Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which stereotype of Asian women do you find most offensive?
Quiet/Submissive |
Sexually Available |
Materialistic |
Which stereotype of Asian men do you find most offensive?
Small Stature |
Quiet/Submissive |
Nerdy |
Has American society's stereotyping of Asians decreased during the past 3 years?
Yes, there's less now. |
No, it has stayed about the same |
No, it has actually worsened. |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
T H Lien- Unfortunately smoking doesn't keep you thin, that's just a myth. I smoked for years, but the reason I stayed thin was because I dieted and exercised. It is true that when you quit smoking you gain about 5 lbs. As for pressure to be thin, I think that's universal! Look at the anorexia/bulimia rates soaring among white women, the pressure is terrible especially in the teenage years. Differences in biology, yes, I will agree with you on that one. America is in a strange place right now-on the coasts, most people are thin, exercise, watch what they eat. In the midwest, south, most people are big or downright obese. So there's this big dichotomy- a few very thin people and a lot of big people.
Tuesday, May 07, 2002 at 13:28:27 (PDT)
Youthful Professor:
Ha ha ha ha!!!
Nope. I drive a '98 Saturn SC-2!
Maybe it's my silly Hawaiian shirts, Cargo shorts and Rockport sandals...
Tuesday, May 07, 2002 at 11:02:56 (PDT)
Actually, Asians and even Asian-Americans may stay thinner well into the future, just because of different social standards (more pressure to be thin from among your friends), differences in biology, and the higher smoking rate.
T.H. Lien   
Tuesday, May 07, 2002 at 01:16:01 (PDT)
Hank Lewis:
you sure it's not that Yugo that you're drivin ???
Peace - youthful professor   
Monday, May 06, 2002 at 13:10:29 (PDT)
Youthful Professor:
I know what you mean. I'll be 34 in June but I have gotten into arguments with security officers at HCC who think I'm a student when I'm parking in the Faculty lot.
Hank Lewis   
Monday, May 06, 2002 at 07:02:12 (PDT)
Americans are overweight because we are the richest country in the world, and have been for most of the past century. Any nation that is the richest in the world will overindulge, simply because they can afford to. Eating out is a basic part of American life. Yes American food tends to be more fattening than Asian food, but as Asians intermarry and eat at Mickey-D's more often, you'll see asians getting fatter and fatter, then they won't have the superior attitude of "Oh Americans are fat and disgusting, we're so thin".
Friday, May 03, 2002 at 13:56:25 (PDT)
pure-bred asian:
"But I'm proud of being not white or white-washed"
that's good enough for you to earn the title in my book. Right on.....
jus what i'm thinkin   
Thursday, May 02, 2002 at 13:38:32 (PDT)
been around and seen enough:
"It could be that many AF have a better diet then the WF. Heck, we have the largest majority of fat people in the world. But I read somewhere that Europe and some Asian countries are catching up with us."
BINGO! A large percentage of AF are slimmer than WF b/c of our diets. I have noticed that AA are getting larger as they consume more westernized food....but I think AA (as a whole) will remain slimmer than other americans b/c we are accustom to the asian diet....we consume more fruits and vegetables, and less sweets and dairy products. So yes, our sizes have alot to do with our diet.
Thursday, May 02, 2002 at 12:24:27 (PDT)