

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

In contests between athletes from Asia and U.S. athletes, for whom do you root most often?
U.S. Athletes | 26%
Athletes from Asia | 48%
The underdog | 14%
Varies with event and nationality | 12%

What factor is most important in your desire to root for athletes from Asia?
Racial identification | 42%
Nationalistic Feelings | 7%
Scarcity of visible Asian figures in the U.S. | 51%

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Kimchi u.y.a.,

If you honestly feel that way about America, then why do you waste your time living here????????????
Native-American    Friday, June 28, 2002 at 23:08:34 (PDT)
Just because I live in Chicago doesn't mean I have to be a Bulls fan, right? I mean, I can like the Lakers if I want. So what the F_**.
AM    Thursday, June 27, 2002 at 21:31:52 (PDT)
oh, and what country might that be?? and do you own it or something, like white americans own america? or maybe i own america. so why don't you stick that where the sun don't shine...

and yes i do live in the US, so what?? i'm glad it upsets you. 'cause you need it.

BTW i will be rootin' for deutschland in the world cup, as i've been doing with the exception of its match with corea. i have more respect for them in my toe-nail clippings than i ever will of americans. and i'll also be supporting turkey, and of course corea for third place. but america?? heeeeell no. LOL.

i hope you don't pop a blood vessel or anything. ta. ta.
kimchi u.y.a.    Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 12:31:10 (PDT)
TO kimchi up yer a$$
i hope you dun live in the USA...cause if you complain about my country like that you need to get out and live in Korea. Besides....Korea lost to Germany and tied with USA. So you guys couldnt win over us. -______-;;
annoyed    Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 08:12:42 (PDT)
yea and "Corea" lost WOrld Cup -___-;;
annoyed    Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 08:06:56 (PDT)
To Asian-American Educated:

You wrote,

"Just take a look at baseball in the U.S. The popular saying around my town is: "Only if we knew what we know now 20 years ago," making a reference to the Asian baseball players coming over to the U.S., competing and surpassing White, Black, and Hispanic players.

It's really too bad that American Born Asians (ABAs), growing up in the U.S., aren't given equal chance in American junior sports, as they grow up, thinking that they are capped from becoming successful later in life, which isn't true and will be proven false as history ticks on."
Well, take a good look at the World Cup. It looks like you're right. As history ticks on, Asians are proving themselves in every possible area of interest.


Corea with a "C"    Friday, June 21, 2002 at 12:08:01 (PDT)
California??? No wonder you're rootin' for the US Team. Why don't we change places for a while. You can move up here, to Washington, and I can move down there. OK? hehe. Sounds like things are purdy good for asians down there, No? (of course just speaking of the "appearance of being asian", which a lot of people seem to have trouble getting over. sad.)

Man, I'm confused, we have this asian governor and sh*t, and yet I faced more bigots here than anywhere else. What's going on here, Am I missing something?? I don't get it.

Hmmmm, I'm not quite sure I qualify as an FOB either.
kimchi u.y.a.    Tuesday, June 11, 2002 at 23:20:14 (PDT)
I would NEVER root for the US team for anything. period.

Yeah, and I also noticed three black players on the U.S. soccer team, and they still couldn't win over Korea??? LOL. Someone must be crying in their corn flakes right now :-)

America is still one big joke. They have labored extra diligently at earning my disrepect.

kimchi up yer ass!!! especially for you, mr. "get over it"    Tuesday, June 11, 2002 at 00:18:55 (PDT)
USA baby. By your poll results there are more FOB's on this site than anyone else. I never even considered rooting for anyone, but my home team USA. I respect the FOB's right to root for there homeland, but don't expect the same of your great grandkids.
JA california    Monday, June 10, 2002 at 10:55:06 (PDT)