

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which U.S. TV network is most Asian-Friendly?
ABC | 24%
CBS | 28%
FOX | 27%
NBC | 21%

Which U.S. TV network is least Asian-Friendly?
ABC | 28%
CBS | 20%
FOX | 26%
NBC | 26%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
I don't remember that scene, but I do remember that a few seasons ago, Ross went to China and came back with a girlfriend who was chinese. I think she was supposed to be american chinese, and I think the character's name was Lauren (?) but it was pretty annoying the way Rachel and Chandler's characters reacted to her. (yes, I know Rachel was supposed to be jealous so it was supposed to be ok for her to be rude, but still) I don't remember it very well anymore as it was a few years ago.

Phoebe's style often seems very japanese anime don't you think? I like it.
chicky poo    Monday, April 29, 2002 at 18:30:41 (PDT)
I meant the scene in Friends. The role has nothing to do with being asian. The waiter was simply a waiter in a restaurant. Sure, the role was comedic and there are many white male actors you see crying on tv but why does an asian actor have to be cast in that particular role of the many walk-on roles available on Friends? I just noticed that Friends always seem to be poking fun of asians. For example, the scene where Ross mistakens an old asian lady for a man. Another where the ugly white European dry cleaner owner was married to a sexy suzy wong type asian female. She went on a date with Joey or slept with him. There's probably other scenes I don't know of. These are all 5 min scenes, however, it has big impact because of huge audience market share Friends draw every week.
what do you think?    Sunday, April 28, 2002 at 16:14:48 (PDT)
Here's a scene that was less than the 5 min one in Fargo. An asian waiter is reduced to tears after being rebuked by Rachel's father for the wine selection. He then scurries away choked with tears. Did anyone see that?
what did you think?    Friday, April 26, 2002 at 19:08:06 (PDT)
Asian machoman- good for you for standing up for yourself! I'm a WF dating an AM, and he is very smart, assertive, hard working, and would definitely be management material. He breaks all those stereotypes of Asian men being quiet, shy and passive. He always stands up for himself, and I am so proud of my man!
happy girl    Monday, April 22, 2002 at 11:16:39 (PDT)
i'm proud of you asian machoman! i've always been discriminated by my quietness, even though i only talk when i have something to say. i'm not shy at all people! my boss at work has told me when i first started there, said "you're too quiet" when really, i didn't have anything to say. so i put on my evaluation form after they put that i was just shy and quiet, "i want to have a big mouth just like - you know who. i didn't give a care. i was sick of people thinking i was quiet, when it was because i had nothing to say and didn't really want to socialize with the people because i didn't know them!!! i will talk to anyone. even when my next eval came, i heard she has spoken up, ---- was proud of you. i told them i already talked and said what i wanted to say, that is my personality. everyone else is quiet, and does that too. i'm sure since they are americans they were not labled or told to speak up.
that has always happened in a customer service environment with me! you are not alone. i'm asian american also and proud that i will speak up when i want to!!!
Taiwanangel    Sunday, April 21, 2002 at 17:11:59 (PDT)