

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which stereotype of Asian women do you find most offensive?
Quiet/Submissive | 22%
Sexually Available | 73%
Materialistic | 5%

Which stereotype of Asian men do you find most offensive?
Small Stature | 6%
Quiet/Submissive | 56%
Nerdy | 38%

Has American society's stereotyping of Asians decreased during the past 3 years?
Yes, there's less now. | 37%
No, it has stayed about the same | 43%
No, it has actually worsened. | 20%

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
the stereotype that asian women are submissive. I hate that because I am far from being submissive. I am not afraid to speak my mind, and I will fight back if need be. I think its dumb the way media makes it seem otherwise. Then you have your "Ally MacBeal" show stereotyping us as Dragonladies. If we are not submissive, and passive...then we are fire breathing Dragonladies! Its sickening to think about it at times. I don't let it get to me too much. Life goes on.
AF    Thursday, October 24, 2002 at 12:58:54 (PDT)    []

as far as I understand you you're talking about a very ugly fashion which is particularly common in the US. If so, what are the exact stereotype which you face?
rare stuff    Friday, October 11, 2002 at 18:58:36 (PDT)    []

What does that have to do with Asian stereotype?
Hmm    Friday, October 11, 2002 at 10:58:49 (PDT)    []
Why do woman have to be sterotyped by the way they dress how come we have to wear skimpy little cloths that barely cover us to get a date???
Dawn    Wednesday, October 09, 2002 at 11:25:33 (PDT)    []
rainbow world,
Hey that was interesting. From what you wrote, you reminded me of a friend that I used to talk to. She is white, from kentucky. One time we were talking about mad t.v and she told me there was an Asian woman in it. I was in disbelief and said WHAT? Then I thought about the show and I was like hmm. I don't remember seeing any asian female on that show. And she told me one lady acted like an asian female, in the way she dresses and talks; with a heavy accent. I was like, huh and surprised at that, it was what she was representing. Gosh.. man and I told her that the woman on mad t.v wasn't asian though. And we kinda straightened it out. Pathetic in the way the show portrays asain females.
Azn-Pride    Friday, October 04, 2002 at 21:14:15 (PDT)    []
stereotypes are boring,
This is something I had also heard of. But most of it, about asian men chasing white women isn't true. There aren't that many, I think the reason for those postcard you saw is b/c American people, especially the government of the united states were racist, especially toward the japanese during WWII. And they would made these silly/ disgusting postcards. It is sickening if you look at commericals of an asian men representing something. It is almost always in a negative way. They would have someone who is nerdy with heavy accent.

And that person by the name of ironic is just as bad. He would go in every way to defend a women and diss his own culture. He is an idiot and only making negative sterotype stronger. I hated people like him. Thanks to him, Asians is corrupted in this way.
very disappointed    Thursday, October 03, 2002 at 17:15:26 (PDT)    []
I have seen those greeting cards before. They were supposed to be pretty popular I guess. They did really look pretty creepy. I recall some of the cartoons of the Japanese army soldiers. I bet people thought of us like that back then. They were mudsling advertising to make japanese look bad to america. I don't think they see us as stereotype rapist nowadays, its different maybe.
japanese boy    Thursday, October 03, 2002 at 13:33:06 (PDT)    []
I do not like the stereotype that an asian is a weaker man than the white american. I think it is stupid. When martial art movies came to the cinema then they say "Oh, maybe these are strong men after all" when in fact we have always been strong. It has only been hidden by white american society and commericialisms. I also get tired of the stereotype that we are chasing white women. Has anyone seen the old postcards during the America/Japanese War? Most of those old postcards made me soo sick! I saw them in the archives of the Free Public Library. They display pictures of White females being chased by bucktoothed (supposed to represent asian men)trying to rape them and rip off their clothes. My brother thought it was silly and funny. I think its disgusting. That same mentality still hangs over the US like a dark invisible cloud. Its still there, but some people cannot see that it still is. Some of us are too ignorant to see that it still affects our lives in the present day (the way we are perceived)
stereotypes are boring    Sunday, September 29, 2002 at 11:47:38 (PDT)    []
Ugh! Jay Leno is the biggest bastard on TV. I don't know why that asshole took over the Johnny Carson Show?

