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Which of the following professions generally enjoys the most prestige among Asian Americans?
Doctor |
Corporate Executive |
Lawyer |
IT Engineer |
Investment Broker |
Which of the following professions produces the least fulfillment for AA?
Doctor |
Corporate Executive |
Lawyer |
IT Engineer |
Investment Broker |
Which of the following would be your dream career?
Pop Star |
Novelist |
Film Director |
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Actor |
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I absolutely agree that one should not flirt or date your boss. There is not a piece of ass out there worth your job, let alone one's career. The thrill may be good for a while but once the thrill is gone you are in big trouble.
Things have a tedency to turn for the worse at the worst of times. God help you if you've just purchased a house or bought a brand new car. Oh and yea, what about the student loan you have to pay back.
I'm telling you the sex is not worth it.
Although this goes for any race. NOT JUST WHITE GUYS. There are dogs of all races, white and black and everyone else.
You have to protect your career, personal interests and your abiity to provide for yourself and your family.
Political Observer   
Wednesday, July 31, 2002 at 20:53:32 (PDT)
C, race isn't usually an issue in office politics and the love connection. You being Asian probably had little to do with your particular outcome. Now, you being of lesser rank, and a woman at that, probably had everything to do with it. Makes you think twice about office romances. From what I've seen, those who hold more value for the company usually come out the winners.
former paralegal turned bum   
Wednesday, July 31, 2002 at 17:55:34 (PDT)
I was merely hypothesizing, but you may offer personal observations on this issue.
By BIGLAW, I meant a large law firm. You stated on a previous post that you work at a large East Coast law firm.
Both the feminine and masculine qualities have value in professional organizations. Unfortunately (for men), at the associate level, at least, women have the advantage of fitting better into a large organizational structure; perhaps the male attributes confer greater advantage at the partner level where rain-making ability becomes more critical. (At the same time, I've seen many aggressive and successful saleswomen.)
I hope to see someday, predominantly Asian law firms, that are more sensitive and appreciative of the Asian culture and the outstanding qualities of the Asian professionals, male or female ...It's not a mere fantasy. Many law firms are heavily Jewish; why couldn't Asians found heavily Asian law firms that can compete in the legal marketplace?
Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 19:29:17 (PDT)
Do not date your boss in a law firm, espcially if he's white. It is not worth it!!! No matter how smart you think you are, no matter how mature you think you are. You cannot know what doing so can do to you. That is because the partner has more experience in the tricks of the trade and has complete power over you. If something goes wrong, do you think everyone will listen to him or you an Asian woman. Believe me, I learned the hard way through experience. Don't make the same mistake.
Things may seem fine when you are dating. But everything can come to an end. And when it does everything can fall apart. Basically no one in the firm (or many other firms) were willing to listen to my side or take my side. In dating this guy, I alienated many Asian Americans, so they were loathe to help me. So I ended up completely alone. If it weren't for some kind Asian American men and women, I would have had no one.
The only positive I can garner from this experience is that it helped me re-connect with the Asian American community. I learned who I am and I think in the process develop a newfound respect for myself.
Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 14:42:29 (PDT)
The Asian male applicants I have seen have been clearly SMARTER too than their counterparts.
Bay Area Lawyer   
Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 07:13:09 (PDT)
What kind of offensive garbage are you spouting. You're stereotyping is offensive and ignorant. You say that AM have slower emotional development because of biology? Are you a developmental biologist? What biology? Where's your proof? Maybe it's because AM are oppressed when growing up , there development is delayed.
You know it's ignorant people who make ignorant statements with no proof that cause problems.
Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 07:11:57 (PDT)
A stereotype is primarily a negative portroyal of a race/ethnic group which normally leads to ridicule, denegration, and/or disenfranchisement.
A generalization can be physical traits, common social or religious attributes and/or behavioral patterns which can either lead to disenfranchisement/exclusion or a better understanding or socio-political/socio-economic facilitation.
Stereotypes rarely feed constructive thinking and make positive social arrangements.
Generalizations can - if provided credible information and if used appropriately - lead one to better understand individuals, groups and cope with people who don't necessarily think the way you do. The key words here are "if used appropriately". There are ALWAYS exceptions.
"In general, woman are better problem solvers, can move discussions along more smoothly and are less likely to fight when other alternatives are available."
I maintain that this is a fair generalization. Reason being, since many women lack the physical attributes and mental aggressiveness of men, they tend to find less provocative and, thereby, more constructive means to solve problems and resolve conflicts.
"Women have a knack for detecting other partys' true intentions. It's in their nature."
Again, I maintain that this is a fair generalization. Women are more inquisive when it comes to personal and professional matters. They share information amongst themselves more often. They have a tendency to ask what men normally consider meaningless questions. Also, people often relay signs and provide minor details (bits of a puzzle) when they are bargaining and when under stress. Subtle things like these finds there way into women's thinking and conversations and provide them an edge when putting the whole picture together.
Keep in mind, this is based on my personal observations.
Geoff DB GeoffDB02@aol.com   
Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 02:18:23 (PDT)
I wonder if we will eventually see more men in solo practitioner and prosecutorial career tracks and more women in law firms? It will be interesting to see what happens. It will also be interesting to see whether the personal qualities that make an individual better suited to be a law firm associate than a solo or prosecutor also make that person better suited to be a law firm partner than a solo or prosecutor.
What's "the BIGLAW"?
Monday, July 29, 2002 at 12:35:51 (PDT)