Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which of the following is the best kept secret about the personalities of Asian American men?
Sensitive and expressive |
Imaginative free thinkers |
Bold and aggressive |
Which of the following is the best kept secret about the sexual attitudes of Asian American men?
Progressive about gender roles |
Warm and emotionally engaging |
Adventurous and imaginative |
Skilled at lovemaking |
Which of the following is the best-kept secret about the bodies of Asian American men?
Powerful and well-muscled |
Tall and gracefully built |
Sexually well endowed |
Hairy in the right places |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
I was at the grocery store early in the morning. I passed by an AF who was with an AM. The AM was pushing the cart, and moved into the checkout line in which I was standing. I turned around and saw the AM give me a smile. The AF was then staring at me, and grabbed the AM's arm and pulled him to another line. She started babbling to him in chinese, about Jennifer Lopez. I thought that was rude. Unfortunately, she did not realize that I can speak fluent mandarin, and cantonese. She said that I had fake breasts and I also heard her saying mean things about me having a big Jennifer Lopez butt. I am not even hispanic, I happen to be Turkish and Iranian and tan very dark. And I don't have fake breasts, I am all natural here. She only assumed that because I am thin. But what she didn't know is that her boyfriend wants everyone. I think that woman was being too possessive. I didn't ask that guy to smile at me, he did it on his own. I bet that guy smiles at every female he sees, just to piss off his girlfriend. What a jerk
Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 13:54:05 (PDT)
I agree with the rest of the Asian guys here. There are really three reasons why Asian guys would not approach a WF.
1. The WF is ugly, fat, unattractive.
2. The WF gives the AM a snotty, conceited, racist, too good for you look.
3. The WF would pretend to be interested in the AM to get some attention, then blowing the AM off when he does try to respond.
I hope this helps.
Cautious of WFs   
Saturday, August 17, 2002 at 15:11:08 (PDT)
Are you trying to pull reverse psychology on us ? If you wrote asian
females bossed us around for too long,
you probably misunderstood about asian
females. I can't speak for other asian
countries. I'm vietnamese and traditional one. I know pretty well vietnamese females. I guess your remark might be due to the fact you met some kind of westernized, banana chicks and jumping to your conclusion.
Japanese, chinese, korean and vietnamese
are patriacal societies.
reverse psychology!   
Friday, August 16, 2002 at 20:36:29 (PDT)
FOB am,
WF is so right! LOL! AFs do run in large sheep herds carrying their prada bags. They seem afraid to be alone. I was at the Benihana 4 months ago with coworkers. At the other grill across from us was a bunch of giggling AFs. When they giggle, they sound like little schoolgirls. I have never seen WFs behave that way. WFs and AM make a wonderful match. We are both mature and classy. The best kept secrets of AM? Their ability to look past the prada bag carrying AFs.
Friday, August 16, 2002 at 12:53:11 (PDT)
"you remind me of an AM friend of mine who I guess is technically an FOP, not that it matters"
Obviously it must matter to you, otherwise you would not have made a point to bring it to mine and everyone elses attention.
"Most WFs' are very classy"
Asian women have alot more class, dignity and respect for themselves. From the White women I have met, I see it alot differently. Just because I am not so intrigued by White women, does not make me a bad guy. Its how I feel. Everyone is entitled to the way they choose. Get over it. I am more attracted to Asian women and some latinas.
FOB am   
Friday, August 16, 2002 at 09:59:15 (PDT)
Am for wf
How educated, to hate someone because nature gave them dark skin & kinky hair.
It is very sad so many Asian people show the prejudice that this person does. They assume ALL black people act a certain way. Gosh, most civilized white people at least try not to exert such primitive mindsets. They are at least aware of their racism, unlike some Asian people, who feel justified in hating another who's skin color and hair texture is different than theirs. Animals have more sense -- how many dogs are scurrying around attacking each other because they are a different fur color?
By the way, I'm a black female, and I will be proud to say that there are MANY good black men out there that aren't thugs or gangbangers. Most of the black men in my highschool are now in college majoring in medicine. Some of these are Ivy League universities, like John Hopkins. I have met more like these at my BLACK college.
Yes, I do have a Korean man on my arm (obviously he doesn't have the racist aversion to dark skin & kinky hair), but I am not dating him because of a 'lack' of good black men around -- any black woman that pursues interracial dating for this reason is fooling herself. So, here is 1 black woman that is defending black men, so that alone totally shatters your prejudiced notions.
Blacks can do whatever anyone else can   
Friday, August 16, 2002 at 06:32:16 (PDT)
you must think just because you're white, we worship you. but if you're ugly, youre ugly. white or not.
youre right about that, i cant stand the packs of underage schoolgirls with black Polo bags. i wont defend them. but for every one of those girls there is an uncultured, ignorant, britney spears wannabe white girl. so dont tell me that YOU'VE never 'run into a big gaggle of giggling' "slutty", "airhead" white girls. i know how bad that sounds, but bear with me. im just trying to prove a point. in your post when you say 'Most WFs are very classy and mature', you make it seem like AFs aren't. while im not a big fan of the most 'generation Y' (echo boomers) AFs, i can't say 'millenium generation' WFs are any different; they just have their own way of expressing their dullness.
ccAM, 21   
Thursday, August 15, 2002 at 20:34:30 (PDT)
Actually Kathleen, you may want to ask the traditional Asian wife if that is really the case.
Devil's Advocate   
Thursday, August 15, 2002 at 18:39:48 (PDT)
we're not shy, we just like pretty women
take a look at yourself   
Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 15:01:45 (PDT)
I am not shy. I will only approach a woman that I am attracted to. Most of my other friends feel the same. If no asian men are approaching you, they must not find you attractive.
22yr guy   
Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 12:50:43 (PDT)
I think many Asian men are too shy to approach White females because they are scared. Mean Asian females have probably bossed them around so much in their lifetime, they are afraid of women most of the time.
Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 08:43:56 (PDT)
FOB am,
So you're telling me you've never run into a big gaggle of giggling Asian girls? Please, I see them all the time. They go around in herds of 10 or more, too afraid to be alone or be an individual or think for themselves (ex.all have the same prada bag). Most WFs are very classy and mature, these women are the exception to the rule
Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 06:29:35 (PDT)
FOB am,
you remind me of an AM friend of mine who I guess technically is an FOP, not that it matters. He is totally unwavering and unflinching in his view of what women should and should not be. Oh and he is also without a woman for a while now not that he hasn't had dates here and there (he has a little money). As the years go by he becomes more and more encrusted in his ways. Take care you do not fall into the same trap. I'm not sure about you but he is short and fat and not much to look at. This is not an advantage in the dating game.
I think he tries to impress women with money which leads him to a lot of grief as they tend to turn sour after a while.
Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 23:50:12 (PDT)