Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which stereotype of Asian women do you find most offensive?
Quiet/Submissive |
Sexually Available |
Materialistic |
Which stereotype of Asian men do you find most offensive?
Small Stature |
Quiet/Submissive |
Nerdy |
Has American society's stereotyping of Asians decreased during the past 3 years?
Yes, there's less now. |
No, it has stayed about the same |
No, it has actually worsened. |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
I've heard that the reason why Asians and Blacks age really well is because of our skin. For the most part Asians have thicker skin than Whites which over time causes less wrinkles. This is what I've heard but I'm not entirely sure if it's true.
Proud 2 b Azn   
Tuesday, April 30, 2002 at 20:59:13 (PDT)
been around and seen enough:
"And I didn't say the girl was overweight, just flabby. Muscle tone is a sign of youth, and you don't have to take my word for it."
If that's how you want to put it, then yes...you're somewhat correct, muscle tone can be a sign of youth. But you are refering to one person. Arent we discussing the GENERALIZATION of AA looking youthful? If you were to look at 100 AF vs 100 WF...which group of females would have more flabs?
"Anyway, I meant no offense, but I still believe there are people in all races who have this benefit, and it's not just an Asain thing."
Of course, that's why stereotypes can be hazardous. The main problem with your last post was how you stated that AA are wishfully thinking that we look youthful (this if far from the truth...some of us are wishing to look our age).
Tuesday, April 30, 2002 at 14:19:56 (PDT)
to been around and seen enough
RE: "...Muscle tone is a sign of youth"
American children tend to be much more overweight than children of other countries. I remember reading this somewhere, and I'll look for the source of this information if you need it, to back my statement up. I've seen twelve-year-olds with rolls of fat and nowhere to bee seen are the muscle tone that you attribute to signs of youth...yet, they are youthful. Muscle tone is a sign of good physical work-out and can be achieved by anybody at any age with some hard work and a little determination.
Tuesday, April 30, 2002 at 12:31:59 (PDT)
to pure-bred asian
"...I didn't find my "pure culture" by copying older people of my family...I would try to avoid to marry a female with a too different background and identity. So there would be no need for me to dominate over my family."
So according to you, we're supposed to find our own pure culture as opposed to assimilating the culture around us. But then you would never be able to find that unique female who has found the unique pure culture that you've found for yourself. Most women have the same background as the family that raised them. But to you, that would not be pure because she is simply copying older people of her family. To be pure, she must find her own culture, but then...she won't be similar to you because the both of you will have created a brand-spanking new culture! Am I critically analyzing this correctly, or am I missing something in your formula here...please do fill in the gaps that I'm missing so that I may be able to discourse this idea more thoroughly.
btw...it sounds to me as if you're really really trying not to debate with me (on the other hand, there is someone here who's grappling on to every straw possible to hurl at me, but (chuckle, chortle) she's way beyond her league). So if you want to drop this issue, that's fine by me too. I just have a small itty bitty problem with people who think they're purebred because the implication is then that everyone else who doesn't do or think like them are mutts or mongrels, and that's just not true.
Tuesday, April 30, 2002 at 12:18:08 (PDT)
RE: "...as we all know for a scientific fact, that the genetic material and pure blood only flows from the father to the child and the mother only contributes her uterus for the 9 months worth of incubation!"
...(long tired sigh!)...I really do need to dummy down my ideas for those like you to catch on to the wider picture of what I'm trying to say.
Poo, I was being facetious--extremely so, in fact. If you read my post in its entirety and not just a small portion of it, you would see that I was not trying to say women had no part in the genetic formation of their children, but the exact opposite, and I was bringing up very valid points to rebut to that 'Purebred' person regarding his/her idea of the pure race/pure culture idea that he has of himself.
Now, if you have something valid to add to this string of thought, please do so. If not, please refrain from making yourself look somewhat lacking in education. Don't forget that I'm not the only one who can access and read these pages. No one can make you look like a fool, only you can do it to yourself by sticking your own foot in your own mouth.
Tuesday, April 30, 2002 at 11:46:12 (PDT)
ive lived in a community where the most of the population is white. so ive delt with the stereotypical comments and slurs and ive learned to shrug it off. yea it offends me, but i dont let it get to me...
Tuesday, April 30, 2002 at 08:39:08 (PDT)
Have to disagree with you that physique has nothing to do with looking more youthful. And I didn't say the girl was overweight, just flabby. Muscle tone is a sign of youth, and you don't have to take my word for it. Ask around, or better yet, look around. I'm not out to get in a debate with you, because you do have a right to your opinion. Also, I too seem to have a youthful appearance. It is true that there are some individuals who can actually tell a person's true age; however, many people put me at 10 years younger then I am. Usually it's about 5 years younger, but I'm floored about how many people see me a decade younger then I am. Anyway, I meant no offense, but I still believe there are people in all races who have this benefit, and it's not just an Asain thing.
been around and seen enough   
Tuesday, April 30, 2002 at 07:33:04 (PDT)
>>>>as we all know for a scientific fact, that the genetic material and pure blood only flows from the father to the child and the mother only contributes her uterus for the 9 months worth of incubation!<<<<
OMG!!! I have not laughed so hard in a long, long time.
You are such an amazing person with your medical knowledge - perhaps you can also enlighten us as to how you so amazingly got your head shoved so far up your ass, yet can still breathe??
Tuesday, April 30, 2002 at 07:27:25 (PDT)
chicky poo:
that's true as far as my observations
also. I know some youthful looking black people. One of my professors is a black man around 50 years old, and he looks about 30. and he is sooooooodamn fine too.
chinese girl   
Monday, April 29, 2002 at 12:52:09 (PDT)