Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which stereotype of Asian women do you find most offensive?
Quiet/Submissive |
Sexually Available |
Materialistic |
Which stereotype of Asian men do you find most offensive?
Small Stature |
Quiet/Submissive |
Nerdy |
Has American society's stereotyping of Asians decreased during the past 3 years?
Yes, there's less now. |
No, it has stayed about the same |
No, it has actually worsened. |
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What I hate is the stereotype that asian men cannot lay it down in the bed because...
When I first met my man...things were not very serious between us. Honestly,we F'd on the very first date. Oh well, thats how it went. We met, and we had sex...we were both extremely curious as hell, and it turned my little world completely upside DOWN!!!! I felt like I lost my mind! Like I WAS HIGH from some crazy unknown drug or something! He made me crazy as hell!
And it affected me so hard and soooo wild that I found myself at his sushi bar searching like mad crazy for him the very next afternoon!!!!
And the bunch of white guys that worked there were asking me if I needed help. I was so dumbfounded, and out of my mind I was like,"Could you please find Maung for me?" they were like,"The little asian guy with the glasses"? I was like,"HELLL YEAH!!!!! HIM!!!!" THey couldn't understand what I wanted. They asked me,"Did you F" him or something? WHATS THE DEAL WITH YOU?"
I was like,"Yes, and its completely driven me out of my mind!!! Do you know where he is? Because i think i'm going completely insane or something" and they were soooo shocked that he had completely satisfied me in so many ways. they were actually trying to hit on me,, but it did no good because only he could satisfy that need in me. and it blew their minds that a 5ft4 asian guy with glasses and a little slim build had turned my world upside down in the bed on the very first date...and i am 5ft5 130 pounds 38-24-36 puerto rican and mexican and they were mesmerized like crazy!!!!!!!! you see, they believed in some stupid retarded stereotype that asian men were not the bomb in bed. one of them actually had the nerve to ask me,"how the hell did this happen?
as though it were a freak of nature or something. damn, he had noooooo idea of the reality of the situation!!!!!!
and honestly? he drove me so crazy...that i cannot stay away from this guy. its been 6 years straight now!!! him and noone else! stereotypes suck! and they are definitely stupid and faker than hell!
oh hell yeah once you go asian? damn!!! wow   
Monday, December 02, 2002 at 17:14:30 (PST)
The most annoying stereotype is that all asians brown nose white people. Yes, we have our share of that type, but other races/cultures are just as guilty of doing that.
I go to a local liquor store, and I noticed that the Indian lady that works there automatically smiles and lovingly greets the white customers there, yet when I go to the counter she looks down and doesn't even want to make eye contact. This has happened each time I go there, it is no anamoly. Lots of other cultures value white people over other races, families who wouldn't want their sons/daughters marrying an asian would gladly let them date/marry white people.
In fact, I would say that the group most "adept" at pleasing white people are the Indians (from India). I don't mean any offense by this, as my best friend is from India (Hindi, he is like a brother to me). My Indian co-worker was telling me how the movie Mississippi Marsala was true, an Indian father would beat his daughter for wanting to date or marry a black man, yet it is perfectly acceptable for their sons and daughters to date/marry caucasians. Think about it, have you EVER seen an Indian man or woman even dating a non white or an asian? I have never seen one.
painful truth   
Monday, December 02, 2002 at 03:34:34 (PST)
1AM in Marin,
You better believe that happens in real life too.
I have seen it where the women (of any race) who is with an AM even if she is his wife with kids in hand, will once in a awhile get hit on in the presence of her hubby and kids in public places (not just bars/clubs).
They think that the AM is too weak to physically confront them and that the woman he is with is not really romantically involved with the AM.
But, I have also seen instances where a physical confrontation can lead to bad results. Don't do it, but find a way out of it that would make you and your partner satisfied.
A real man does not handle things through violence.
By you being with the girl and having lots of beautiful kids with her is your victory.
fighting back   
Sunday, December 01, 2002 at 23:04:34 (PST)
Here's one. At bars/parties: I hate it when other guy assumes a woman (of any race) is dating an AM for utilitarian reasons. (i.e. using him). Anybody notice? Some guys instantly label that woman accessible, thinking "Hey, if she's with him, then I can get her tonight." Surprisingly, the guys who were most accepting and least confrontational to my date and I have been black guys.
