Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which of the following is the best kept secret about the personalities of Asian American men?
Sensitive and expressive |
Imaginative free thinkers |
Bold and aggressive |
Which of the following is the best kept secret about the sexual attitudes of Asian American men?
Progressive about gender roles |
Warm and emotionally engaging |
Adventurous and imaginative |
Skilled at lovemaking |
Which of the following is the best-kept secret about the bodies of Asian American men?
Powerful and well-muscled |
Tall and gracefully built |
Sexually well endowed |
Hairy in the right places |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Yes, it is absolutely true. Go to your local Asian supermarket and purchase your very own Asian male. I hear they're on sale for only $99.99 this week. =P
There are many ancient sexual manuals from Asia (India, China, etc.), but jeez... every man is an individual. Some are more hung than some black pornstars, some can f*** like nobody can, some suck in bed.... it depends on the Asian man.
Use common sense.   
Thursday, October 17, 2002 at 22:28:55 (PDT)
Is it true that AM are skilled in the bedroom as an art form? Especially chinese men? sort of like the karma sutra or something? This is something that I overheard someone speaking about, and I am very curious. I also heard the same thing about Southeast Asia, Rangoon and places like that. Is it true?
Monday, October 14, 2002 at 10:11:38 (PDT)
I like Asian guys. They are charming and hot, but I think majority of them just go for the skinny ones who dresses sexy all the time. I adore hilarious guys, and, first and foremost, that is what gets my attention, but what gets an Asian guy's attention?
I mean, its funny how when I wear a t-shirt or just a plain top and an Asian guy won't even look my way, then at a party - that same guy would be like who's that girl - and I still have a solid colored top on, except with my arms showing. I notice that Asian guys go for the skinny ones who wear the least clothing.
I give up on trying to be me - maybe at the next party, I should just wear a shirt that covers just my boobs like the other Asian girls. Maybe then, I will find an Asian guy... Oh well, if not an Asian guy, then there are still other guys... :)
Hmong Woman   
Monday, October 07, 2002 at 20:39:46 (PDT)
From your comment, you do not sound like an AF at all. Don't try to hide behind an Asian S/N. No decent AF would cut her men down to size like that. And if you really ARE an AF? Thats pathetic.
a REAL Af   
Friday, September 27, 2002 at 09:12:16 (PDT)
i like asian men cept for the nasty ones with the bow legs.
Tuesday, September 24, 2002 at 12:06:07 (PDT)
Mile high,
Thats right baby! You tell em
Thursday, September 19, 2002 at 09:57:51 (PDT)
Maybe you should wake up,
Sorry about that, that was inadvertant. But hey, don't tell me that you don't think that black folks tend to be more, uh, "passionate" (the understatement of the year) when it comes to defending their rights than other people are? In fact, their general stance borders of over-zealousy and even militancy. That's what I was trying to illustrate, the black people's fierce desire to defend their rights, not their violence. Let's face it, black people can get EXTREMELY angry/nasty when they are provoked. I respect that, but it isn't always necessary to behave that way.
As FDR once said, one 'should speak softly and carry a big stick'.
Anyway, I just wanted to tell the Southern Belle to take a load off.
Mile high   
Wednesday, September 18, 2002 at 12:31:38 (PDT)
mile high
your post would have been better had you not resorted to stereotypes of violent and unintelligent blacks!
maybe YOU should wake up!   
Tuesday, September 17, 2002 at 05:34:43 (PDT)
Why do you feel that we have something to prove? How dare you. I can't get over how rude your comment is!
AM 21 /New York,New York/   
Monday, September 16, 2002 at 11:00:58 (PDT)
WF 28/Tuscaloosa,Alabama-
Another blonde moment? He was obviously making fun of your stupid message. Damn, you honestly didn't get that?
Cali AM   
Sunday, September 15, 2002 at 20:01:57 (PDT)
WF 28 / Alabama,
Take it easy, toots. I prefer a woman with a sense of humor, which you're obviously lacking. I thought that AM 21's response to your rather silly post was quite funny. I would've said the same thing to your post, but he beat my to it.
It's true. Maybe you didn't mean it that way, but your initial post stunk of tones of racial superiority. I'm sure you would've gotten a similar response had you posted on a black website -- they just wouldn't have been as witty and nice as the AMs here have been to you. They would've probably threatened to cut your heart out. I thin you should calm down and take a deep breath, and consider WHY this AM clipped you upside the head. It's TIME TO WAKE UP. Asian men really do not have a damn thing to prove to ANYONE. Not white men, not white women, and not Asian women. We are the prize.
