

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which stereotype of Asian women do you find most offensive?
Quiet/Submissive | 22%
Sexually Available | 73%
Materialistic | 5%

Which stereotype of Asian men do you find most offensive?
Small Stature | 6%
Quiet/Submissive | 56%
Nerdy | 38%

Has American society's stereotyping of Asians decreased during the past 3 years?
Yes, there's less now. | 37%
No, it has stayed about the same | 43%
No, it has actually worsened. | 20%

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love asian women

How can you say you love asian women and then smoke us to ashes with your generalized comments about how terrible we are?

I mean, what's all this "...snobbish, arrogant, materialistic, whitewashed, defensive, self-absorbed and having their nose stuck up in the air as to not smell the riff-raff beneath them..." about? I can use the same adjectives and describe just about any person of any race (including AMs) and it would fit a good chunk of the population.

"...most annoying trait of asian women is their pathetic tendency to think that "everyone" wants to see them as a sexual objective" ---Don't poo poo it off until you walk a mile in our shoes, dearie. I get catcalls just walking to the donut shop from my house. And the other day, I caused an accident on the freeway because a stupid fool was too busy staring at me driving by rather than keeping his eyes on the road. He rammed into a car in front of him. These are daily occurences that we have to live with. It's no wonder that we have to act as if we are snobbish and arrogant just to keep from being attacked and gang-raped by sex-starved fools. If I smiled at every guy who catcalled me, I would be in serious danger for my life! Now, that's an issue that I feel worthy of exposing.

But obviously, you are looking at women as nothing more than a sex toy in your mind's eye, so nothing I say will convince you that we are thinking feeling human beings who are just like you.
MLK    Friday, July 26, 2002 at 22:53:34 (PDT)
Any Asian man who believes it is the media playing tricks on his mind is some stupid fool. You don't wait for media trends to tell you that you are beautiful. You got to tell and reassure yourself that you are. You got to be a real man and start hitting up on those white, Mexican, and Arabian chicks. The more you hit on them, the more your chances are. You will never win, by sitting and complaining to whitey that you ain't in the movies laying up the sack with some fine white, Hispanic or Middle Eastern women. Of course, you want to see it for yourself in real life and not on TV, right? You don't wait for others to make an image for you. You are supposed to do it for yourself.
Asian Rambo    Thursday, July 25, 2002 at 22:27:59 (PDT)
There are a lot of issues that asian women need to be concerned with other than being perceived as submissive.
i.e. being snobbish, arrogant, materialistic, whitewashed, defensive, self-absorbed and having their nose stuck up in the air as to not smell the riff-raff beneath them.
Of course this is a generalization but hold true for so many snooty asian women that I see everyday. The most annoying trait of asian women is their pathetic tendency to think that "everyone" wants to see them as a sexual objective.
How ridiculous can you be.
Asian women have the same equipment as any other women. Some of you are excellent sexually, some of you are little better than a great magazine and some handy lubricant. So put that in your designer clothes and smoke it !
love asian women    Thursday, July 25, 2002 at 10:13:31 (PDT)
BC blues' personal vendetta with Chinese people...

BC blues, I am not from Beijing.
And since you're not either, you can hardly make a credible statement regarding the manners and characteristics of Beijing natives.
Get that through your presumptious skull.

Japan, South Korea, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Malaysia were the other East Asian/South East Asian Countries represented in the beauty contest aside from China. That's pretty good representation, I'd have to say.
chinatown    Monday, July 22, 2002 at 13:08:40 (PDT)
stereotype that bothers me the most is that asian woman are submissive!
Moonshineprincess    Friday, July 19, 2002 at 08:32:07 (PDT)

Well why didn't she use a translator? WEll Pride perhaps? Even Russia choose to have a translator because she knew her english was not so good. China was trying to appear that she knew english and the culture and thus she failed in her questioning and instead made a damn fool of herself.

Hong Kong? Taiwan? They weren't even there. Get your damn facts straight! Spontaneous my ass she was nervous and acting strange and werid. If that was the best of what China offered then it's sad.

That was a Beijing Accent with all the "R"and "Th'ers' Maybe you are from Beijing and can't handle it.

I would if they only open up more Asians representing the US. And what hell makes you so damn great either? What the hell have you done for this country?

They didn't have more representation from more Asian nations and so this contest was a true joke!!!
BC blues    Friday, July 19, 2002 at 00:51:39 (PDT)