

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

How did you meet the love of your life?
School, college or grad/professional school | 30%
At work | 25%
Through friends or family | 27%
Online | 10%
Other | 8%

Which of the following was the most important factor in convincing you that s/he was the love of your life?
It was just love at first sight. | 26%
We share an interest in so many things. | 23%
S/he seems to understand me better than anyone I met. | 20%
I came to admire her/his character and integrity. | 31%

Which of the following poses the biggest challenge to staying together?
Being taken for granted | 35%
Temperamental differences | 23%
Cultural differences | 13%
Desire for sexual variety | 1%
Our age difference | 14%
Long-distance romance | 14%

This poll is closed to new input.
Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Definitely boredom!!!
may    Saturday, November 02, 2002 at 22:32:56 (PST)
WonderWoman, I'm not saying that truth is based solely on my own experiences. I'm just trying to say that people don't always follow the stereotypes that others have made for them. While I find this site interesting for many reasons, I also find it overwhelmed with steorotyping and statements like "so and so behave this way etc." - which may be the case for some people that fall into that group, but certainly not all (and in some cases, not even a majority). Everybody would get along better if they didn't assume that people all fit into a certain stereotype based on their nationality, race, religion, or whatever.
Me    Friday, April 05, 2002 at 11:02:58 (PST)
I think Japanese femme hits it right on the spot. While Japan has excelled in a number of areas such as technology, education, and the arts, the society itself certainly has a number of issues it needs to contend with (teenage prostitution, growing extreme materialism, a rampant desire to emulate anything western, dangerous (physically and morally) plastic surgeries...the list goes on and on). The problem that arises is that foreigners tend to believe stereotypes and are unexposed to and/or block out history, real social phenomena, and the truth behind the glossy sheen of "submissive" women, "sex-crazed" people, and "demure" and "pure" cultures. Whatever the culture (Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Thai, etc.), we need to be able to break the barriers of stereotypes and educate not only our Asian brothers and sisters, but the rest of world on the increasingly disturbing trends going on in Asia with respect to marketing/materialism, loss of true ethnic identities by way of rampant plastic surgery and cosmetics, and a general ebbing of confucian philosophy. The loss of these core values and authentic ethnic pride will surely result in an Asia unlike that of our parents' and grandparents' era, and will more likely mirror European looks and mimic American consumerism. Ask yourselves if this is what Grandpa envisioned the future to be.

And regarding ME's comments, don't assume that just because you happened to have been embraced by your Japanese in-laws immediately, that this is typical. While I'm fortunate that I wasn't born into a burqua, perhaps you too should consider yourself lucky that YOU were one of the very few foreign men who are happily accepted into an Asian family, particularly a Japanese family. Perhaps the biggest mistake people make is thinking the truth is based solely on their own experiences.
WonderWoman    Thursday, April 04, 2002 at 22:54:53 (PST)