Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
In contests between athletes from Asia and U.S. athletes, for whom do you root most often?
U.S. Athletes |
Athletes from Asia |
The underdog |
Varies with event and nationality |
What factor is most important in your desire to root for athletes from Asia?
Racial identification |
Nationalistic Feelings |
Scarcity of visible Asian figures in the U.S. |
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Ain't nothing wrong with rooting for Corea, Japan, China etc... s*** man, I see so many Irish, Italians, German Americans all rooting for their respective mother countrys. I don't blindly root for Corea over USA , it all depends on the circumstances.
Go team   
Sunday, August 04, 2002 at 17:40:09 (PDT)
Actually that would be half korean, born in korea, spoke korean as a child/speak english only now, korean citizen until adulthood, but raised in the korea/US/Saudi Arabia/Germany (equal durations). With the exception of my years in the 'motherland', I was raised as American as any other, kinda... If you can make any sense out of any of that =P My non-support for any US team has a few more "facets" than a simple race issue. Part would be contempt for corporate America, historical reasons, its foreign policy, domestic policy, race policies, white attitudes/practices towards minorities (esp. asians), American media, American hypocracy, etc, etc,........., and oh yeah, they also need to pay hell up.
"How can we trust fake Americans...?" Not my problemo. It appears that the American solution would be to treat non-americans (i.e. non-whites) like garbage, then maybe they will become loyal. Oh, and when non-whites actually do things to benefit "america," it's like, "good doggy." You know, kinda like the japanese interned in WWII who "had" to fight for America, while mom and dad stayed in prison. Inspiring, is it not? K e e p. i t. u p. This country may be mixture of all kinds of races, but it is *supposed* to be white, in case you didn't notice... That is, we're not *supposed* to be here.
And I thought sports was already a race war. ?.
Here's the pecking order (from my favs to not-so-favorite teams or whatever): coreans > koreans > asians > middle east/europe/s. america/native americans/asian-ams and everyone else on the planet > um, uh, plants and animals > antarctica > "americans"
So my point is, I ain't rootin' for white americans or american whites or whateverthehell combination there of, OK. Not happenin', nada, zilch, niet, never, no way. Besides the fact that the white guy *pro'bly* has some kinda problem with asians, which isn't exactly giving me any reasons to support 'em.
cthulhu calls, kimchi answers >:->   
Saturday, August 03, 2002 at 13:09:20 (PDT)
Alot of white people can be sneaky like that, man. They are always talking about "hey, I don't care about color" blah blah blah...but when it pits a white guy vs another race no matter what
the circumstances they'll root for a whtie guy. I know alot of white guys
who would rooted for an European basketball team even over US basketball
team. Its true.
I had many white college housemates who were friends, I alwaysremember when one of them commented "what can be better watching two niggers beat each other while drinking a beer" refering to the Holyfield-Tyson fight.
Racism is ingrained in whites.   
Friday, August 02, 2002 at 20:02:58 (PDT)
Yeah, i'll admit it: i'll root for Corea. Why? Because they look like me. It's all about race. Until you get 11 Corean-American boys out there playing for the U.S. forget about it. I am more associated with Corea winning or losing among my white peers than with the U.S. winning or losing. You gave us the label so stop whining.
Plus, you whites do the same. I felt like puking with the whole Sarah Hughes/Michelle Kwan crap. Plus, I was watching kickboxing on ESPN2 and the rednecks in the audience all cheered for the white dude instead of the Asian-American guy - why? Gee, I wonder...
(btw, the Asian-American fighter won)
coreano con queso   
Wednesday, July 31, 2002 at 20:41:04 (PDT)
You should know that there are AM's in the NFL. Johnnie Morton (African father-Japanese mother) is a veteran player for the Detroit Lions, and Dat Nguyen, Vietnamese player for the Dallas Cowboys. I would not be surprised that there are AM's with athletic talents in them.
Wednesday, July 31, 2002 at 18:31:14 (PDT)
That is a foolish assumption. Rooting for a team and patroitism are independent.
That like saying if USA has another civil war you must to crazy to support any professional team south of the Mason-Dixie line.
In your provinical view of the world that would mean we would either need to support all altheles equally or none at all to be fair.
AC Dropout   
Wednesday, July 31, 2002 at 08:59:28 (PDT)
All I know is the majority of Korean Americans were rooting for Korea during the world cup. Although I consider myself a patriot, I still rooted for Korea for several reasons. First, they were an underdog team. How great is that when an underdog pulls off win after win. Secondly, I have a right to pull for other teams, and I exercise that right. For example, MY team would be the Tampa Bay Bucs, I a root for the Atlanta Falcons. My point is, your place of birth doesn't have to determine who you cheer for regardless of race. Hell, I'll cheer for a Spanish Tae Kwon Doist over a Korean any day.
Wednesday, July 31, 2002 at 07:17:24 (PDT)
Let's get this straight, you were born in the US, speak the official language-English, attend school in the US, are completely submerged in the American culture, yet you still support the Asian athlete over the American? That's like a white American rooting for a white European athlete over Michael Chang in a tennis match because of his race. In my opinion, this is racist. By thinking in this manner, sports becomes a race war. You want to prove your race is superior over another.
There is no American race. This country is a mixture of all kinds of races living together. Of course we will not always get along, but that doesn't mean you should turn your back on it and support another. During times of war, this loyalty really comes into question. How can we trust these fake Americans in a war against China or any other Asian nation? By the way, Beijing is the dirtiest city I've ever lived in.
Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 13:40:26 (PDT)