Mile high   
Sunday, September 15, 2002 at 20:01:07 (PDT)
As an asian guy's point of view, i think most of us are good and thoughtful guys. If you women cant find the right asian men, then ur just unlucky. I also think that Asian men should be very open to date white women, and dont be shy.
Sunday, September 15, 2002 at 10:27:11 (PDT)
AM 21/New York,New York?
What? Why did you rewrite my comment? That was rude. Why do you feel that we have something to prove? How dare you. I can't get over how rude your comment is!
Thursday, September 12, 2002 at 13:07:42 (PDT)
curious girl,
I am not singling out asian men. Its all men that I have to gain trust in. I only said asian men since this is a poll about them. I have had some rough relationships with men. Now I have to take time to trust the next man. Sorry if it sounded like I was speaking badly of asian men. I didn't mean to sound that way.
WF28/Tuscaloosa Alabama   
Thursday, September 12, 2002 at 11:10:27 (PDT)
Geez What an Ego,
Right on , brotha.
Nuff Said   
Wednesday, September 11, 2002 at 23:12:57 (PDT)
Asian men don't have to prove a DAMN thing to you.
Geeze! What an ego!   
Wednesday, September 11, 2002 at 11:03:40 (PDT)
WF 28 /Tuscaloosa,Alabama, why don't you trust Asian men? I think all men have to prove themselves to a woman to get in her good graces, regardless of race.
curious girl   
Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 12:09:09 (PDT)
white women seem nice. i can't say i trust them completely. they will have to prove themselves to get in my good graces
AM 21 /New York,New York/   
Tuesday, September 10, 2002 at 11:10:03 (PDT)
asian men seem nice. i can't say i trust them completely. they will have to prove themselves to get in my good graces
WF 28 /Tuscaloosa,Alabama/   
Sunday, September 08, 2002 at 11:46:45 (PDT)
Let's be real, everyone (AM-THANK YOU!
Was that someone stealing my name, or someone agreeing with my ideas?
Lets be real.... also confused.   
Wednesday, August 28, 2002 at 17:11:42 (PDT)
[I think they are a little bit on the shy side. I tried talking with a viet guy. He told me to my face that he thinks I am attractive and would like to have a dinner date with me. He then promised that he would call me later on that evening. Well, he never called. Then another time he told me that he was just very shy around women. Then he once again said that he wants to have a dinner date with me, so that we can get to know each other very well. Then he called 1 hour after the time we had agreed upon, and he said he couldn't make it because he is sick, and has sunburn on his face. What a moron. Then he asked if we could try again for labor day weekend. whatever! thats just lame!]
Yes ma'am!!! Many AM's need to learn how to step-up to a honey like the cowboys do. Else they won't get to bite the booty!
Shyness will later lead to despair.
Jay... the hapa who's got the groove on!   
Wednesday, August 28, 2002 at 08:00:18 (PDT)
I like some asian men. Some of them are very very sexy and attractive. I like them in the movies, but they are much better in person one on one. I think they are a little bit on the shy side. I tried talking with a viet guy. He told me to my face that he thinks I am attractive and would like to have a dinner date with me. He then promised that he would call me later on that evening. Well, he never called. Then another time he told me that he was just very shy around women. Then he once again said that he wants to have a dinner date with me, so that we can get to know each other very well. Then he called 1 hour after the time we had agreed upon, and he said he couldn't make it because he is sick, and has sunburn on his face. What a moron. Then he asked if we could try again for labor day weekend. whatever! thats just lame!
moron magnet   
Tuesday, August 27, 2002 at 10:43:25 (PDT)
[Let's get back on topic. --Ed]
one more thing.
When I say that a woman WANTS a man to put her in her place, it's actually true, in a weird way. Can any of you ladies tell me that you didn't get bored and frustrated with a guy you could walk all over? Some guy that agree with EVERYTHING that you said? I know personally that that shit gets tired... FAST. If a white chick thinks that my opinions dont count and that I'm not "Man enough" for her, -- she can go shove it up her ass!! I mean it. Nice guys get stepped all over. Jerks abuse women. GOOD GUYS know how to treat women, but also know how to punish them when they think they can step all over them. In other words, a "good guy" is a REAL MAN.
So that's what I mean by 'putting a girl in her place'... showing her that we won't put up with their taking advantage. And you WILL love us for it. You know it too. =)
Let's me real. (It's weird how things work...)   
Saturday, August 24, 2002 at 03:12:14 (PDT)
Blacks can do whatever else Anyone can,
I'm witcha, lady!
AA Male   
Saturday, August 24, 2002 at 03:04:00 (PDT)
Lets be real,
Yes! Noone listening to what you say! You are some kind of guy who simply lack communication skills with woman!
Friday, August 23, 2002 at 08:40:07 (PDT)