Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which of the following forms of non-sports recreation do you most regularly enjoy?
Watching Movies/Videos |
Reading |
Attending Concerts/Plays |
Surfing the Web |
Dancing |
Gambling |
Watching TV/Couch Potatoing |
Playing/Listening to Music |
Clubbing/bar-hopping |
Other |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
I like to go horseback riding.
I live in Indiana.
Beijing Angelique   
Friday, March 22, 2002 at 21:03:12 (PST)
i like to play the piano...it's a no brainer for dumber days.
Thursday, March 21, 2002 at 19:58:26 (PST)
I would expect that you are one walking disease bag. ick.
Sunday, February 24, 2002 at 05:17:40 (PST)
I enjoy clubbing (asian clubs in NYC), bars, movies, gaming (PC games (starcraft Brood Wars, Asherons' Call, AoE), investing/researching stocks. and of course hanging out with friends and meeting new people (esp. women) :)
cliff reddawg317@yahoo.com   
Tuesday, November 13, 2001 at 11:19:14 (PST)
sex, movies, sex, eatingout, sex, traveling,sex, sex in the car, sex on the beach, sex in the bathroom, sex in the movie theatres, sex on a pool table.
did i foget to mention sex!
Thursday, July 19, 2001 at 17:01:10 (PDT)
hm non-sports?
I like breakdancing, although i'm getting too old for it =þ, rockclimbing, blading, watching movies.
But I also love the arts. Painting is really fun, I wish i had more time to do them, sketching and computer animation is also quite fun. bad for the wrist tho =[
Oh and my car has recently been taking up much of my spare time on the weekends. (why do things keep breaking!!)
Friday, July 13, 2001 at 21:43:07 (PDT)
I Don't like anything involving too much physicle . My hobby is painting potery & making craft and I do alot of Oil painting as well.
I do anything that keep my mind active.
I enjoy going to various activist events that increase awareness of important local, state national, & global issues.
Protesting the Texas State Aquarium (www.tsaboycott.com), circus, Burger King (www.murderking.com), fur & meat industries, Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo, and vivisectors in the Texas Medical Center with the Houston Animal Rights Team (www.houstonanimalrights.com).
It's cool to save lives. Go vegan(!) and say no to exploitation of your fellow Earthlings!
Alma Black Veggie - cherishedspirit@hotmail.com
Sex, traveling, dancing, listening to music, reading, going to museums, going to the movies (I'm a real film buff) and hanging out with my friends in a coffee shop, shooting the breeze...these are my amusements in life.
Girlie Love
I LOVE dancing!!! Dancing at parties is the funnest thing in the World. The songs they play at dances and clubs are ones that I wouldn't usually listen to, like hip-hop. I usually just listen to R&B and alternative music.
I like reading good books, too. Most of my friends hate spending time in bookstores, but I like to.
---Toisan girl
No Kidding!!!...East Asians are some of the most compulsive gamblers I've seen.....
What about Casino gambling? I'm an AM in Houston, TX. I go to the Casino's at Lake Charles and Coushatta in Louisiana every month, and about 1/3 of the place is filled with Chinese and Vietnamese folks playing craps, blackjack--you name it! I love betting!
Laughing Asian Guy
Tap Dancing! It's not a sport, but it's exercise & it feels great.
'Tony Wing Wannabe'
Favorite past times : studying at home and comparing notes with friends from class, doing homework. reading books and staring at the wall for five hours sometimes if i am bored and have nothing to do. that's all. i don't go out much. hmm...well maybe i would if i had any friends. problem is---i have no friends besides classmates whom i compare notes with. --nerdybabe
I don't do sports---I hate it.
My favorite past time is having sex, sex and more sex!
I can eat anything except for American fastfoods, and Chinese food---too fatty and oily. AF, 19
Movies at the Cinema or home theater. A big screen with surround sound and a lot of bass really enhances a nice DVD flick.
Reading keeps your mind active and relaxes you at the same time.
music: instruments, singing, noraebang, deejaying or else just listening to it.
Sex with a black female