1AM in Marin   
Sunday, December 01, 2002 at 00:17:15 (PST)
"You are just as guilty of constantly bombarding Caucasians with your racism and bigotry, constantly sterotyping and pigeon-holing Caucasians as well."
You obviously don't get it and the more you deny the worse you make matters by trying to turn it around. BTW, I've never heard of an Asian KKK or any other hate group like Aryan brotherhood and White Christian Soldiers and the list goes on. Name me one..
Still Waiting   
Thursday, November 28, 2002 at 06:53:14 (PST)
We need to educate on this issue and start specifically in the younger years such as elementary, middle, and high schools. Every Asian has an identity and a race they belong to and should not be assumed to be Chinese. It's ignorance like that this that builds up and produces prejudices and ignorant remarks towards Asians.
Monday, November 25, 2002 at 10:43:46 (PST)
chi chi, angry asian girl,
i love you!
nah, j/k. but hey i understand what you're going through. i have to admit, i probably have it easier then a lot of asian who have been through worse. its feels great to know there are still strong-minded AF like you out there. more power to ya.
Mr. Hann   
Wednesday, November 20, 2002 at 22:11:05 (PST)
Chi Chi:
Congratulations. You are being measured for your own yellow-tinted White robe and hood. You are just as guilty of constantly bombarding Caucasians with your racism and bigotry, constantly sterotyping and pigeon-holing Caucasians as well.
I'm sure you and your family are very proud of you.
Wednesday, November 20, 2002 at 11:40:47 (PST)
chi chi-
Actually, I agree with you. I am an AA female, who grew up her entire life in the midwest. I am sick of tired of idiots coming up to me and asking me questions based soley on the fact that I have asian features. I have no problems sharing my background when ppl AFTER they get to know me as a person. I can't stand it when ppl get fixated on my physical looks and can't get past that.
I have actually asked those same idiots who ask me where I'm, "really" from, where they're, "really" from. Believe it or not, they have the audacity or should I say ignorance to say, "I'm american!" Then I retort with, "well I'm american too!" Then I walk away from them with their mouths hanging open gawking at me, and trying to sputter something unintelligible. I feel like slapping them in the head and asking, "Hello??? Is anyone home????"
Tuesday, November 19, 2002 at 20:12:01 (PST)
You know that myth about the Asian male member was created by White men who were insecure about their own size and lack of sexual prowess.They are also jealous of the Asian male's success in life and so they have created this myth to make themselves feel better. As an Asian girl who prefers Asian men, I can disprove this idea. I find it disgusting and pathetic how Whites have created this stereotype. Asians' dicks are just as big as whites, but the difference is that Asians make better lovers.
What also bothers me is when whites ask me where I'm from. When I reply "u.s. city", they ask "no where are you really from?" At this point, I become extremely angry and curtly repeat myself. Sometimes they back off. Other times, they start questioning what my nationality is. What the f*** is up with that? I find it incredibly rude, stupid, & ignorant that I would be asked this question. I have no trace of an accent and I'm as Americanized as these dumb whites, and yet I am still being asked this. The funny thing is that mostly old, white, ugly-ass, obese, pasty-faced men ask me these questions, thinking it might be a good pick-up line to hook up with an Asian girl. I've been told that I'm cute and pretty. Fine. It's flattering. But who do these white fools think they're talking to? They are sooo obviously beneath me. I'd choose an Asian guy any day over a White redneck.
You know what also bothers me? Sometimes I see really attractive AFs who date ugly white men. Are these AF so ashamed of themselves and their own culturethat they have to settle for something less? DO they feel that if they date white that they will gain higher social status? I know this doesn't go for all WM/AF relationships, but personally to me the WM sees the AF as a trophy, which is very offensive to me as a proud AF. The WM sees the AF as an easy f***, excuse my language. And that PISSES ME OFF!!!!!
Another stereotype: Asians are smart, shy, and quiet. Yes, I know I'm smart, thank you very much. I am DEFINITELY NOT shy. If some white prick says something to me, I will f***ing say something back. My philosophy is: you f*** me once, I f*** you three times over and your mama too!!! Plus, I am not quiet. I just have nothing to say that these whites would understand anyway.
