

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which of the following professions generally enjoys the most prestige among Asian Americans?
Doctor | 42%
Corporate Executive | 17%
Lawyer | 26%
IT Engineer | 10%
Investment Broker | 5%

Which of the following professions produces the least fulfillment for AA?
Doctor | 15%
Corporate Executive | 23%
Lawyer | 24%
IT Engineer | 18%
Investment Broker | 20%

Which of the following would be your dream career?
Pop Star | 13%
Novelist | 24%
Film Director | 12%
Sports Star | 27%
Actor | 24%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Yeah, it is bad times right now lots of people getting laid off. I agree with AC ,companies don't care about people at all PERIOD.
live wire    Sunday, April 21, 2002 at 13:22:50 (PDT)
ac dropout --

thanks for advice. I will try to calm down, and take it a little easier.

job woes    Wednesday, April 10, 2002 at 16:26:47 (PDT)
job woe,

Don't stress if you think you are going to be layoffed. Remember the motto "Bleed them dry." Corporate American doesn't care about us, why should we care about it. "Bleed them dry." Take the max amount of coffee breaks. Take the max amount of smoking breaks. Take free training at all time.

When they lay you off, go to unemployment and collect your 6 months of government assistence. Do some job hunting for six month on government money. "Bleed them Dry."

But just relax, don't stress out about it. Remember you're just an employee, you only need to stress as much as you are being paided. No need to stress out like management if you not being paid like management.

As for the FOB you should start grilling them for information if you need it. If they don't give information then they are pretty useless to your cause in the company. Chance are that they are grilling you because they have no clue on the matter themselves.
AC Dropout    Tuesday, April 09, 2002 at 09:27:36 (PDT)
ac dropout,

I have never understood or been able to read or properly gauge politics. I have decided that since this person hasn't asked me for help, I am not going to stick my neck to offer any help. I hate going to lunch with this person, and have tried to get to know her and her circle a little better over a few lunches now and then, but it is like a question period for them and just them grilling me for an hour and they are not forthcoming with any personal opinions of their own. It's completely annoying.

Besides, the things are going for me at the moment, it might be more of a strike against than for her. Who knows, I may be out of a job in about a month.

I am feeling so much stress right now, I think that I would like to quit but I cannot affford to so I will just have to try to stick it out until I get fired. It is making me physically sick being in this job. I haven't slept in about three days.
woes    Monday, April 08, 2002 at 15:46:38 (PDT)
job woe,

You should have lunch with the FOB in question and find out if they want help in the first place. No point in offering a hand if they don't want it.

Next is to understand necessary traits in your organization to be a "stand up character." One who will defend their underlings even against superiors and popular sympathies. But you have to understand the exact political nuiances to know how much "standing up" will be tolerated in your organization.
AC Dropout    Monday, April 08, 2002 at 09:51:46 (PDT)
this is a question I have:

if you know there are people in your organization who would work well with you, and you are afraid it will become a racial thing, what would you do?

this is a problem I have faced a few times:
I know some fobs that are annoying the hell out of me, but they are really nice people, but I don't know what to do. I know one of them is in a situation where she hates her supervisor, but can't do anything about it. I am a snob, but even though I think this person lacks some personal polish, I think this person deserves a chance to get somewhere out of their awful dept. If they come over to mine, I might have to deal with their problems, which i am not sure is really their fault, but I also don't want to be responsible for them either.

I am not exactly in a strong or safe position myself, so I don't want to further jeopardize my situation by inviting in someone that I am not sure about. I feel sort of stuck in a position where things are kind of messy and I just don't want to get into a stickier situation than it already is.
job woe    Saturday, April 06, 2002 at 09:14:52 (PST)
what if your work environment is just like that lousy show survivor -all the back-stabbing and stupid alliances etc. I hate that show, and I know that my coworkers are truly into it. I think they are so into this that they believe and behave the same way.

How do you get off the island without getting fired? or is that the only way? is getting "voted off" or fired the only way out of a toxic environment such as this?
sick of working in this situation    Friday, April 05, 2002 at 22:13:29 (PST)