Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which of the following is the best kept secret about the personalities of Asian American men?
Sensitive and expressive |
Imaginative free thinkers |
Bold and aggressive |
Which of the following is the best kept secret about the sexual attitudes of Asian American men?
Progressive about gender roles |
Warm and emotionally engaging |
Adventurous and imaginative |
Skilled at lovemaking |
Which of the following is the best-kept secret about the bodies of Asian American men?
Powerful and well-muscled |
Tall and gracefully built |
Sexually well endowed |
Hairy in the right places |
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To be in England, in the summertime
with my love
close to the edge...
Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 21:04:11 (PDT)
WF dating AM,
that's like saying "we're bad, but asians are worse". drop the ethnocentrism, it doesn't make you look any better. as an AM i don't disagree with you; SOME AF's are snotty, but don't make it seem like one race is superior to the other. obviously you haven't met all of them, so don't draw conclusions. as an outsider, you will never fully understand us, but in any culture it's safer to say that there are SOME rotten eggs. this also applies to 'Let's be real, everyone (AM)'
Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 19:09:34 (PDT)
WF dating AM,
NO. You are wrong. i am *not* insecure. i date regularly, and have sex regularly too. with a variety of ethnicities of women. i do just fine, lady. i don't claim that all the snottiness come from just wfs, you're right about that at least. afs can be just as snotty. however, i was just refering to examples of white bitches.
let me make one thing abumdantly clear:
by putting women "in their place", i mean that women have in the last 20 years or so abused their improved position in society (brought about by the feminist movement). i 100% believe that women deserve an equal standing in society as men. but no more. men have become castrated by all this pc crap, and some women choose to exploit it. it's just like minorities crying "racist!" over the smallest, unintentional infraction. it's bs. some women think that they are better than some men b/c they are good looking. i say put them in their place, which is right next to us. not above, not below, but right beside us. some women think they are better than other men b/c they are white. again, i say put them in their place. i strongly believe in equality, but not at the expense of male dignity.
Lets be real.   
Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 15:19:40 (PDT)
WF dating AM,
LOL! Its sooo true! They are all running around carrying fake prada bags! LOL!
But you forgot to mention the 'black pants' to match! LOL! Come on, whats with those black pants? Whats that about?
"Your the reason why we don't approach many WFs'." <--- cry me a river!lol!
What "WE" are you talking about here. Its more like "YOU". I think maybe you have a problem approaching any women at all. Sounds like a little inferiority complex or something, with you -vs- ALL WOMEN.
Good Looking Asian Male;
Sorry babe but I'm taken :(
We can still be email pals if you'd like? Just present your e-address and we can keep in touch.
Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 13:35:46 (PDT)
Made in Hong Kong,
You know, I don't even care about him not choosing to date black women if his heart is truly, geninuely attracted to white woman. But just because you date another race doesn't mean you have a license to denigrate blacks; nobody has that right. He is exerting the 'I'm better than you because my hair is straight and my skin is closer to white than yours' attitude prevelant among too many Asians. Not all are like this, but he is one of millions that are. And the odd thing about it, you would think with Asian men being ridiculed by the media in regards to the 'penis myth' that they would be more compassionate to the plight of blacks. So many aren't -- they are just making the cycle of racism worse with their cold-hearted prejudice.
Blacks can do whatever anyone else can   
Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 13:12:58 (PDT)
MY responses to these:
1. The WF is ugly, fat, unattractive.
2. The WF gives the AM a snotty, conceited, racist, too good for you look.
3. The WF would pretend to be interested in the AM to get some attention, then blowing the AM off when he does try to respond.
1 -- AMEN, brotha!
2 -- This is probably the biggest thing about WFs that turns me off. Remember this ladies -- when a AM doesn't approach you (a WF) or seems distant and angry, its because we are disgusted with the haughty air that some WFs throw about themselves. I HATE stuck-up RACIST BITCHEZ, I don't care what race you are. May they take it up their asses a thousand times... hehe. I'd rather date a transvestite. Well, maybe not.
3 -- Well, sometimes WFs will do this, but all young hot chicks are cockteases and flakes. This s*** transcends race. But this does tend to be the case with more WFs than non-WFs, since they tend to have overinflated egos. I often see white girls that are only slightly above average in looks act like their freakin' shit don't stink. That is also a huge, HUGE turnoff. I'd rather jerk off at home than try to hit that shit --honestly! There are plenty of other more down-to-earth girls I could be macking on. Move on... these types aren't even worth your time.
On the flip side though, I think minority males are partially to blame for this: we put blonde, blue eyed girls on a pedestal. DO NOT DO THIS. They burp, fart, and defecate in private, just like we do. Women want a real man that will put them in their place if they step out of line. They don't want a doormat or slave. As a less-PC but really honest friend of mine says, "jus' cos the hair on their pussies is an ugly-ass blonde, it doesn't make them special!!!"
I'll drink to that.
Let's be real, everyone (AM-THANK YOU!   
Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 12:04:15 (PDT)
WF dating AM,
Ą§..found it to be the case that MANY MORE AFs think they s*** don't stinkĄ§
sadly, the most of the asian-AMERICAN girls Ią„ve met are like that. I've met FOBs, asians-europeans, and asian-latinos and they're attitudes are completely different.
Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 06:45:03 (PDT)
Let's be real everyone (AM)
Okay, SOME WF's can be racist and can have overinflated egos. SOME. But I have ALWAYS found it to be the case that MANY MORE AFs think they s*** don't stink. If you don't believe me ask a lot of other AMs around here, they will agree that even the ugliest of AFs are snotty.
A real man doesn't need to "put a woman in her place". You sound quite insecure.
Kathleen- you're too funny. BTW most of those Prada bags are fakes from Hong Kong.
WF dating AM   
Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 06:32:35 (PDT)
"You really stop lying to yourself. You obviously don't even have the guts to approach a female"
Kathleen, When are we ever gonna hook up? I think we're right for each other. Your posts kind of intrigue me and I'd like to get to know you better.
Good Looking Asian Male   
Monday, August 19, 2002 at 22:38:45 (PDT)
YOU are exactly why we don't approach many WFs
your ignorance and attitude smells like s***
Monday, August 19, 2002 at 16:52:51 (PDT)
kathleen kathleen,
i hit a nerve huh?
i said IF you're ugly, IF
but you're probably a dime a dozen nordic goddess, feel better now?
ccAM, 21   
Monday, August 19, 2002 at 15:53:18 (PDT)