

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

In contests between athletes from Asia and U.S. athletes, for whom do you root most often?
U.S. Athletes | 26%
Athletes from Asia | 48%
The underdog | 14%
Varies with event and nationality | 12%

What factor is most important in your desire to root for athletes from Asia?
Racial identification | 42%
Nationalistic Feelings | 7%
Scarcity of visible Asian figures in the U.S. | 51%

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Native American,

I forgot to answer your question, again, my bad.

I live in america, 'cause that is what I was raised as. And also to earn my peso a day, and provide my cheap-s*** high-tech services to bigot employers who'd rather employ white crank-heads. I love expending a part of myself and going the extra mile, and working after work so a bunch of white people can work less, earn more and drink themselves to a stuper after work.

I feel I've literally worked harder to get less, Is this capitalism? Hell, this isn't even communism, pal. This is what happens when you work for a bunch of white racists, Which America loves so much. So why shouldn't I lay the blame on the benefactors? The very people who kick you in the face and then expect you to wave their face, typical.

And go back? To what? To get stepped on by fellow Koreans? Maybe I should, at least I would get stepped on by someone who looks different for a change. Why the hell did I get dragged over here in the first place? No, I've earned the right to trash talk and bad mouth this country. So what's wrong with that? No better time than now to do it, but I'd rather kick america in its face while it's kissing up to me :-)
kimchi u.y.a.    Sunday, July 07, 2002 at 20:45:51 (PDT)
And Whatever,

I suppose being average intelligence is quite easy, when people chop you off the knees as much as they do, even when you do the job for 'em they can't do for themselves. Kinda like the saying: "Does a tree make a sound, when it falls in the woods?" You won't believe how hard people tried to see me as an idiot. They tried sooooooo hard, as if their lives counted on it or something. And I also suppose, being in Brazil, it shouldn't be too difficult sucking up to america and thinking it's great 'cause 'we' have a PR dept up here that's second to none. So why do you think America is all that great, why do you care? Is your 'image' of America that 'we' peddle THAT much different than mine own? And no I didn't lose any deutschmarks or euros or whatever, I supported Germany 'cause I had a gut feeling Brazil would win :-)


I think I covered purdy much all the possibilities with you. Scratch one. Hmmm. Funny how the United States attacks countries for "harboring" terrorists. And yet it seems the United States seems to harbor its own share of bigots and asshole racist corporations and institutions itself. And all too willing to protect them and what they do. Any thought on a solution, and wouldn't that be treason? So what the hell does it mean to you what I think of America? My words are the very least it deserves, even though it deserves more, I'll drop some food off later 'cause I'm such a nice guy : ) But I suppose you have little choice but root for the 'States, so I'll go easy on you.

White kids?? haha, that's funny. But do you really wanna know about my freaking childhood, daaaamn, well here goes since you asked for it. How about having some 'kid' bash you in the back of the head with a rock, and then have his bigger brother tell you it's wrong to throw rocks before you reach over to pick one up. Has anything really changed? Anything? This more often than not is what America is all about... As American as hot dogs and apple pie. But no, I don't recall getting beat up too much by any kids, 'cause I was bigger than most. And you?
kimchi u.y.a.    Sunday, July 07, 2002 at 17:06:47 (PDT)
Hey Native, I agree!

Fo-Reelz, What person of average intelligence insults the very country that they live in???????
I mean I can understand if you lived in Zimbabwe or Mozambique, but not America!

Oh and by the way Kimchi, "Deutschland" lost tha World Cup!!! Haha!, I'll bet you lost alot of money betting on the Germs!


And What?    Sunday, July 07, 2002 at 12:12:13 (PDT)
Kimchi u.y.a.,

First off,I didn't ask you for a history lesson, and that was a pretty stupid comment. "Some white guy with 1/8 Indian blood", Because you dont even know me. I'm 100% Zuni from New Mexico.

And Secondly, That post is totally irrelevant to what I originally asked you: Why do you waist your time living here??? (simple question)

Seriously, what-ever happened to you that makes you hate America so much? Maybe when you were a little kid , white kids always used to beat you up after school.

Native-American    Saturday, July 06, 2002 at 21:24:35 (PDT)
Native American,

Do you have some land to spare for me? or did you people give it all away to the white folks? You of all people should know you're just a foreigner on your own land. Do you need someone like me to explain it to you? But then again, how much of a "native-american" are you, some white-guy with 1/8th indian blood?

I guess you suffer from some of the complexes asians suffer from if you think you country is so damn great.

And I wish they'd stop using the word Asian-American, I find that word offensive. It should be ASIAN to reflect how we're actually viewed by your bigotted country.
kimchi u.y.a.    Wednesday, July 03, 2002 at 12:25:56 (PDT)
Korea and Japan leads Asia in World Cup rankings. I predict that at this pace, they'll place 1st and 2nd in the next world cup. China is catching up. Go Asians !!!
asian_pride    Tuesday, July 02, 2002 at 19:50:04 (PDT)