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Which of the following professions generally enjoys the most prestige among Asian Americans?
Doctor |
Corporate Executive |
Lawyer |
IT Engineer |
Investment Broker |
Which of the following professions produces the least fulfillment for AA?
Doctor |
Corporate Executive |
Lawyer |
IT Engineer |
Investment Broker |
Which of the following would be your dream career?
Pop Star |
Novelist |
Film Director |
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AC Dropout and Open-minded Person,
There are exceptions, but as a general rule I'd have to disagree. Men are very capable and professional. Hey, remember I'm a man :)
But when you look at women in general, they're harder workers and tend to give more sound advise. When a discussion ensues over practically any matter, men tend to make bold statements then immediately dig their heals in and start infighting. Women tend to listen and say "hey guys, ok, what's going to solve this problem. What's going to work here". Women get emotional and territorial too. Don't get me wrong. But men irritated when another guy out-thinks them and quickly calls their idea bogus. If you really think about it, it's true.
Political Observer   
Thursday, July 18, 2002 at 10:50:59 (PDT)
Dizzy Miss Lizzie,
In general, women are easier to work with. It's not because they are submissive. It's because they're more practical and put more effort into tasks.
Men build turfs and enjoy fiefdoms. I realize generalizations are not fair, but my experience leads me to believe this way.
Of course there are exceptions. I worked with white, black and latin women who were very insecure and clearly underqualified for their positions. They had to double check my work and get everything in writing. I hated them because they wouldn't let me do my job and work with them at more ease. And yes, you have women who sleep their way to the top. However, especially in professional jobs, when a woman attorney, engineer, accountant, or doctor is doing their job you'd better believe it's being done right and efficiently. If the woman is asian or african american, then you've got an exceptionally sound and capable professional.
Political Observer   
Thursday, July 18, 2002 at 10:41:42 (PDT)
DD & Dizzy Miss Lizzie
At first, my boss was really nice to me. He would try to find time to talk to me and take me to lunch meetings and conferences. I was ok with that, and I didn't think anything of it. But the problem was, he kept hinting about a possible romantic tryst with me, and I was so totally NOT attracted to the man. Well, my boss, not seeing any response from me, applied more and more heat and pressure until, frustrated and not knowing what else to do to keep him at bay, I told him that I had acquired a new hunk of a boy friend who was a martial arts black belt. I lied, of course, but it's a really good way of getting unwanted barnacles off your back.
It worked! And at first, I thought everything was going to be OK.
I was wrong. Shortly thereafter that he started to get a nasty attitude with me. Nothing I did was good enough even though it would have been a good job performance in accord with company standards. He blamed me for every little problem that went south regardless of who caused it or how it was caused. I know what he's trying to do. He wants me to quit, but I can't until I find another job. Now, I dread his voice every time I hear him. I dread seeing his face every time he comes near. I dread him with every pore of my being. UGHHH! And aside from looking for a new job, there's nothing more I can do.
Perhaps waiting tables may not be such a bad idea after all, in the interim of all this madness. Is your restaurant currently hiring? :)
Wednesday, July 17, 2002 at 23:32:05 (PDT)
I've once been an intern-type person in an overwhelmingly female (lawyers mostly) workplace. (I'm being very careful not to give any hints.)
I received several subtle and not-so-subtle advances from the women, some of whom were much older than I. I couldn't do much about unwanted attention, touching, calling me "hon", etc., because I liked the place for other reasons and I felt that I needed some experience on my resume. It was only for a few months anyway. If I made any complaint, I would not have been believed anyway because the women dominated the place all the way up to the top. I did excellent work there, and as long as I kept quiet I would have received good review and recommendation.
So it goes both ways. Sometimes men have it harder because they are less likely to be believed or sympathized with.
Women harrass just the same   
Wednesday, July 17, 2002 at 21:28:09 (PDT)
"What firms are you referring to that hire a lot of Asian women but few Asian men?"
