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Trying different things is also not an excuse not to keep your grades up. Job opporunities after college are really about your grades.
Oh, don't forget to have fun.
AC dropout   
Thursday, January 10, 2002 at 17:56:35 (PST)
Job Woes,
I'll tell you my story and if you think it applies let me know.
I use to work for one of the Big 5 consulting firms. It a corporate environment with annual promotion periods. So everyone who is elligable is promoted at the same time.
After working for 1.5 years in the firm I was basically doing mainframe Y2K upgrades. My promotion period was coming up and I was transfered to another Fortune 500 company to help with the supevision of anoher upgrade.
However, this time I was placed on a team with myself and one consultant who was also up for promotion.
This consultant felt it was neccessary to bust balls to make his promotion. Which is a good strategy. However, since I was the only person under him. I was the frequent target of the ball busting.
After about 6 months. I realised he was threatening my promotion. So whenever I could get the ear of a partner or a manager above my supervisor. I would basically state that "there was no synergy between us." But I was still willing to see the project to completion and wanted to get my timely promotion as stated in all my reviews prior to arrving on this project.
It was not a friendly enviornment for asain because the client site was located in lily white state of CT. Asians were getting screw left and right around me.
But whenever I got the opportunity of a partner from my company I would also state I was interested in my timely promotion and would let them know that I had influence our client to coming on the weekend and I was also coming to supervise them.
The fight for my timely promotion was during the last 6 months not easy, but I succeed and was immediately rolled off the project after the Y2K implementation.
Without knowing more about the details of your plight and all the players. My only advise it to have a goal and get the ear of someone above the loud white guy. State your goals and try to get the sympathy to your plight and away from the loud white guy.
I also keep a very detail log of any inconsistencies I felt my supervisor reported on my. So incase a partner would ever say "Why do you think you are being treated unfairly." Fortunately, I never need to resort to that since it would only lead to another can of worms.
AC dropout   
Thursday, January 10, 2002 at 17:19:01 (PST)
Dear Job Woes,
I see how you feel. This next advice I'll be giving you may seem like a no-brainer and easier said than done, but you really have to do it. We live in a Western society. This means that we have to stand up for ourselves and be aggressive about what we want. If you don't do that, you'll be walked on all the time. you need to let people know that you don't take shit and you are a solid person. Stand up for yourself at work and let your office know that you are a hard worker and a BETTER worker than the other person and that you will not take crap from anyone.
Thursday, January 10, 2002 at 10:40:27 (PST)
Valley Chinese Dude,
Teaching kids in New York City public schools is a living nightmare!
I think AC Dropout's friend was teaching in a NYC school. This one of the few places in the country where the kids are unbearable, especially those from the minority neighborhoods attending public schools. Even Asian kids here are much more loud and rebellious compared to their tamer West Coast Counterparts. Believe me! I had a friend who was teaching Asians in an elementary school in San Mateo and then relocated to NY to teach Asians in Chinatown. She has been very unhappy ever since!
I had another friend who switched disciplines, he decided to become a web developer and quit his teaching profession. It had nothing to do with the money, but with the environment.
AA Renaisance   
Thursday, January 10, 2002 at 10:03:04 (PST)