Even though in the past Johnny played stereotypes in his skits, he still did it with some class and compassion and even admits when the humor is too bad but stupid Jay just keeps the racist jokes in because he is afraid to lose the laugh tracks of the audience.

Go to the David Letterman show and he is the similar to the ole Johnny Carson show where he can still make jokes that doesn't involve racial lines.

Jay always slips up his jokes and you can see that all he wants is to spew racist jokes in his skits but his censors are stopping him. He has blacks in his band and lineup to show people that his is a IN white man but he neglects the fact that there are other races here in the US and not just black and white but other shades of gray.

If you are a white person and gets along with Black people, why not get along with everybody else as well? Why be a damn hypocrite and only treat some races better only because they bitch and complain better than others?
Explain that Whitey    Friday, September 13, 2002 at 10:33:57 (PDT)    []
I saw that Dana Carvey skit. That was so racist. I think they did get rid of it, when someone realized how bad it looked. I think it was so humiliating. Stereotypes still continue on to this very day.
when is this world gonna wake up?    Wednesday, September 11, 2002 at 12:01:05 (PDT)    []
A stereotype that I hate is Gedde Watanabe. I didn't grow up in his generation of movies really, but I have seen them. I think it misleads some americans into thinking our men as being goofy,whimpy and desperate for any woman. My older sister and brother said when they were in highschool, classmates used to mock Gedde Watanabe characters alot. I didn't really see that in my school. But I did see other forms of it. Like I remember a group of white guys were standing near my locker. One of them asked me,"Is it true that you all name your babies by dropping spoons on the ground. So they all sound like'chong,bong,ching'" and they all started laughing really loud about it. I wanted to slap the stupid grins off their faces. I heard later that it was all taken from some joke that was on a show similar to the Jay Leno show.
AF(21)    Monday, September 09, 2002 at 00:57:20 (PDT)    []

Whose Chris Nguyen?
AF(21)    Monday, September 09, 2002 at 00:28:25 (PDT)    []
I think new stereotypes will always replace old ones.
lilchinagurl442    Sunday, September 08, 2002 at 05:40:33 (PDT)    []
Chris Nguyen has given a bad name to alllllll asians no offense to all asians but he is a bastard
gonhow    Saturday, September 07, 2002 at 14:45:11 (PDT)    []
Oh Yeah? What about the character that Dana Carvey used to protray in Saturday Night Live?

He dressed up as a Chinese guy and he speaks with the typical FOB accent and sometimes it was kind of funny especially when he is talking to his damn Chicken or arguing with his Sister who, when both actors start arguing they both start clucking like chickens.

I don't see those esposodes much probably they were too racist to show.
Sunshine Day    Friday, September 06, 2002 at 12:40:20 (PDT)    []
how pathetic,

Yes. You most certainly ARE pathetic. You and your comment.

I hate the stereotype character of Miss Swan. Does anyone watch Mad TV? Miss Swan has even proceeded to mock Asian Women saying that they have a bizarre unreal smile. She says,"If you do not be nice to me, I will not smile at you like this..." and she gives this cheesey half-baked smile with a pointed lip. She imitates style of clothing, working in nail shops etc. I remember on a memorable episode, the woman who plays Miss Swan was interviewing Lucy Liu one time at an awards show. I remember Lucy Liu asked her,'And just who are you supposed to be' she didn't sound too thrilled either. The woman told her that it was just a made up character. She then asked her,"And where is Miss Swan supposed to be from?" Then the actress lies and says the character is from some old european country. It was a HUGE lie. Absoulutely everyone knows that the character has been based on an Asian Female character/stereotypes from the very beginning. What gets me is I have actually heard White American collegues laugh at the character and say to me,"They all do give that strange little smile. It cracks me up!"
rainbow world    Sunday, September 01, 2002 at 08:26:10 (PDT)
The stereotype that bothers me the most? Asian women with their little prada bags, and the "typical" black pants. And their huddling together always in groups, afraid to go someplace alone. Its very pathetic.
how pathetic    Thursday, August 22, 2002 at 13:40:46 (PDT)
gagging too & deflate that head a little,

