Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which stereotype of Asian women do you find most offensive?
Quiet/Submissive |
Sexually Available |
Materialistic |
Which stereotype of Asian men do you find most offensive?
Small Stature |
Quiet/Submissive |
Nerdy |
Has American society's stereotyping of Asians decreased during the past 3 years?
Yes, there's less now. |
No, it has stayed about the same |
No, it has actually worsened. |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
hey Korean Fireball
That's a funny story. The same thing happened to me. My mom is also in her late forties. Someone once asked if she was my sister. She's beautiful anyway. I mostly misjudge the ages of other Asians by assuming wrongly that they are much younger than they are. I don't ask them of course. Once I met an Asian woman who I thought was in her twenties and I found out she was older by more than a decade + 5. Non-Asians are not the only ones who make that mistake. Other Asians do too. I have to put political correctness aside and agree that Asians do look much younger and age better.
aZn praisin   
Tuesday, April 23, 2002 at 14:32:33 (PDT)
To all of you who say Asian woman age more gracefully....well, I'm sorry but I can't agree with you. I've seen plenty who look as dumpy as the next race. There was a chick next to me on the treadmill yesterday at the gym, and let me tell you, not an ounce of muscle was on her. She was flabby to say the least. She may have been a nice person, but nothing exceptional about her. Also saw an older Asian woman at the gym and the same story could be said about her. I'm not saying there aren't those Asians out there who look more youthful. Come to think of it, I've seen a few of them myself. But I've seen those kind of people in every race, so that's why I can't agree with you. Perhaps it's an Asain wishful thinking thing?
been around and seen enough   
Tuesday, April 23, 2002 at 12:38:19 (PDT)
I agree with "just the facts", this is not just an Asian thing. I know many white women that age gracefully. But when I am 45, I wouldn't even WANT to look 20 and be mistaken for my son's girlfriend! How embarrassing. I am proud that I look like a full-grown adult woman and not a little girl.
Tuesday, April 23, 2002 at 12:36:00 (PDT)
I hate to bust your "Korean Fireball" bubble, but aging and youthful looks are not exclusive to Koreans or Asians.
This phenonmena can be found around the world, no exceptions. It has simply to do with individual genetic disposition.
I have been out with my mother, ordered a coctail for each of us, only to have my mom asked for i.d., and she is no where near Asian. Have a nice day
just the facts   
Monday, April 22, 2002 at 13:42:37 (PDT)
"Thanks for the compliments. I would add that asian women look young and age very gracefully. They also tend to retain their youthful figures way beyond the ages that are considered youthful.
fountain of youth"
Speaking of which.... whenever I take my mom to go shopping or whenever people see our family out, they (esp. non-Asians) ALWAYS ask me if she's my sister or my gf!! Almost disturbing, but still pretty damn funny! It's a testament to my mom's youthful and graceful looks. I must agree 100% that Asian women generally age beautifully. My mom is in her late forties but look like she's in her early thirties, perhaps even like shes in her late twenties.
Korean Fireball   
Monday, April 22, 2002 at 01:16:52 (PDT)
stereotype that bothers me the most:
that I am passive. I dont exactly have the most aggressive looking demeanor, but people are sometimes shocked by how I go for the jugular every time. Must be all the fire-hot kimchee I eat. haha...j/k.
Korean Fireball   
Monday, April 22, 2002 at 01:12:55 (PDT)
Some American men have it so ingrained in their minds that Asian women are sexually available that they don't hesitate to objectify Asian women on sight! I am lesbian and unfeminine in my appearance yet many American men don't hesitate to assume that I am heterosexual and interested in them! Their presumption of my availability and their desireablity is preposterous. I have really come to scorn them.
Jane janqb@hotmail.com   
Sunday, April 21, 2002 at 19:51:18 (PDT)
I forgot to mention the connection between culture and race.This has now something to do with real stereotypes. I mean it's a fact that nobody would think I'm earnest with what I say if I wouldn't be according to the stereotype "one race-one culture".Thus I have to be "pure-bred" (which I believe is also a fact) to convince others of my opinion that the culture,which I live everyday for myself,is not mixed. My culture is a thing from the deepest of my race,not my personality. I do believe that I'm not the only one who practices what I practice and thus I'm no weirdo (because I know that there are other people of my race who would do the same instead of me).
pure-bred asian   
Sunday, April 21, 2002 at 18:38:55 (PDT)