Thats my reason for my other msg. Sorry if you took it the wrong way. And once again, What does being Asian have to do with anything? You are the one who is HISPANIC and coming to an Asian Website. Show some respect.
who are you kidding?   
Friday, November 08, 2002 at 12:29:28 (PST)
SPRNZ, I'm so sorry for what you had to go through but you are a really strong woman and I'm so proud of you for successfully defending yourself against those bastards. I hope they are in jail for a long time, but we all know that prosecutions for rapes are a joke- most offenders get less than a year in jail, if any time at all.
Alejandra, don't listen to that girl. There's nothing wrong with appreciating your own beauty. Don't let her get to you.
SOG, your post was very nice. Thanks for being an encouraging man.
I hope all rapists burn in hell.
young white female   
Friday, November 08, 2002 at 08:52:33 (PST)
who are you kidding?
You must be a very ignorant and low asian girl for sure!!!!!!!
How dare you to say my tragedy is fake?
How in the hell you think that,b****?
I have ony one thing to tell you:
I hope that what happend to me that night it happens to you for the rest of your nights! once after another!
Don`t you ever tell a woman who`s been raped if it`s a joke or not!
What the heck do you know about what happend?..When I said my beauty maybe damned I mean I am very pretty-faced girl and that might be a very bad sign to him to commit what he did to me...sometimes when one`s got nice attractive features some people might get wrong ideas and people like him would think I was a easy-to-get piece of meat...I know myself for sure and I have no doubt I`m very pretty, but this made me so damaged and destroyed, I even thought to kill myself many times, but with people like you, I might better recover and go after you and kill you! bad and low mouth you got there! are you sure you still a girl? a female? think twice before give an opinion about this issue next time! understood??????
Alejandra age_of_empires21@yahoo.com   
Thursday, November 07, 2002 at 18:21:46 (PST)
I did not say those words. You are making up stories.
cantonese flower   
Thursday, November 07, 2002 at 11:34:38 (PST)
SOG and all girls,
Yes. Acohol severly effect the brain negatively. And the girls who get drunk are easily become the target to those bastards. If wanna go to bar with group of friends.
Take self defense class is very good to prevention and antirape tactic. To use the knife and pepper spray if you don't know the techniques how to use them, you might get hurt your self. They could grabbed from you and stick the knife into you and spray the pp spray back to you. So self defense class is good for prevention. But not guarantee you'll be safe 100% if he/they more powerful than you.
Let me tell you my bad experienced. Believe it or not this has happened to me. Almost got raped ended up got arrested & went to jail. Well, I'm TKD sensei. I always came home late from teaching. They didn't know that I'm a sensei. I almost got raped twice by a group of (5)Black guys. At the first time, I knocked them down and I ran. But those guys didn't gave up, about a month later they tried again for the 2nd times. I thought they prepared for this, b'cuz they almost got me. They torn off my clothes and almost did that but I sucssesfully defended myself and also used knife and pepper spray. 2 of them get injured badly by my knife. I didn't know who called the police. When Police came I ended up got arrested and went to jail for 10 days.
:( Oh God. Those B' guys also go to jail don't for how long. The 2 guys that got injured quickly ran to hospital. Untill the police found my case; "Self defense is not murder".
To Alejandra,
Wished to kill your self is not the way out to solve the problem. Be strong Hermanita. Your life still along way to go. Life and dead is the God's hands. So get close to Him, He will give you peace and strength.
Thursday, November 07, 2002 at 09:56:38 (PST)
no you didnt lose your purity, no one can take that away from you. I personally wont look at you any different, even if you were my girl friend if that was a forced sexual encounter you are still a virgin.
You reap what you sow, that taiwanese puke is going to get what is comming to him. Life is a bitch sometimes, you can get through it. A lot of guys get raped too, but they dont talk about it.
Why kill yourself? Kill him first. You can really screw up his life by pressing charges, but you probably lost most of the evidence already. If you want I can give you tips on how to "take care" of this guy.
so you got 2 choices
1.) forgive him and let God take care of him.
2.) take care of him yourself and do it cleanly. I am willing to give you tips on this one.
heres my E-mail gaonasdaq@hotmail.com
Wednesday, November 06, 2002 at 13:28:44 (PST)
"Perhaps my beauty is damned maybe me"
That is a bit strange. I have been raped before. I have been to rape counseling and support groups. Never have I heard any rape victims speaking of how their (so called) beauty is to blame. I have yet to meet an egotistical rape victim. I am not a bad looking female either. But I never even thought of it in that sense. It actually made me feel unattractive having a man force himself upon me in such a way. I felt ugly and used up. And this is what most of the victims have felt, completely low self esteem. Could your little story possibly be a half truth? Or perhaps completely fake?
who are you kidding?   
Wednesday, November 06, 2002 at 10:45:06 (PST)
No one can take away your purity. Something disgusting happened to your body, but that does not mean you are dirty. As long as you respect your body, you will remain pure.
Wednesday, November 06, 2002 at 08:32:10 (PST)
To Cantonese flower,
You wrote: "The aim is NOT to mutilate, but to be symbolic. If you hate symbols of chastity you will be against circumcision."
How do symbols prevent rape? Is a rapist going to see a circumcised vagina and decide not to rape? I don't think so. I have no problem with chastity. But you don't need to get female circumcision to remain a virgin.
Wednesday, November 06, 2002 at 08:30:17 (PST)