Firms like Latham, Gibson, Brobeck, Cooley, and a host of other CA firms are notorious for this. It's a well known fact that the Asian women in the West Coast offices of Latham get the good work.
A/HL Grad   
Wednesday, July 17, 2002 at 17:58:50 (PDT)
Political Observer:
Does that include white women also? No wonder they get hired over white men and dominate business!
Open-minded Person   
Wednesday, July 17, 2002 at 15:45:58 (PDT)
I've worked in a large East Coast law firm for almost three years and have never experienced sexual harassment or racism at work.
Dizzy Miss Lizzie,
What firms are you referring to that hire a lot of Asian women but few Asian men? I have never heard of this phenomenon. Is it more common in any particular geographical area?
Wednesday, July 17, 2002 at 15:24:30 (PDT)
Political Observer,
I don't think pros of women in the work force in universal. What about the archtype insecure women in the work force, who needs to over extert her authority and are labelled as "ball busters." And there are those that are labelled as "sleeping their way to the top."
I'm just pointing out good co-workers are independent of their sex.
AC Dropout   
Wednesday, July 17, 2002 at 12:07:25 (PDT)
Political Observer,
You do have a point there. Some firms do hire more women in general. But I do see a fair number of firms, mine included, that hire a disproportionate number of white men and Asian women. (Disproportionate to the applicant pool.)
I agree that you cannot lump every firm in one category. My friend is in a firm that is just filled with women and she enjoys it. I think the key is to count the numbers at each firm. This will help a potential applicant get an idea of what is going on. Also, look at retention. It is one thing to hire, but another thing to keep and mentor.
Unfortunately, I am not an isolated case. I have friends who have had similar experiences.
A/HL Grad,
The firm is in the Bay Area. But for many reasons I shouldn't post its name. (Initials would be too obvious. I'm sorry that I am a bit of chicken right now.) However every decent sized firm has a web site, listing partners and associates. Go to these sites and count the numbers. And don't be afraid about asking the firms about this. If they deny you a job as a result of such inquiries, then you may be better off. What do you think would be your long term prospects in such a firm, anyway?
I've learned the hard way that in the long run, you're career is most dependent on people and going to a place that makes you feel comfortable and respects you, with an emphasis on the respect. Maybe, some women can subvert this respect requirement (and many do or do not realize they are doing so), but, for better or worse, I cannot.
Dizzy Miss Lizzie   
Wednesday, July 17, 2002 at 08:59:39 (PDT)
If you really need a car, try lease to own. It's more expensive in the long run, but the down payment is much lower. Or get a used car through a certified dealer. Make sure they provide a guarantee in writing so that they will take responsibility for any defects.
As far as owning your own home, you could get a condo, which has a much lower down payment than a house. The monthly payments are reasonable, too.I know someone who is paying less than $1000/month. Most people don't have houses by the time they're 26.
If you're dissatisfied with your job, try a temp agency.
Wednesday, July 17, 2002 at 00:24:01 (PDT)
Dizzy Miss Lizzie:
"My advice is be careful about any firms that hire a lot of Asian women but few Asian men."
Very true statement. There are firms who have reputations for having hot Asian women and no Asian men. The problem is, most of the Asian women are white-washed into thinking that this is somehow progressive and shows how far they have come.
Can you tell us what the firm was (or perhaps just the initials)? If they were Valley firms, at least take comfort in knowing that they are mostly going under now.
A/HL Grad   
Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 18:21:50 (PDT)
Dizzy Miss Lizzie,
you wrote "My advice is be careful about any firms that hire a lot of Asian women but few Asian men. It may seem like they are enlightened, but they may not be so."
There are some dogs out there without a question, however, I would tend to disagree slightly.
In general, women are easier to work with. As a man I can tell you that regardless of race it's easier to work with women because they work harder, see the practical side of aspects, and are easier to troubleshoot problems with. Men tend to be more arrogant and subborn (example, some of the guys on this board). I'm a pretty open-minded person, but you also have to look at the practical side of things too.
Political Observer   
Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 15:31:15 (PDT)