Since MLK has admitted that she Fugly and stupid, I assume we can all play nice now.

Well, at least she's not fugly, stupid, short, and fat. Then we would have issues. ^_^
AC Dropout    Friday, August 16, 2002 at 11:45:28 (PDT)
She can't get over herself, she's a legend in her own mind.
gagging too    Thursday, August 15, 2002 at 10:00:22 (PDT)
deflate that head a little

Oh stop taking it all so seriously. When I post to anyone who calls himself AC, I have to puff myself up really big to be able to outdo the hot air that he blows my way.

Now, on the other hand, if I were to post to an extremely uptight person like you, I will tell you that I am an ugly duckling with no sense of style and still not good enough to be able to graduate out of school yet, no matter how hard I try.

If this image of MLK is better for you to digest, by all means, please take this perception of me. I have no qualms about your thoughts on the matter at all.
MLK    Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 00:18:31 (PDT)
--My whole being is a glowing aura of provocativeness.--

GAG! Good god girl, get over yourself. If you were that good looking you'd be a supermodel.
deflate that head a little    Monday, August 12, 2002 at 07:53:30 (PDT)
Pooh Supreme baby

RE: the backed thing...

If you translate his 'atrocious' grammar into any Asian language, what he means is: Asian men have a very strong and unyielding 'back-bone' and will not submit to anything that goes against their moral 'back-ground' (the word 'back' is being used in two different ways, but serving the same purpose).

"...I am an AM and I never knew I was backed."

So now you know.

I think I've had to read and decipher so many ESL papers that even barely comprehensible ones like these make perfect sense to me.
MLK    Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 12:20:13 (PDT)

Well the next best place to hide female intelligence....cleavage.

I once had an asian female lab partner in HS that would just brush up or lean against me the right way when asking to copy homework for our other classes.
Oh well, hide while you can. For I see you for the Yang Vamp you really are.
AC Dropout    Monday, August 05, 2002 at 13:56:43 (PDT)
"I hate people who are thinking asian women are sexually available, it is wrong. They are asian, not white, cannot they see that? Asian man are not submissive they are extremely backed and noone should trouble them. Only the white will think such things.
michIkar0_o Saturday, August 03, 2002 at 21:43:50 (PDT"

Let me weed through your atrocious grammar. Sexually available? Anyone not DEAD is sexually available.( And there are those for whom corpses serve that purpose too...) I think you mean to say sexually EASY or CHEAP?
So you think WFs are cheap? How would you know? From where do you gleen this wisdom?
And what is " backed?" I am an AM and I never knew I was backed. Can you tell me what this means please?
You need to learn to state your points clearly. Then back them with facts.
As it is, the only FACT I come away with after reading your post is you are racist and have a complex about WFS.
Pooh Supreme baby    Monday, August 05, 2002 at 11:18:15 (PDT)

There is nothing I can do to change what I am. My whole being is a glowing aura of provocativeness. I think it's either my genetic makeup (or it could very well be my extreme confidence in my Asian genes). Whichever the case, I don't question what works. If it works, don't fix it, right?

You're starting to see through my blonde facade, so now I've got to find something else to hide behind, so I don't have to expose the fact that I know what you're talking about...and thereby, can escape having to responde with any modicum of intelligence. :)
MLK    Sunday, August 04, 2002 at 17:49:12 (PDT)