Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which stereotype of Asian women do you find most offensive?
Quiet/Submissive |
Sexually Available |
Materialistic |
Which stereotype of Asian men do you find most offensive?
Small Stature |
Quiet/Submissive |
Nerdy |
Has American society's stereotyping of Asians decreased during the past 3 years?
Yes, there's less now. |
No, it has stayed about the same |
No, it has actually worsened. |
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Hey sub, wat did u do about it? Did u have a serious and life-altering talk with the kids or their parents or did you just avoid confrontation? And the other teachers, did you chat with them or stay silent?
"Money is not the root of all evil, fear is the root of all evil."
Wednesday, June 26, 2002 at 18:57:43 (PDT)
It is Hard to be a young Asian male school teacher
I know its difficult to deal with such ignorance in children (I was one of those ignorant little black kids who made those ching-chong remarks when I was young) not because of the influence of my parents, she is African-American he is white, but from what my friends around me were doing. My boyfriend is Chinese and his niece is also a school teacher in Maryland and she came acroos the same situation with her students. She stopped the class and got into a discussion with the children about ignorant and hurtful things that people say and actually had them give their definition of what they thought were mean things to say (the majority of her class is african-american and some hispanic). When she had open the childrens eyes to what they were doing and how much it hurt and how much it would hurt them if the situation was reversed they apologized.
I'm not saying it will work for everyone, but maybe it could be a start for you and the students to have a better understanding between you.
Now as for the teachers, there are just some old dogs you can't teach a damn thing!
Wednesday, June 26, 2002 at 14:51:12 (PDT)
I really think that the stereotype of Asian men being unattractive is starting to change, at least in some places in the US. I know that I've always been attracted to Asian men, and if you look at the AM/WF board, there are tons of WFs that are really attracted to them too. Or check the AM seeking out non-Asian women board, again, tons of women attracted to Asian men. I know that it will take a long time before this stereotype really dies out, especially with little to no media representation of Asian men.
curious girl   
Wednesday, June 26, 2002 at 12:12:11 (PDT)
locke maison:
Huh...this is on alt.support.shyness? What utter ASSHOLES they are. What kind of SUPPORT group for shyness is it to spout ignorant blanket beliefs like that!? Probably trying to make up for their own INSECURITIES!
AM Jedi   
Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 17:51:45 (PDT)
AA Teacher:
Where are you and your coworker teaching? Minnesota? Iowa? I'd be hard pressed to believe kids in California acted that way.
SF Bay Area   
Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 08:31:19 (PDT)
To this day still running into lots of racism and untrue beliefs from non-asians. Was recently posting on newsgroups and the old fight about if asian men were desirable or attractive came up, and just about every bastard on there said with all sureness that asians were not up to par, and that we should not and could not attract people if we wanted to. And guess what? Not a damn soul except for myself would defend us. You wanna check it out, look at some threads on alt.support.shyness on usenet and search the recent threads for "asian". I'm an attractive guy and I've got plenty of women chasing after me. But I'm asian, so it's just not true to them. That's screwed up.
locke maison   
Tuesday, June 25, 2002 at 03:21:49 (PDT)
to Asian male school teacher
Being asked if you're Jackie Chan is infinitely preferable to being asked if you're Fa Mu Lan (a cartoon character).
Monday, June 24, 2002 at 22:55:08 (PDT)
I am a substitute teacher and I really hate it when kids of other races (Hispanics, blacks, whites, etc.) make those ching-chong-chang sounds the moment I step into the classroom.
Last week I was subbing a 1st grade class together with another Asian male sub (he is Japanese American and I am Chinese American).
We were preparing for the morning class lessons when he told me to beware of kids asking us if we were "Jackie Chan?" He was right. That was the first thing they asked when they came into the room.
Sometimes I really get mad and want to blow those little gremlins away, but they are just little kids. I just can't imagine what their parents at home talk about us Asians?
I mean, what if I asked them if they liked fried chicken and basketball? (a black stereotype) Or, if they are legal immigrants or illegals who hopped the border? (a Hispanic stereotype) Or, if their families were divorced? (a white stereotype)
Another thing is that when me and the other sub (the Japanese American) were walking to the cafeteria, the other white and Hispanic female teachers would look at us (literally stare). I mean, had they never seen young Asian males as teachers or what?
It is hard to be a young Asian male school teacher in America   
Saturday, June 22, 2002 at 18:15:28 (PDT)
Big Red was damn proud of its Contestant for the Beauty Pagent anything to boost the morale of the PRC people is welcomed.
I thought the Miss China was a joke and stereotyped herself with that Chinese dress and bad stupid broken english.
They of course couldn't get an Asian from an non-communist nation because of China favored nation status so the whole damn thing was a joke.
Tired of the communist nations getting more attention that the demogratic nations.
Beauty contest blues   
Tuesday, June 18, 2002 at 14:00:08 (PDT)
To Lilly in responding to your post about declining libido,are you presently in a relationship and if so for how long with the same guy? Sometimes it happens that people who are with the same person for a while lose that spark that was once there. Other examples would include sleeping around to keep an interest going. Bored suburban couples even resort to swapping and 'swinging'to keep things cooking. There are a lot of things, could be you need more vitamins or something. BTW how old are you? If your general health is in order then it may be possible that you need to play some sexual games like role playing or go out with your bf and flash guys or tease the general public. This may help both you and your bf to get really turned on and ready to jump into bed all over again. Theres a lot of things that can be experimented to keep the flames fanned. Get creative and you'll come up with all kinds of kool stuff to do. Good luck!!
Monday, June 17, 2002 at 15:32:21 (PDT)