Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
In contests between athletes from Asia and U.S. athletes, for whom do you root most often?
U.S. Athletes |
Athletes from Asia |
The underdog |
Varies with event and nationality |
What factor is most important in your desire to root for athletes from Asia?
Racial identification |
Nationalistic Feelings |
Scarcity of visible Asian figures in the U.S. |
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Kimchi-aka-"The Asian Al Sharpton"
"Are the ratings and rantings truly idiotic?...In light of the fact that asians have been so damn quiet all this time. And yet people wonder why asians putting up with the same shit over and over again."............Wow Reverend, that's a truly impressive speech! Why don't you stand-up and start a Nation-Wide movement, um...........like the NAAAP ( The National Association for Asian-American Peoples)
Man, your so full of it; there's s*** oozing out your ears!!! Hell, I wouldn't be suprised if you were a member of one of those stupid, ridiculous "Azn pryde gangs" when you were a teenager. I mean really, somebody as intelligent and "articulate" as you should know why anyone who lives here would think "so damn highly" of it!
BTW, That inane comment about "can't count a freaking ballot" doesn't apply to me, because I didn't live here during the 2000 Presidential Election, I barely moved here last year.
But Really, you should become a Reverend , un-less of course your one of those wierd Koreans who worships "God and Bear-Woman" (which I wouldn't doubt)
Y Que?   
Friday, July 12, 2002 at 20:36:15 (PDT)
Oh, you're from portugal? I couldn't figure that one out the first time. haha.
And what, whatever, or so what. I guess I already answered your question regarding the germany-brazil match, why would you think I'd be that pissed off about it? Besides it was a hell of a game, and both teams exhibited a high degree of sportsmanship, which the US team wouldn't know a damn thing about. I think it's ingrained into 'american' culture for, ehem, obvious reasons. So ya never answered my question, why the hell do you think so damn highly of america? of which I'm not sure florida is a part of, lol. I mean, after all, isn't that why you posted here in the first place?
And no, it should be ASIAN, not "asian-american", as I said earlier, or as you would say "fo reeelz", foo. This country hasn't done squat to warrant any kind of patriotism among asians living here, why not break the cycle... (you) give, they take, repeat as necessary. Are the rantings and ravings truly idiotic?... In light of the fact that asians have been to damn quiet all this time. And yet people wonder why asians keep putting up with the same shit over and over again.
What's up with these damn sunshine states? All these happy people loaded up on prozac or something. Gotta get away from these racist apples : )
y yo habla can't count a freaking ballot h he hehe (kimpcha : )   
Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 12:04:52 (PDT)
Hey Genius,
Did I type that post in Portugese?, No I did not, so what makes you think I'm Brazillian?????????????????? Because I said "VIVA BRAZIL!"? I just said that to piss you off because the Krauts lost.
I'm Asian -American jut like you, and I reside in Florida, y yo habla Espanol, pero no habla Portuges.
And What? C'mon kimmy, for once in your life try to keep it real   
Tuesday, July 09, 2002 at 16:51:44 (PDT)
What's so magical about California? I had a feeling about that place. Maybe, I should go there and start over. I'll be nice, I promise : )
No, if you saw the garbage they put on me to make me look bad or as a failure you'd be left speechless, I mean that shit was embarrassing. And one person did that, ONE?!? You've got to be kidding. I was a lone 'minority', so it's not like I haven't seen or heard everything. I'd say white people have some serious probs with asians, and they'll do everything under the sun to disadvantage them. Yes, I do agree about blaming failures on others, but I've usually been the one to blame myself. Hell, that's the only way to get good at anything. It's all crystal clear now.
You take your punches, but to find out that it's a rule rather than the exception, rather than vise versa, which this whole country would have you believe. And you start seeing that it's inescapable. Anguish and despair?
Sure, I'm having my fun bad-mouthing them, after all I didn't come to this site to hear what whites had to say nor do I care. But knowing what's really up, I thought I'd change tactics and air some of their dirty laundry, I owe them that much. All I know is doing nothing gives them an excuse to pull more of the same s***. Unfortunately, talking sense isn't going to get through to the ones that need it.
kimchi u.y.a.   
Tuesday, July 09, 2002 at 16:34:40 (PDT)
And What?, ?
Why the hell would I or anyone hate countries like Zimbabwe or Mozambique? Do you honestly think I dislike america or americans for what they are? or what they DO?
And Native-American, I think I've had quite a normal childhood, and more or less normal life. How could you think I've always been this way, jeeese, hehe. Do you doubt my capacity to tolerate being treated like garbage? Well, then again, some 'people' just don't know when to quit, do they? : )
kimchi u.y.a.   
Tuesday, July 09, 2002 at 03:20:01 (PDT)
Kimchi ,
We as humans have a tendancy to blame our faliures on others. (you are a fine example of this very human behavior) You can't go around like an angry hot-head blaming the "White Devil" for EVERY LITTLE THING that goes wrong in your life.(as do most NativeAmericans)
The reason most of that crap happened to you is because you let. Some white guy gives you a ration of $hit and you take it like a little b'yatch!
Just cuz I'm a Zuni , you think I stil live in New Mexico and drink my life away like the stereo-typical "Red-Indian"?-HELL NO!-I left that dump and moved to Sunny California, Which is I am succesful today. I recall you said that you live in Washington earlier, well DUH! , there alot of rascits there just like Oregon. How about moving your happy @$$ out of "The Apple State" and going somewhere else?
Monday, July 08, 2002 at 15:19:37 (PDT)