I realize that there are a lot of whites who are going to be offended by my rantings and who are going to spew out a lot or racial tolerance s***. But you know what? I don't give a f***. Unless you grew up as a minority, unless you are constantly bombarded with racism and bigotry, unless you have been constantly sterotyped and pigeon-holed, then your comments don't mean shit. I don't care that you've had Asian friends/girlfriends or that you've immersed yourself into the Asian culture or that you've lived in an Asian country. You can even fluently speak the language.Fact is you're still white, and I'm Asian. And it is your people who continue on with the bashing and sterotyping of Asians.
chi chi, angry asian girl   
Monday, November 18, 2002 at 20:55:42 (PST)
I admit. I used to believe in that myth. Its not true. It was proven to me. And believe me, it was DEFINITELY proven to be just a myth
Tuesday, November 12, 2002 at 08:58:01 (PST)
Hey guys, obviously size is not the most important thing to a woman, but I can understand that it is important to you guys. Just to let you know, not all of us non-asian women believe every stereotype we hear. We know what fabulous.. well you know... asian men can have.
blushing non af   
Monday, November 11, 2002 at 12:04:31 (PST)
that myth about asian men's penis is so lame. Asian men are the very best in bed. Most of them do not have very small penis. I think there needs to be more truthful portrayal of the way it REALLY is.
asian men r sexxxxy!!!!!!   
Monday, November 11, 2002 at 11:38:15 (PST)
I ain't small in width or length. I know b/c when I put on rubber, the front hole or ring of the rubber won't fit my head [usually get stuck and sometime I can't even get it off]. So I'm pretty big at size. Those companies should make bigger one's for me. Sterotype is just that, it's dumb, it don't apply to me. I broke it and I bet many of us do too.
abc college guy,
Your right, that annoys me too and it piss me off. And what really piss me off the most is when asian guys joke that about themself too. They just laugh about steotypes against themself. And many white-women or other women fall into believing it. I also believe this is the reason why some women wouldn't date us. Women want other thing but also something that is good in bed. But...... One day I will prove them wrong.
Anyway with all that being said, how do you know that this is made by racist comedian. Look at it this way, there are about 2 billion asian people on this planet [even more I believe]. And not even more than .0000000009 % of the whole 2 billions show their size and yet people already generalize.
Not true and I don't know exactly where it came from [maybe i do].
Wednesday, November 06, 2002 at 20:18:23 (PST)
My dick isnt very long, a bit under 6 inches, but its as thick as a totem pole. No Joke! I'm pretty happy with it, and I've gotten no complaints.
AM, 21   
Wednesday, November 06, 2002 at 18:35:06 (PST)
the stereotype that annoys me is the one where all asian men have a small penis. that is a really crude and worn out joke used frequently by racist comedians and a perception that seems prevalent. have the entire population of asian men announced our measurements to the world? i know this is a vulgar subject but i used to be kinda paranoid about my own measurement until i took a human sexuality course. now i know i'm good. obviously when they mention the avg size they are talking about white guys and many of us exceed the avg, especially us american born - the diet, the younger generations are very tall. to most women size does and doesn't matter depending on the individual person however manhood is more about the heart and soul than having a huge penis.
abc college guy   
Tuesday, November 05, 2002 at 23:03:10 (PST)
What i think is sad is people like AF(21) hating stereotypes "like Gedde Watanabe" ... and his "generation of movies". You obviously have no idea what you are talking about. i assume that you're referring to his role in Sixteen candles, which was one of his first roles. There is no "Generation of Movies" for Gedde, if you've noticed, he's spent the rest of his career trying to bring down that typecasting and stereotyping. It is not a "Gedde Watanabe" stereotype, it's your own stereotype that you alone are applying to him. Stereotypes are not the people or things that are stereotyped, it's ignorant people like you applying your own ideas of what stereotypes are to anyone you wish.
You obviously don't know much about the man or his life, and it's sad that you're generalizing the whole stereotype with one person of whom you obviously no nothing about.
Tuesday, November 05, 2002 at 22:10:22 (PST)
the stereotype that asian women are submissive. I hate that because I am far from being submissive. I am not afraid to speak my mind, and I will fight back if need be. I think its dumb the way media makes it seem otherwise. Then you have your "Ally MacBeal" show stereotyping us as Dragonladies. If we are not submissive, and passive...then we are fire breathing Dragonladies! Its sickening to think about it at times. I don't let it get to me too much. Life goes on.
Thursday, October 24, 2002 at 12:58:54 (PDT)