

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which San Francisco Bay area offers the best environment for Asian Americans?
Downtown SF | 47%
East Bay | 31%
Marin County | 8%
South San Francisco | 14%

What's the best thing about living in the San Francisco Bay area?
Breathtaking Scenic Beauty | 40%
Clean Air | 19%
Lots of Fine Chinese Restaurants | 15%
Asians Everywhere | 18%
Great Universities, Skiing and Wine | 8%

What's the worst thing about living in the San Francisco Bay area?
No Summer Weather | 12%
Perpetual Gridlock | 40%
Too Crowded with Asians | 1%
Shortage of Decent Housing | 47%

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"Actually, it is easier for the Chiu Jaus and Fukienese to assimilate with the Cantonese, Toisan in USA. At least, they manage to learn Cantonese."

Yes, this is true. It only goes to show that in America, Cantonese still rule."

Actually, the Cantonese and other Chinese need to learn about the history of the Southern Chinese and the region around HK.

This is an excerpt from a book about HK's early beginnings.

"Hong Kong's indigenous people consisted of four main ethnic groups: the Puntis, the Hakkas, the Hoklos and the Boat Dwellers. The Puntis and the Hakkas were farmers and settled in Hong Kong at different times. The Hoklos came from the coastal of southeast China and, like the Boat Dwellers, were fishermen."

Cantonese consists of the Puntis, Hakkas, Hoklos and the Tankas (boat people).
Puntis are the people who come from the 3 or 4 district areas west of HK. Toi San belongs to this category.

Hakkas are those people who live in the hills, many of them had conflicts with the Puntis throughout the history.

Hoklos are from the coastal regions. Chiu Jaus are part of this group.

Boat dwellers or Tankas live on boats, they don't come on land. Go to HK and you see these folks on boats.

What does all of this mean? Well, technically, Chiu Jaus are considered Cantonese. In fact Chiu Jau is a city in the Canton region.

In America, the Toi San use to rule, now it's the other Cantonese groups and maybe in the future, the Fujianese might overthrow us.

Btw, Hakkas and Hoklos are the main groups in Taiwan. But those act differently because they were under a separate culture than those of the Canton and HK region.

For example, Chiu Jaus have much in common with the Taiwanese in terms of origin. But the cultures are very different.

Yep, Taiwanese are rivals to the Cantonese.
LSD    Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 17:07:33 (PDT)

In the hey day Ghost Shadows, and Flying Dragon were pretty large youth organinzation. They have branches as far as Chicago and Vancover. I've never heard of them going to CA offically though.

There was a B movie called "Year of the Dragon" that was loosely based on a hit Uncle 7 ordered on local Tong member in 1985.

I've never heard of pool halls being fronts for gangs. Their kinda of low profit margin and too much hassle for a gang member to get involved in.
AC Dropout    Thursday, August 15, 2002 at 10:18:04 (PDT)
The Asian Americans from San Francisco and Hawaii are some of the more confident ones I have met (being that I am from L.A.). San Fraciscan AAs that I know also have a militant twist added. They are more caught up with activism and studies, I guess...
peace on earth    Thursday, August 15, 2002 at 00:53:02 (PDT)
" Do people find more racism in San Francisco than the east Coast? I found that although there are more Asians, there is more segregation. Some of the most racist guys I have met are from Berkeley. They refer to Asians as they would an infestation. What do people think? "

I think I'd have to say that east coast is more racist in a way that it's more in your face type. You could very well be a victim of violence based on race. Not only that but they also practice the behind closed doors and subtle type racism also. Therefore I believe they pretty much have all the bases covered.
It's interesting what you said about racists in Berkeley. The original inhabitants or 'townies' are probably the troublemakers. These folks may not even have access to UCBerkeley whereas they see Asians by the Macktruckloads attending. Therein lies the breeding ground for the seemingly disenfranchised whites who believe they should have eminent privileges. Reminds me of when Asians 'took over' Monterey Park. The disgruntled whites who took flight were all very resentful of the 'invading' Asians. But however, home prices skyrocketed, buildings and businesses sprang up, tax coffers swelled. This sleepy community came to life with all the energy of a bustling Chinatown. All in all the city and whole surrounding areas all benefitted from the influx of Asians. The adjacent cities like Alhambra, Arcadia even into Pasadena, home of the Rosebowl and Americana, all fell like dominoes. Of course many whites were feeling not a part of all this expansion and probably felt as if Attila himself was leading the charge.
But it's funny when we move in they say 'there goes the hood' yet when they move in it's called gentrification.
With these Asian newcomers moving in things started changing. It was a different breed of people.
Higher income levels replaced those modest ones in both household and per capita. Dying businesses were replaced by vibrant ones, more Mercedes and BMWs were cruising the streets than Beverly Hills itself accompanied of course by designer clothes and styles. It was a much needed shot in the arm for the whole area.
TOY SUNNER    Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 10:13:28 (PDT)
Daaaaamn!!! I wrote a long ass post, and it didn't get put on. Geez... oh well. I'll try to restate as much as I can here, if I remember what I wrote.

Ghost Shadows, Flying Dragons - I've heard of all these gangs. They are pretty big. I guess whatever goes on in NYC, people know about nationwide. Hey, is the movie, "The Corruptor," based on real life, or at least inspired by it? It's funny though because they are supposed to depict ragged Fukienese boys, but instead the actors look like Backstreet Boys wannabes, speaking perfect English and all.

There was an infamous pool hall shooting caught on tape in El Monte (LA) between Wah Ching and Azian Boyz. It was even shown on America's Most Wanted. I believe to this day, the leader of ABZ is still on the loose. And what is with pool halls being associated with Chinese gangs? Out in SF, there was this pool hall I used to hang out at, and I didn't even realize it was a gangzone until I heard about the shootings there.

"Oh well must be Fruedian, we're all just looking for our mother type of deal."

Oh yeah. This is sooo true. We may not actively search for a clone of our mom, but subconsciously, we would like to find someone like her. I mean, your mom is the first woman in your life, and she did everything for you. What kind of man wouldn't want to be with a woman like that?! Like in the movie, Baby Boy, they mention the "Oedipus Complex," where the mother takes the place of the woman. Well, until I find someone to replace her, she is.
TSJ    Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 22:42:35 (PDT)