Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which San Francisco Bay area offers the best environment for Asian Americans?
Downtown SF |
East Bay |
Marin County |
South San Francisco |
What's the best thing about living in the San Francisco Bay area?
Breathtaking Scenic Beauty |
Clean Air |
Lots of Fine Chinese Restaurants |
Asians Everywhere |
Great Universities, Skiing and Wine |
What's the worst thing about living in the San Francisco Bay area?
No Summer Weather |
Perpetual Gridlock |
Too Crowded with Asians |
Shortage of Decent Housing |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
I know what you mean by assimilation, or not assimilating in this case. However, of course we assimilate to a certain degree. We have to. We all eat hamburgers, pizza, hot dogs, etc. Our coworkers are of all races. We speak English, watch English movie and TV. And, there are the ways we don't assimilate. We eat in Chinese restaurants, hang out in Chinese malls. We speak (or try to) our native language, watch Chinese movies, etc.
You are right. We don't have to assimilate. However, that's what makes it great. We can be ourselves, do what we want to do without having to adhere to any system. We get to experience different aspects of cultures from around the world, yet we go back your your own at the end of the day. You say America doesn't want us to assimilate, but what is American culture anyways? A collection of different cultures from around the world.
Back to the Chinese thing... I think you think about it too much. Most people out here really don't care what kind of Chinese you are (unless you are the hated Taiwanese). If you are Chinese, you are Chinese. Actually, I never even knew any Chinese girls until recently. Pinays have always been my favorite, so I never really cared for Chinese girls. Now, I realize what I have been missing. I met a few Chinese girls, and never even asked them what kind of Chinese they are, and even if I found out, it wouldn't change my opinion of them, unless they were Taiwanese. Then again, a snobby Taiwanese girl wouldn't even give me the time of day, so it's a moot point. I'd prefer a Canto speaking girl, but Mandarin only would be okay, I guess.
TSJ Eric@KristinKreuk.net   
Saturday, December 28, 2002 at 16:27:14 (PST)
'I'm starting to think "Ed" isn't even a real person, but short for "editor," which is a collective group of people.'
Yeah, I knew that from day one! Ed signifies the editors of this site, not a person by the name of Ed. Hahahaa....
'I disagree with your idea about Asians not assimilating. That is such a defeatist attitude. With such a mentality, we will never make any progress. '
I am not trying to be a defeatist of any sort. Mainstream America doesn't want to us to be assimilated for reasons I've mentioned, ie. competitors, rivals, changing the image of America..etc. Do we have to assimilate? Is it necessary? U ever heard stories about ABCs being failures in life because they tried to assimilate and then failed 'miserably'? In fact, many FOBs have gone far in life because they didn't 'sellout'.
Anyway, assimilation is no longer necessary in America. There as so many ethnic communities in this country that are remaining strong with their identities..ie. Muslims, Amish, Puritans, and certain Jewish groups.
'Oh yeah, Toi San girls are not so great. I for sure ain't getting with no Toi San poa. I don't know who is Hakka though, so I wouldn't be able to differentiate.'
Hahaha...Do u ask girls of their ethnicities or roots? Because I do, and since many Cantonese girls aren't good looking to begin with, a good looking one is usually Hakka.
Thursday, December 19, 2002 at 12:06:45 (PST)
Hey LSD. I posted a reply, but Ed censored it. I'm starting to think "Ed" isn't even a real person, but short for "editor," which is a collective group of people.
Anyways, I provided this link, http://www.taiwannation.com.tw/english.htm, which states that 95% of Taiwanese aren't even pure Chinese, but mixed with natives. You can read the rest for yourself. It's pretty interesting.
Oh yeah, Toi San girls are not so great. I for sure ain't getting with no Toi San poa. I don't know who is Hakka though, so I wouldn't be able to differentiate. After being in Suzhou and Shanghai, I have to admit, I am hooked. The girls there are just too damn fine, with their perfect skin tones, and bady shapes. Remember, there are Shanghainese in HK too, so that's the best of both worlds.
I disagree with your idea about Asians not assimilating. That is such a defeatist attitude. With such a mentality, we will never make any progress. Since you praise HK so much, I assume you don't plan on staying in the States. I hope to live in HK or Shanghai someday, but the US will always be home.
TSJ Eric@KristinKreuk.net   
Wednesday, December 18, 2002 at 02:05:38 (PST)
Well, let me begin the discussion again...
Hey, by all means, discover ur roots! It seems like this country doesn't have anything to offer to Asians that is worthy with the exception of money and the American dream (and this may not be the true anymore).
Ok, so maybe many of us want to assimilate into mainstream, but let me tell u, it ain't happening because the mainstream doesn't want us to assimilate. They want minorities (ie. Blacks, Latinos) to assimilate, but the Asians are the exception to the rule, due to reasons of competition and rivalry-that sort of thing.
I don't know about the current situation of the SF-Bay Area and the rest of California, but here in the East Coast, the Chinese are far from selling out. If u compared them to the Koreans and the Japanese, our communities are large, and with the huge influx of Fuchows who are now rivals to the Cantonese speakers, the Chinatowns become larger and intact, instead of rotting away.
If you think the Chinese disunity is bad, it isn't. We love to compete with one another, and the rivalries has made us dynamic and flexible, while the Koreans and Japanese are stiff and pale. But in reality, there isn't much competition between the Chinese because each group has their own set of skills and talents.
Regarding Hakkas, no one wants to be a called a Hakka, it was a derogatory term for someone who spoke a funny accented Cantonese-meaning ur not a local! I remembered my grandpa was bullied by some Toi San dudes who called him a 'Hakka lo', but the fact of the matter is, my grandpa spoke Cantonese with a slight Teochiu accent..hahaha.
Hakkas were actually the latecomers to Guangdong area who made their life in the mountains and hills, because the Cantonese already occupied the flatlands, and the Teochius took up the coastal areas. Cantonese and some Teochius dislike the Hakkas, but let me tell u, no one says ~#~! about their women. Hakka women are the most desirable when it comes to looks and personality of all of the Southern Chinese females...hahahahaha. And I think it's true because many Toi San/Cantonese and Teochiu girls I have met look like d#g# when compared to Hakka girls.
If u like Northern Chinese gals, go for the Suzhou-Shanghai types. If u like the Southern types who can speak Cantonese, definately go for the Hakka chicks.
Monday, December 16, 2002 at 08:06:30 (PST)