

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which of the following professions generally enjoys the most prestige among Asian Americans?
Doctor | 42%
Corporate Executive | 17%
Lawyer | 26%
IT Engineer | 10%
Investment Broker | 5%

Which of the following professions produces the least fulfillment for AA?
Doctor | 15%
Corporate Executive | 23%
Lawyer | 24%
IT Engineer | 18%
Investment Broker | 20%

Which of the following would be your dream career?
Pop Star | 13%
Novelist | 24%
Film Director | 12%
Sports Star | 27%
Actor | 24%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Hi MLK, (I am "woe")

I liked my workplace a lot until some new people came and displaced me. Maybe I am over sensitive, or maybe people are just disgusting, but I have been on a leave of absence trying to get over all the gossip. I hope when I get back, I still have a job. I hope you never get to the point where you do cry at work, because that's just about the end of the line. (believe me, I've been there)

finding a new job is the worst. I hated looking for a new job. If I lose this one, (which I am hoping that I will not) I think I might try some career counselling and go back to school.

the hot bath thing is the greatest! also, it's good to exercise and get the endorphins up!
chicky poo    Friday, July 05, 2002 at 07:41:27 (PDT)

Well you just have to fill those 4-5 hours with stuff you enjoy to do and different activities. Like the gym, calling a friend, reading a book, listening to music, cooking, eating the dogs, .... etc.

Online resume, head hunters, networking are all tools to cast your net far and wide to locate a new job.
AC Dropout    Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 08:35:24 (PDT)
AC Dropout

That's a good idea (getting a head hunter). I guess I'll start with Not much to lose. Thanks for the words of encouragement. I haven't really been feeling all that great lately because it's so miserable at work. And since I spend so much time at work, it's as if most of my day really sucks!!!! and then there's the four or five hours at the end of the day when I can try to relax and forget about life for awhile. I'll let you know when I've succeeded. Thanks for listening to my bitching and moaning.
MLK    Thursday, June 20, 2002 at 21:08:37 (PDT)

The general rule of thumb is that if the cost of living is cheaper so is the salary.

Good luck in you job hunting.

Ever thought about a head hunter. This way you don't have to actively search for the job yourself.
AC Dropout    Thursday, June 20, 2002 at 07:11:59 (PDT)
to Hank Lewis & AC Dropout

Sorry I haven't replied in a few days...been out looking for a new job in my spare time.

Times are really tough right now in silicon valley. Someone with my qualifications wouldn't have much trouble finding good work before, but now, there are so many people out of jobs with my qualifications or more that I'm thinking I'd better just stay put for now until the economy picks up a bit. I wish I could move out of silicon valley, go where it's cheaper to live, but I love the weather too much and I'd miss my little cottage with the rose garden and my puppies, so...gotta stay and smile at the bastard even though I'd love to shove his head up his ass.

Coco and a bubble bath sounds wonderful. I can't remember the last time I did something like that. Thanks for the suggestion, AC. I think I'll log off now and fix my hot chocolate & get my hot bath ready.
MLK    Tuesday, June 18, 2002 at 21:02:44 (PDT)

Is there any reason why you haven't started shopping yourself around for a new employer? I've worked for some Bitches and Assholes over the years, and usually I've been able to find a better paying job with a better boss prior to being pushed to the point of going postal.

I know that sometimes you have to stay somewhere you hate because you have bills to pay and you don't see any obvious alternatives right in front of your face. However, if you have motivation (and it sounds like you have it in spades) you usually can and will find a better situation.

Good luck with your job search.
Hank Lewis    Friday, June 14, 2002 at 08:04:29 (PDT)

"Would you sleep with a toad?"

Hey who told you what my ex-girlfriend looks like.

But what I'm saying is that you don't need to take your work home. Your frustration ends when you leave the office. You don't need to think about payroll, competitors, cash flow, etc. Your jobs done at the end of the day and you get a steady paycheck.

He could be an a'hole. Or he could be a guy who can't handle stress well. Whatever the case don't give him the satisfaction of crying when you get home.

Hot Coco and a bubble bath to replenish the soul.
AC Dropout    Thursday, June 13, 2002 at 12:34:50 (PDT)
to AC Dropout
He makes me cry because he is an asshole who chews me out for situations that I cannot control. He's anal and a control freak who feels he must micro-manage me to the point where I'm afraid to breathe without his permission. It didn't use to be so bad, actually, it was pretty good, and then I got him. Ewwwwww!!! If I could, I'd walk and take a mini vacation to get away from the jerk!

Sleep with him? You have got to be joking! that is the nastiest, grossest thing I have ever heard of in my entire life! Would you sleep with a toad?
MLK    Wednesday, June 12, 2002 at 22:12:10 (PDT)

Not to make light of the situation with your boss. But how can he make you cry. At the end of the day you just go home and get a paycheck. What worries are there after work.

Just don't sleep with the boss and all will be good.

AC Dropout    Monday, June 10, 2002 at 12:01:12 (PDT)
to woes

I sympathize with you. I hate my job too. But I owe, I owe, so off to work I go...

I wouldn't mind my job if I could only trade my boss in for a new model, one who was nicer and didn't make me cry...I hate him so much!
MLK    Friday, June 07, 2002 at 20:42:56 (PDT)