

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which of the following is the best kept secret about the personalities of Asian American men?
Sensitive and expressive | 41%
Imaginative free thinkers | 28%
Bold and aggressive | 31%

Which of the following is the best kept secret about the sexual attitudes of Asian American men?
Progressive about gender roles | 6%
Warm and emotionally engaging | 38%
Adventurous and imaginative | 31%
Skilled at lovemaking | 25%

Which of the following is the best-kept secret about the bodies of Asian American men?
Powerful and well-muscled | 35%
Tall and gracefully built | 7%
Sexually well endowed | 31%
Hairy in the right places | 27%

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
AC Dropout Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 16:43:35 (PDT),

Don't use my tag without permission. It will only lead to confusion.
AC Dropout    Thursday, August 01, 2002 at 07:04:33 (PDT)

Tell me your Chinese zodiac and your blood type and I will play matchmaker to my imaginary little brother. ^_^

What's age got to do with anything online.
AC Dropout    Thursday, August 01, 2002 at 07:03:34 (PDT)
AC Dropout,

In response to so many girls, so little time, there are also so many diseases you can get from so many girls in so little time. Be careful. Your lifestyle can catch up to you and it just ain't worth it.
BF    Thursday, August 01, 2002 at 01:07:17 (PDT)

So, the more RELEVANT subject is the crux of this situation, eh? Did you say my roots are showing? Thank goodness for that, I'm starting to get a little bit smarter than before.

OK...which of the two...which one...decisions, decisions... Arrrrggghhh!

I would hate to make this call. Both men are sexy in their own rights. Both are very intelligent, both are charming, both are compassionate, both hold very high inborn character and integrity, and both are born leaders. The only difference is one is funny and the other one is serious.

The funny guy would keep me entertained to no end! I'd laugh all the time and get laugh-wrinkles around my eyes before I'm forty. The only tears I'd shed would be as I'm doubled up laughing over a crazy joke he cracks.

The serious guy would keep me up all night every night, picking at his brain for absolutely astounding information. I would never get bored with endless rounds of debate and discussions on philosophy, science, religion, world politics, etc.

I just don't know. Thank goodness I don't have to choose, huh, since you are one and the same cool dude (smirk).

Not unless you say I have to. And if I really really have to, then I would truly have only one choice...
MLK    Wednesday, July 31, 2002 at 21:56:02 (PDT)
french girl

ooh la la! Sorry if there's been any miscommunication. I'm a girl, just like you are. I have an older brother, if that's any help.
MLK    Wednesday, July 31, 2002 at 21:33:57 (PDT)

Well it is nice to know you think about me that much, to believe I'm two separate people. But unfortunately, I'm just one person. You don't know how I long for them to lift the ban on human cloning.

But on a lighter and more relevant subject.

Which one of the two would you be more attracted to if let say you met him at a lounge one night?

Would it be the well-informed asian male that is well versed in a number of subjects that speaks in an 'impressionistic' manner (whatever that means)?

Or would it be the infinitely playful asian male that has a punch line, a come back, and even a poem for every situation?

Perhaps that is the best kept secret of asian men...we exist from one extreme to next.
AC Dropout    Wednesday, July 31, 2002 at 15:36:14 (PDT)

Are you an asian male? If so. Could we get to know one another better?
french girl    Wednesday, July 31, 2002 at 15:11:32 (PDT)
AC Dropout,
I would rather be introduced to you, instead of your kid brother. You don't know my age. I could be too old for your kid brother, or possibly too young for him. You will have to find these things out first. Yes?

I think the best kept secrets of asian men is their ability to charm...
In a subtle innocent-coy way...
Asian men have such intrigue and beauty.
mmm...    Wednesday, July 31, 2002 at 07:13:22 (PDT)

"grinning from ear to ear and wondering how he can poke at it for some laughs."

Am I so predictable already. Must be spending too much time here.

"Only it's very hard to crush the guy. He seems to bounce back after every crushing blow, cackling "

You have some latent androngeny you want to talk about. How about a punching bag or some Tae Bo to work out some of the aggression you have there. ^_^

I could recommend kick a puppy around. It's quite the stress reliever. ^_^
AC Dropout    Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 17:09:12 (PDT)
a girl,

Why thank you. You're making me blush. But honestly I'm just a normal guy.

I'm sure you're quite a cutie yourself.
AC Dropout    Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 17:06:05 (PDT)

Although you seem to have discovered the some of the many facets of AC. It is still one individual that embodies all these qualities and experiences.

If it make you feel better all those banters were exchanged with one person, not two.

So in a witty AC reply .... You're still blonde, but some of your roots are showing. :)

Uhm, when I'm out of town I just don't post.

Further Uhm, I'm not omnipotent. What discussion with TH Lien are we talking about? TH Lien is pretty level headed guy stuck in HK. What was the topic about?

I don't know why people think I'm older because I share a few life experience. I'm about 1/3 of the way done with my time on this planet. There is so much left to do....
AC Dropout    Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 17:02:27 (PDT)
So many girls, so little time!
AC Dropout    Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 16:43:35 (PDT)