Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:09 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
What is the status of Asians in America?
Lower third of society |
Middle third of society |
Upper third of society |
Top tenth of society |
Which factor most undermines the status of Asians in America?
Media portrayal of Asians |
Problems of recent immigrants |
Racial prejudice & resentment |
U.S. conflict with Asian nations |
Which factor most enhances the status of Asians in America?
AA educational levels |
AA economic success |
Respected AA public figures |
Success of Asian nations |
How will the status of Asian Americans change during the first decade of the new milennium?
Improve somewhat |
Improve dramatically |
Stay about the same |
Worsen somewhat |
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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
to two cents
"...The key words here are "household income". Asian households tend to have many more people in them so of course they're going to have a higher household income!"
This is household income that's been submitted to the tax collectors, right? Well, think about this for a second. Just because a group of people are living together doesn't mean that they will claim each other on their tax forms. And besides, those who do have large households (Hispanic families with more than five children + extended family) tend to be poorer, not wealthier than those who live by themselves or with a spouse only.
And because you left out a really important point in trying to shore up your argument against Hopeful, I will repeat Hopeful's main point. "...Asian businesses helped make Asian households wealthier with an annual median income of $55,521-higher than all other minorities including WHITES". The key words here are actually "Asian businesses" and NOT, as you had pointed out "household income".
The point is--Asians have a higher income level, not because of having more people in their households but because of their success in running a businesses.
Tuesday, April 09, 2002 at 21:51:37 (PDT)
"Asian households wealthier with an annual median income of $55,521-higher than all other minorities including WHITES!"
The key words here are "household income". Asian households tend to have many more people in them so of course they're going to have a higher household income! Whites make just as much money if not more, but they tend to live alone, or just with a spouse.
two cents   
Wednesday, April 03, 2002 at 07:12:12 (PST)
White racist Hollywood producers and writers,
Newspaper accounts of Asians may also help in countering whatever negative perception the rest of America has of Asians. A front page article in USA Today, 2/27/02, titled "Asian business owners gaining clout" indicated that Asian businesses helped make Asian households wealthier with an annual median income of $55,521-higher than all other minorities including WHITES! I mention this article in case anyone missed it.
People may still make fun of us no matter what. Blacks continue to experience a lot of prejudice despite their higher representation in the entertainment media. What others cannot dispute is the success and achievement of Asians in America. A grudgingly given respect, I guess.
I do see some improvement in the media. More commercials with asian males, i.e., Michelin tires, etc. The asian guy in That 80s Show. Look at James Hattori on CNN! I think this is the beginning of an upward trend for asian males. Slowly but surely.
Sunday, March 03, 2002 at 21:53:03 (PST)
The media plays a huge role in how asians are perceived. Its really that simple. If people can remember back to when the so called liberals and open minded producers and directors used to typecast blacks into demeaning roles such as thieves, drug addicts and pimps the rest of american society who really didn't have much contact with blacks would just take whatever they saw on sitcoms and movies as fact regarding blacks. Today that has changed for blacks and they are portrayed in various positive roles. But not true for Asians. We're still given limited and stereotypical roles like, evil kung fu villans, computer nerds, and just as weak non sexual characters (espcially asian men). As long as those racist so called open minded white liberals in hollywood portray asians in stereotypical roles only, the rest of america will have the perception that asians, especially asian men, are nothing but wimps and weak people. Why do you think so many of these honkeys make fun of asians on the net and in the privacy of their own homes. Trust me on this one!! Asians need to be much more proactive in protesting advertisers, media types and tv personnels and demand that asians be included in more positive and flexible roles where they are seen as strong and confident characters. Get with the times you racist hollywood jerks!!!!!!!!
White racist Hollywood producers and writers!!!   
Saturday, February 23, 2002 at 04:41:11 (PST)