Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which stereotype of Asian women do you find most offensive?
Quiet/Submissive |
Sexually Available |
Materialistic |
Which stereotype of Asian men do you find most offensive?
Small Stature |
Quiet/Submissive |
Nerdy |
Has American society's stereotyping of Asians decreased during the past 3 years?
Yes, there's less now. |
No, it has stayed about the same |
No, it has actually worsened. |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
I hate people who are thinking asian women are sexually available, it is wrong. They are asian, not white, cannot they see that? Asian man are not submissive they are extremely backed and noone should trouble them. Only the white will think such things.
Saturday, August 03, 2002 at 21:43:50 (PDT)
love Asian women, not just the sexual ones!
Oh, you're good, you know that? How can I possibly make any cohesive argument with a man who calls himself 'love Asian women, not just the sexual ones!'. If you love us, then let us win! If you're not going to let me win, then don't tell me you love us AFs, 'even the horny ones'. You say I'm wrong, and then turn around and say, "...but that's OK, I love you anyway." With that kind of twisted illogical argument, how can I make a logical stand against you?
And I was not trying to say you are wrong in your thinking. I am simply trying to direct you to the real situation of daily life for me (an AF, and since you're not AF, then you wouldn't know how it feels to be one every single day!). The truth is, I get much more attention than is prudent from men around me every day, without me doing anything more than simply living my life doing my normal stuff. I don't act snobbish and arrogant because it makes me feel good to do so, but because I've learned through years and years of experience, that being very friendly to all the strange men around me WILL have dire consequences, most of which are not good. It's scary to have men follow me home (and that's happened to me before). It's also scary to have them wait outside grocery stores to try to talk to me, or corner me as I'm walking out of banks and restaurants with unwanted attention.
But that doesn't mean I act snobbish to all men. Just look at all the posts I write here on Goldsea! I'm actually teasing and having fun with several male posters here because I have gotten to know them, and I feel comfortable and safe around them. You can't expect a perfect stranger to be overly friendly with you. We AFs just aren't brought up that way. But once we get to know how nice you are, well, the situation changes, and you will see how friendly we are.
"...silly delusion that Asian women are viewed as sexual objects"
It's not a silly delusion. It's real. So real that I am not laughing. I am not teasing you on this. I am not taking this in a light manner. I am not delusional. This happens to me (and most other AFs) on a daily basis.
And don't tell me I have low self-esteem. Mine is so high, I talk with a chipmunk voice due to too much helium in my system! If you doubt this, ask any of the posters who talk to me on a daily basis.
Yes, all women have the same equipment, but only a certain portion of them know what to do with it, and even less know how to do it well.
I know how to do it VERY WELL.
Take that for your low self-esteem talk, MR. love Asian women, not just the sexual ones!
Thursday, August 01, 2002 at 22:30:23 (PDT)
You already know what I mean. Provocative is the adjective. Doesn't matter if its a guy's shirt and 6 year old pair of jeans. Don't going playing blonde on me now. ^_^
Oh I'm sorry mister office is my cleavage showing, tee hee. I didn't mean to cause a traffic accident. I had a run in my stocking that went all the way up to here...^_^
Right...reverse. You know how I tell if its FOP riding a scooter in asia. The side mirrors. If they are looking at it too long or looking over their shoulder too much, their FOP.
AC Dropout   
Thursday, August 01, 2002 at 17:12:52 (PDT)
you cannot make those very same generalizations about "a good chunk of the population". Your attempt to justify the attitude in question only serves to indicate that you are clearly in denial yourself. Anyone who catcalls or wrecks a car because of staring at you is just a pathetic moron who doesn't care what kind of azz it is, as long as it wiggles. You go on to admit that you act snobbish and arrogant "to keep from getting gang-raped by sex-starved fools'
In view of the fact that I do not associate with sex starved fools to my knowledge, I can neither confirm or deny your theory. Your statement that "I look at women as nothing more than a sex toy" is of course equally ridiculous. I don't think you mean to be offensive, but clearly you admit to suffering from the same silly delusion that Asian women are viewed as sexual objects. BaloneySasuage !!! Asian women do more to perpetuate that stupid notion than anyone else on the planet. I believe that some Asian women subconsciencely cling to the stereotyping as a substitute for self-esteem. Go ahead try to tell me it ain't so !!! As I stated the world is full of women with exactly the same equipment (last time I checked) and the abilty to be a highly erotic sensual sexual experience or an ironing board.
Since when does pointing out objective critisims mean that I DON'T love the people who are the subject of my observations ??? Have a nice day
love Asian women, not just the sexual ones!   
Thursday, August 01, 2002 at 14:02:19 (PDT)
What we wear? Oh, you mean the jeans and tank tops and flip flops? Or are you talking about the heels and mini-skirt? Believe me, I wasn't in heels and mini-skirt that day. Plus, I was inside my car. All you could see was from my neck up (well, a bit of shoulders too). But I had the top down, which was somewhat distracting, I have to admit.
I tried one of those scooter things in Asia too! But unlike you, I couldn't get the hang of it. My first time out, I immediately got into an accident. After crashing into a fence, I was yelling for help and asking where the reverse gear was so I could back out from the fence. (hahaha!)
It was the joke of the day for weeks afterwards. As you already know, scooters don't have reverse gear. You simply get off the bike and pull it backwards. But for a FOPlane from USA who's used to P-R-N-D-1-2-3, my brain refused to function under such stress and reverted to the USA automatic gear shift.
Wednesday, July 31, 2002 at 22:42:55 (PDT)
I almost got into a motocycle accident once in asia. In asia those 50cc scooters are popular forms of transportation.
There was this pretty asian girl with long silky hair in a white sun dress, a white scarf, and white open toe shoes. A modern day version of a virgin on a unicorn.
Nearly dropped my bike in the middle on the street.
So the lesson is that women like you should be more responsible in what you wear so not to cause any accidents on the road. ^_^
AC Dropout   
Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 14:54:41 (PDT)