

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which of the following professions generally enjoys the most prestige among Asian Americans?
Doctor | 42%
Corporate Executive | 17%
Lawyer | 26%
IT Engineer | 10%
Investment Broker | 5%

Which of the following professions produces the least fulfillment for AA?
Doctor | 15%
Corporate Executive | 23%
Lawyer | 24%
IT Engineer | 18%
Investment Broker | 20%

Which of the following would be your dream career?
Pop Star | 13%
Novelist | 24%
Film Director | 12%
Sports Star | 27%
Actor | 24%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
MLK and chicky poo,

I worked a very stressful job at a law firm for a few years, and I have to tell you I cried many, many times. The tension was so high you could feel it every time you walked through the door. It was one of those places where you'd never know if you had a job when you come to work that day. Compentency was critical in my job because of potential lawsuits; however, shady tactics were abound and when the s*** hit the fan, someone had to be made responsible. Rarely was it ever assigned to those black souls who deserved it. My firm had a reputation in the field for lacking professional ethics, to say the least. I had my reasons for staying, though. A combination of a stressful job, failing relationship and graduate school turned my brain and emotions into mush. I ended up walking away from all three and started waiting tables to get my sanity back. Needless to say, I feel your pain.
DD    Monday, July 15, 2002 at 12:55:42 (PDT)
Is sexual harrassment and racism against Asians something that's unusually prevalent in law firms even more than in big corporations? I'm thinking of going into that field, just want to know what it will be like for an asian female
curious    Saturday, July 13, 2002 at 07:14:30 (PDT)
I used to work for a law firm, but quit. It was just too oppressive. I had a couple nasty white partners hitting on me. One offered to take me under his wing if I would go out with him. The other kept accidentally rubbing himself against me. They would also constantly make Asian doll references. It was disgusting. I was at a loss. I didn't have the guts to claim sexual harassment, because as lawyers, they were very clever at hiding their tracks and leaving no substantial evidence. Plus they were and are still very powerful Silicon Valley lawyers. Everyday I would come home with tears in my eyes. Thankfully, I had an Asian guy at work whom I trusted and confided in. But when he had to leave (because he was not going anywhere), I knew I couldn't take it alone anymore.

My advice is be careful about any firms that hire a lot of Asian women but few Asian men. It may seem like they are enlightened, but they may not be so. If a firm has plenty of minorities, men and women, then it is a safer play.
Dizzy Miss Lizzie    Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 13:50:19 (PDT)
chicky poo

In my case, it wasn't the coworkers (all were so sweet to me), it was my stupid stinky boss! I have already started looking around. My resume is already updated and within the week, I'm going to start spreading it around. July is my good luck month. I can feel it!

I mean, what's the worst that can happen? Nothing. Status quo. I get no new job. I'm stuck where I am. At least it's about as bad as it's going to get.

Go find a new job if you hate where you are so badly. Even if it pays less, if your coworkers and boss are nice people, I think it's worth it. You can't just give up and sink into your depression. It will get worse and worse until you eventually will require psychiatric help to pull yourself out of the deep funk you've gotten yourself into. For me, some days are good, and some days are just horrid. If you see me going postal in here, it's probably because I had a pretty awful day. I'm lucky I haven't made any mortal enemies in here, everyone is mostly so nice to me. I do hope things improve for you.
MLK    Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 17:02:58 (PDT)
hi MLK,

I'm on leave because my depression was becoming too obvious. I think it'll be ok, so long as I don't get too emotional and screw up when I get back. I don't know about the office dynamics here, but it used to be pretty good. I used to work in another office that was much smaller, and had an very established and smarmy racist white clique that just cut me to shreds. my manager was also a bitch that was a backstabber. Once I started crying, I just couldn't stop. It was totally embarrassing and it got me fired. glad I am out of there though. it really was too bad because the place seemed to otherwise have so much potential for satisfaction. It all comes down to whether you can stand the people you spend your 8+hours a day with.

I just urge you not to let them get to you too much, but if it is, it's worth it to leave and try somewhere else. Sometimes, I think I would like to go back to school and train for something else altogether, like in some capacity of healthcare but I would only do it if things became unbearable. theres no reason that "office politics" doesn't exist in any other place other than "offices" per se. anyway, steady yourself and good luck!

just don't let them see you cry! they don't deserve the satisfaction. (I am going to try to apply this to myself -- I will try to hold on until I get home before the waterworks go, if it gets to that stage again)
chicky poo    Tuesday, July 09, 2002 at 06:35:13 (PDT)
to chicky poo

Too late. I've already done the crying part at work. You should have seen the smeared-mascara racoon eyes and the red nose I got. (sigh) I was sooooo ugly. It was a good thing that my coworker is also a good friend. She got me a tissue and told me mean jokes starring my boss until I laughed.

Why were you displaced and why are you on leave? I wish I could go on leave, but I can't. I hate looking for a new job's the starting over and having to learn everything and try to get along with a brand new boss that's so bad about it all. I've never had a really bad boss before. I guess I've just been luckier than normal. But my luck ran out, and now...I hate my job.

I'll let you know when I get a new job. I have a feeling that July is going to be my lucky month. I have the feeling I'm going to get three good lucks this month. Wish me luck, Chicky Poo.
MLK    Saturday, July 06, 2002 at 00:06:19 (PDT)