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Which U.S. TV network is most Asian-Friendly?
Which U.S. TV network is least Asian-Friendly?
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
To answer the following question:
"Do Asians in America really fight for equality in the workplace?"
You bet we do. I just quit my alright paying job and told my boss to "take this job and shoved up your arse". In normal circumstances, I wouldn't even think of saying that to my boss or let alone quit a job without leaving two weeks notice but I figure if I didn't set an example to him; he's gonna treat other asian americans the same. By the way, my boss is caucasian. I've been working for that guy for five years and all I hear from him is how asians are quiet and don't have the potential to become management material because of that trait. I sure show him when that incident occured. He was flustered with red all over his face and was speechless when I warned him that I might consider filing a lawsuit for his open criticism of Asian Americans. The reason why it took me so long to muster the courage to say that to him was not because I was afraid but because he didn't openly express his views to me until this past year. Another reason why i did this is that I am an American and that's what Americans do. We fight for what we believe in.
asian machoman   
Friday, April 19, 2002 at 15:11:55 (PDT)
[We are moving a copy of this post to the Career Forum where it belongs. --Ed]
Speaking of AA Responses to Racial Discrimination:
Have you heard about the scandal concernging Abercrombie & Fitch T-shirts with Racist Asian logos? Our Brothers and sisters in California have spoken up against this and organized sizeable response against this. They have SUCEEDED, and the company is recalling all the items with the offensive designs on them.
Spread the word, boys and girls! let the world know that we won't take any more shit from these assholes who think it's funny to make fun of Asians! In their words: "WOK AND ROLL", BABY!!!!
Proud Asian American Boi   
Friday, April 19, 2002 at 12:21:25 (PDT)
think for a minute,
Sony bought a hollywood studio (Paramount or Universal) in the 80's or 90's, it was later sold off. During the same time Japanese companies bought Rockefeller Center and what not.
Japan bashing was still a general attitude in the USA. And they Hollywood execs types did not like being managed by overseas.
Overall the lesson is basically, once a group has control of the infrastructure they will not relinquish control, even if you buy their asses.
The key is like Japanese and the USA car market. To service an underserve niche in the market. Going head to head against a market leader is a sure fire way to bankruptcy.
With current trends I think the animated market is what the Japanese are actively going after in the USA. Looking at the programming of kids animation on TV. It would seem a growing percentage of animated TV shows are Japanese imports or are outsourced to Japanese companies.
How this plays out in influencing USA if at all is another question all together.
AC Dropout   
Friday, April 19, 2002 at 12:16:58 (PDT)
Asians need to be more ambitious,
"Do Asians in America really fight for equality in the workplace..?"
Relying on the same ole tactic of using stereotypes to bolster absurd claims that can't stand on its own merits. Sir, Asians fight for equality everyday. How do you think Asians made progress in the first place?
"Btw, most Asians in this country don't really have a cohesive agenda."
We do have a cohesive agenda except that it's not cohesive in your eyes or even to the eyes of some Asians. Education and work ethic are our strongest traits and we use it fully to make inroads in medicine, education, science, engineering, etc. Our agenda is to become economically and more politically powerful no different from groups that came in greater numbers before us. Cohesiveness occurs when Asians get together politically. I see that happening albeit slowly. It's not a conscious agenda to most but a natural result of our progress.
"Most of them betray their own ppl, and fear fellow Asians might steal their jobs."
On the contrary. Asians welcome other Asians. The more the merrier, the more the powerful in order to network and esablish contacts in their fields.
"You know how the Jews estabished all those juggernaught media companies which Asians are accusing them of being racist?"
No one doubts that Jews are industrious, and ambitious. Establishing media companies by AAs is a good idea but first we have to make inroads in that field first. And that's what they are doing despite the glass ceiling. Media companies do exist like Sony Corporation but they are in Asia. I believe they previously worked jointly with Hollywood in producing movies.
"..many Asians TODAY do not suffer from large amounts of cruel discrimination and injustices..."
What's your definition of cruel discrimination? True, asians are not physically whipped and slapped around, however discrimination that could unfairly prevent someone from paying mortgages, bills, feeding their children can be considered cruel. It may appear that there is less discrimination to you because Asians are so good at dealing with it and fighting for equality. Granted, there are some fields where Asians are actually preferred like the computer field. However, many glass ceilings remain to be broken in fields where Asians are slowly diversifying into like media and newscasting. They have to start somewhere by climbing the ladder. Like I said before, Asian media companies do exist and it's only a matter of time before they take a financial interest or controlling interest in American media if they haven't already. Working at it from the low end (climbing the ladder) and the high end (buying interests in companies outright) would be ideal. Starting from scratch might be considered inefficient.
"Instead of wasting their time b*tching about the inequalities of the working world, they could use some of that time to ignore it and become more productive."
They select their battles carefully. Some are ignored but the important ones are not. Asians are highly productive anyway.
I hope you don't have a problem with peeps complaining about the media. Goldsea specifically set up this board for that purpose. That alone lends validity to the issue and that complaints about the media are legitimate. All we are asking for is better representation of Asians in the media especially for Asian men.
think for a minute   
Thursday, April 18, 2002 at 14:22:31 (PDT)