Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
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Which U.S. TV network is most Asian-Friendly?
Which U.S. TV network is least Asian-Friendly?
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think for a minute
Do Asians in America really fight for equality in the workplace like Blacks and Women???? I don't think so! Many Asians are still passive about it. Maybe this is the reason why people see Asian Men as effeminate....
Btw, most Asians in this country don't really have a cohesive agenda. Most of them betray their own ppl, and fear fellow Asians might steal their jobs in the White dominated companies. All of those Asian Male anchors working in the coporate media companies are like lonely bachelors trying to find a niche for themselves.
You know how the Jews established all of those juggernaught media companies, which Asians are accusing them of being racist???? Through cohesiveness, ambition, and plain hard work. By the practicing cohesiveness, and being ambitious and dilligent at the same time, they eventually influenced and dominated the American Society over the White Gentiles.
Remember, when the Jews 1st arrived in America, White Gentiles saw Jewish men as weak, wimpy, sneaky and effeminate..something similar to how Asian Men are portrayed today. No White Gentile could say this about the Jews anymore, since they are one of America's most successful, influential and wealthy group.
And to brush off your argument...many Asians TODAY do not suffer from large amounts of cruel discrimination and injustices in the workplace. In fact, many of them have made progress, and many of them also have the capital and the time to start their own thing. Instead of wasting their time b*tching about the inequalities of the working world, they could use some of that time to ignore it and become more productive.
This is what I mean when Asians should screw the glass ceiling, and see the sky as the limit.
Asians need to be more Ambitious   
Wednesday, April 17, 2002 at 12:18:44 (PDT)
"For example, East Asia has a market of about 2 billion, India has about 1.2 billion. I doubt either market puts whites up on a pedestal."
Aside from the advertising industry ... it looks like some of them are trying to go for the "Ralph Lauren" effect except their white models can't pull it off and just look plain goofy and ugly instead.
T.H. Lien   
Wednesday, April 17, 2002 at 00:34:42 (PDT)
I thought that anchors had to write their own material. You mean that it is just reading lines?? What do reporters do anyway??
Tuesday, April 16, 2002 at 15:16:26 (PDT)
Asians need to be more ambitious!:
"The SOLUTION: Only if Asians want to establish their own media companies; because that's what THE JEWS did in the past. Is this so difficult to understand?"
According to your logic, whites who face gender and age discrinination should start their own companies instead of fighting for equality. Honest whistle blowers who face retaliation and discrimination should do the same. Handicapped people should all start their own businesses to increase ramp and physical access instead of fighting for it. Parents of handicapped children should all build their own schools instead of demanding better special education in public schools. Yup, they should walk away from it all and establish their own companies. If you, as a white, ever have to face any of the above, remember your words. Don't push for, fight for, demand equal treatment and justice, just start your own company. Does that make sense? Is this so difficult for you to understand?
"Screw the glass ceiling!"...
If white women did that, they'd be nowhere by now. Without experience, acceptance in the workfield, and capital, they wouldn't be able to start up on their own. They'd still be housewives. You can't screw the glass ceiling, you have to confront and fight it. That's how you change societal injustices.
think for a minute   
Tuesday, April 16, 2002 at 10:59:04 (PDT)
Ummm, Hong Kong, Japan and S. Corea all have their own movie industries. AAM may not be striving to become thespians over here, but there are a lot of AM overseas who do.
I think Hollywood is just trying to put us down before overseas competition makes it harder for them give AM a negative, or weak image.
For example, East Asia has a market of about 2 billion, India has about 1.2 billion. I doubt either market puts whites up on a pedestal. N. America and Europe make what? 800 million? So for every 1 person who sees whites as the supreme masters of the universe, there's 4 people who see something completely different.
Monday, April 15, 2002 at 22:08:04 (PDT)
Why would anyone want to be a news anchor? Okay besides getting a hefty salary. All you do is read a Tele-prompter and try to imitate Dan Rather's boring, news anchor-voice. That's so unstimulating. I'd rather be a carpenter or one of those dudes who outline a football field with chalk. But if I were to go into journalism I'd definetly go into writing news. News anchors, what a bunch of phonies.
Monday, April 15, 2002 at 13:25:22 (PDT)