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In contests between athletes from Asia and U.S. athletes, for whom do you root most often?
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Athletes from Asia |
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I generally like to see Asian atheletes and Asian-American atheletes do well at the Olympics
Thursday, February 28, 2002 at 16:28:42 (PST)
"Look, let's not start throwing out accusations of racism casually. It demeans both this board and real acts of racism/color bias."
Go to NBC and ask for the commentary on Seoul Olympics, figure skating. Peggy would be consistently playing up Katrina Witt before Debbie Thomas fell. Secondly, do you really believe that judges who fix scores (are ant-Canadian, anti-Russian or whatever) and who all happen to be white, and probably have not seen a black person before leaving Eastern Europe are going to be fair to black skaters? Or, do you really believe that the white American judge would try to lobby for a black skater, if corruption is indeed the way of life in figure skating judging? I do some business with global financial institutions. They fix and wire jobs there...to this day, the American Rep has always lobbied for white Americans and not once for any minority. This happens in a global institution. What do you think happens in figure skating which is now marred by scandal?
Thursday, February 28, 2002 at 11:05:51 (PST)
"Jamie Sale (Canada pairs)"
Uhh... lazy eyes aren't my thing.
"Michelle Kwan"
End of conversation.
"You are way off the mark regarding Michelle Kwan. You have absolutely no clue about figure skating and Kwan's status within it. She is regarded as one of the best, 6 U.S titles and 4 world titles. That is not the record of a "choke" artist. BTW, she did not "choke" back in Nagano. She skated clean but apparently the judges didn't think it was good enough."
Ooookaaay. So are you an expert? What you just described IS THE DEFINITION of a CHOKE ARTIST! Winning the small ones, but never the big one is EXACTLY what a CHOKE ARTIST is! Maybe YOU should learn more about sports in general before opening your hole. And who's talking about Nagano? Your name isn't Guy Pierce, so I don't think you rode in the Time Machine.
"If you think Julie Chu is hot, then I think you should come up with a list of the hottest Olympic guys. Can a female hockey player (especially an American one) really be considered hot?"
What's wrong with tough, athletic girls? I guess you are one of those prissy little toothpick Asian boys who are afraid they might get their ass kicked by a girl, huh?
TSJ Eric@KristinKreuk.net   
Wednesday, February 27, 2002 at 21:10:49 (PST)
"I think it is mostly AMs not being aggressive enough."
That sounds like something I read in a socialogical paper at the Pres. Ford Library during his term. Sounds more like projection and BS to me. In the case of Michelle Kwan if there were equal amount of Asian and Whites at the hockey ring at 5am in the morning and she decided to date a white guy, I would be suspicious also. But giving the fact that early morning on the ice rink are usually set aside for figure skater and hockey player. That hockey is not very popular in the asian community, well there not much to say. She a young women that needs to date someone.
Now if I met her and she started say stuff like "Asian men will never suceed in figure skating, only asian women...blah blah. And white men are better in bed...blah blah" I will be the first on the "Michelle Kwan is a sellout" line. But she has not presented any evidence to the contrary.
AC dropout   
Wednesday, February 27, 2002 at 15:24:16 (PST)
>>>I think the other two WASPS, Peggy Fleming and Dorothy Hamhill were really very happy that a fellow WASP female won. Back in 1988, Peggy Fleming had a clear bias towards Katrina Witt and against African American Debbie Thomas>>>
wow, that's a pretty explosive statement on your part and I'm still waiting for the evidence. Dorothy Hamill made an effort to console Michelle Kwan after the figure skating competition. And all of the NBC commentators agreed that, despite not winning an Olympic gold, Michelle Kwan still ranks as one of the best skaters this country has ever produced by the fact that she dominated national and world competitions for almost a decade. Furthermore, I've never heard anyone (other than yourself) accuse either Peggy Fleming or Dorothy Hamill of being a racist. If you have any credible evidence, please present it. And as for Fleming's "bias" towards Katarina Witt, well, that's easily explained by the fact that Katarina was a far better skater. As you yourself said, Debbie fell twice during the final. Katarina didn't--her performance outshone everybody else that year, including Debbie's. I'm about as big a supporter of U.S. athletes as you'll ever find, but I remember Katarina's performance as far superior to Debbie Thomas's and don't begrudge her the gold at all. She earned it.
Look, let's not start throwing out accusations of racism casually. It demeans both this board and real acts of racism/color bias.
A little more perspective on things, please.   
Wednesday, February 27, 2002 at 13:39:19 (PST)
"I think the race of the boyfriend will always always ALWAYS matter when it comes to high profile Asian women simply because almost no high profile Asian women date within their race."
Ming Na Wen.
Asian American Male   
Wednesday, February 27, 2002 at 11:24:54 (PST)
"But almost all famous Asian American females (atheltes, actress, politicians) are with white guys, then this is an concern for Asian American community."
Just like famous African American males are with white women.
"The imbalance of interracial dating is so prevalent, I do not need to repeat it here."
The same situation with African American women.
"But, as far as I could seem, even for an average AF, she gets hit on by non asian guys more than AMs."
Some of those guys are looking for her money...of course, not the hockey players.
"Most AMs (on average) are not aggressive in asking a girl out. Do you agree? I don't think the interraicial dating imbalance is caused by the media, I think it is mostly AMs not being aggressive enough."
It is a cultural issue.
Of course, for wanting to be white wannanbes, no one can beat the Arab American women...especially ones with fair skin.
Arab American   
Wednesday, February 27, 2002 at 11:23:18 (PST)