

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which of the following is the best kept secret about the personalities of Asian American men?
Sensitive and expressive | 41%
Imaginative free thinkers | 28%
Bold and aggressive | 31%

Which of the following is the best kept secret about the sexual attitudes of Asian American men?
Progressive about gender roles | 6%
Warm and emotionally engaging | 38%
Adventurous and imaginative | 31%
Skilled at lovemaking | 25%

Which of the following is the best-kept secret about the bodies of Asian American men?
Powerful and well-muscled | 35%
Tall and gracefully built | 7%
Sexually well endowed | 31%
Hairy in the right places | 27%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]

AFs are not afraid of being alone. Do you not notice BFs or WFs hanging out together, at the mall or at the movies? Maybe your attention to the AFs is simply too overwhelming for whatever reason. If you've never met a classy and mature Asian lady, then you don't know many Asians I gather. My Asian girlfriends/buddies will put you to shame.
Cheerios    Monday, August 19, 2002 at 14:25:36 (PDT)
FOB am,

You really stop lying to yourself. You obviously don't even have the guts to approach a female.


How would you know whether I am attractive or not. You have never seen my photograph, so you are just assuming. You are probably really some AF posing as someone else, using an artificial s/n. I bet your some ugly AF with an attitude.

Hey, why don't you just go buy yourself another Prada bag and a pair of those oh-so-typical black pants.
Kathleen    Monday, August 19, 2002 at 11:59:24 (PDT)
MY responses to these:

1. The WF is ugly, fat, unattractive.
2. The WF gives the AM a snotty, conceited, racist, too good for you look.
3. The WF would pretend to be interested in the AM to get some attention, then blowing the AM off when he does try to respond.

1 -- AMEN, brotha!

2 -- This is probably the biggest thing about WFs that turns me off. Remember this ladies -- when a AM doesn't approach you (a WF) or seems distant and angry, its because we are disgusted with the haughty air that some WFs throw about themselves. I HATE stuck-up RACIST BITCHEZ, I don't care what race you are. May they take it up their asses a thousand times... hehe. I'd rather date a transvestite. Well, maybe not.

3 -- Well, sometimes WFs will do this, but all young hot chicks are cockteases and flakes. This shit transcends race. But this does tend to be the case with more WFs than non-WFs, since they tend to have overinflated egos. I often see white girls that are only slightly above average in looks act like their freakin' shit don't stink. That is also a huge, HUGE turnoff. I'd rather jerk off at home than try to hit that shit --honestly! There are plenty of other more down-to-earth girls I could be macking on. Move on... these types aren't even worth your time.

On the flip side though, I think minority males are partially to blame for this: we put blonde, blue eyed girls on a pedestal. DO NOT DO THIS. They burp, fart, and defecate in private, just like we do. Women want a real man that will put them in their place if they step out of line. They don't want a doormat or slave. As a less-PC but really honest friend of mine says, "jus' cos the hair on their pussies is an ugly-ass blonde, it doesn't make them special!!!"

I'll drink to that.
Let's be real, everyone (AM).    Monday, August 19, 2002 at 04:40:58 (PDT)

mandarin and cantonese? wow

You should've said "I'm all natural" in Chinese. Whenever Indians or Pakistanis talk about me, in an Indian/Paki store, restaurant or wherever it is, I surprise them by speaking in Hindi or Urdu. (mom's family is Chinese but from India) Most of the time they have a stupid look of embarassment on their faces.

So, where are all the beautiful women like you? I love all types of women, but I am especially mesmerized by the beauty of Indian to Middle Eastern, and Mediterranean women. I can't seem to meet any who want more than a friendship with AM, but maybe it's just me. (Well, that's not entirely true, I met a lovely Persian girl during my first year in college) Most AMs I know lust after the big breasted, blonde haired-blue eyed barbie or the curvy Latina with the plentiful rump. For that, i get "dude, Indians smell!" a lot. Morons.
jared    Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 20:14:02 (PDT)
soraya, that is too funny! Obviously that girl had low self-esteem and had to put you down in front of her boyfriend to make herself feel better. She was probably jealous of your curvy chest and butt, which she doesn't have. So FOB am, did this girl exemplify your idea of "Asian girls have a lot more class, dignity and respect for themselves?"

I think not. Saying bitchy things about someone right next to you in another language is certainly not classy.
WF    Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 19:23:00 (PDT)
Blacks can do whatever anyone else can,

Not all of us think the way "AM for WF" does. I happen to be very attracted to BFs. I do date AFs too alot. All the stuff you mentioned is definitely bad stereotypes about your culture. I don't believe in stereotyping people because I feel its wrong. I think "AM for WF" just has his own ideas, which is fine. But he does seem to limit himself alot. There are many open minded AM like myself out there, that like BF.
made in HongKong    Sunday, August 18, 2002 at 15:54:01 (PDT)