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Which U.S. TV network is most Asian-Friendly?
Which U.S. TV network is least Asian-Friendly?
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Check out that cute musician Dorothy on "The Mole II" She's cute in an intellectual/sweet sort of way!
TV Watcha   
Wednesday, June 05, 2002 at 05:55:13 (PDT)
I think the "Asian" wife on Malcolm in the Middle is suppose to be Native American or something b/c they talked about tribal lands and stuff, and Apu from the Simpson dumped the white women in the end
Sunday, May 19, 2002 at 20:23:06 (PDT)
I get the impression that Ming-Na is only going to be paired with Black men because of her doing the movie "One Night Stand" back in the late 1990s. Since then, on ER, she hooked up with a black male nurse and got pregnant by him, only to give the baby up for adoption later.
More recently on ER, she was being spoken to in a lurid manner by Dr. Pratt, a black Medical student, who was inviting her over for "Macaroni & Cheese, a bottle of Wine and freaky sex." Her response was "I can take care of the freaky sex all by myself." And he just said more lurid stuff to her after that. Later on, he was showing off doing a spinal tap, which made her all smiles and impressed.
If ANY man had said those things to a Female Coworker IN REAL LIFE, he would be put on warning with regards to sexual harassment. Any woman--or rather any NON-ASIAN woman, who would be spoken to in that manner would have gotten pissed off and reported the bastard. However, because of Ming-Na being Asian, the writers have her just "blowing it off" or even acting like she's "into" the guy later in the same god-damned episode.
Ming-Na is married to Eric Zee and is supposed to be a proud Asian American. How can she be so flippant when she's put in such scenarios and given such lines like she is on that show? Someone needs to send some HATE MAIL to Michael Crichton and NBC to tell them to QUITE EXPLOITING ASIAN WOMEN LIKE THAT!!!
Angry TV Viewer   
Wednesday, May 08, 2002 at 11:21:48 (PDT)
Curius --
I'm not sure why you think there are more AM/WF romantic scenes on TV than BM/WF ones. I don't think there's much of either, but if you're going to count, I think the networks would be more prepared to show BM/WF than AM/WF. Maybe showing interracial sex scenes is still too risky for TV, but at least judging by TV commercials and news anchor pairings, they seem to like pairing BM with WF. It's not the same as showing sex, but you know the implication.
I'm also surprised that Fox isn't way out ahead on this poll. Other than "VIP," which is in syndication, I can't think of any show other than "That 80's Show" that has a regular Asian male cast-member. (Remember "In Living Color" and "21 Jump Street" from the 80's too. Also, "Mad TV" has occassionally had an AM comic on. These were all Fox shows.)
I'm not sure why CBS is ahead. The only thing I can think of is "Big Brother," and I'm not sure that's something to be proud of considering no one watched it.
Sunday, May 05, 2002 at 19:11:04 (PDT)
Did anyone see Sunday's episode of Malcom in the Middle? The Asian wife went out shopping and bought herself all kinds of nice things and spent all the money that she and Francis had.
And on the Simpsons, Apu cheated on his wife with a white woman.
Sunday, May 05, 2002 at 18:45:25 (PDT)
You're making way too big a deal of this. Rachel was rude to the gf because Ross was her ex boyfriend! Come on, any of you in the same situation wouldn't exactly be pleasant. It wasn't just because she was asian.
no way   
Wednesday, May 01, 2002 at 16:29:18 (PDT)
chicky poo,
Now that you mention it she does fit the archtype of the happy-go-luck dumb women of anime.
But I'm sure she used to poke fun at blondes than emulate anime characters.
what do you think?,
But did not Ross have an asian gf in season 2 or 3. Doesn't that lend to the argument that they poke fun at everyone in that show. Guido and gays are common targets of that show.
AC Dropout   
Wednesday, May 01, 2002 at 08:48:24 (PDT)
You're expecting diversity from "Friends"? As far as I know they have never had any meaningful roles for non-whites on that show. According to NBC, New York is filled with nothing but White people, Jewish people, and the occasional singing/dancing black dude.
The show has really gotten tiresome as well. It was pretty funny at the beginning but it seems that the show and the actors are tuckered out. It's time for these thirtysomethings to stop acting like twentysomethings that just got out of college.
Phoebe is certainly an interesting character. A new age spiritual ditz is the best way I could describe her.
Wednesday, May 01, 2002 at 08:17:15 (PDT)
Now that you mentioned it, that scene struck me the same way too! Rachel practically stuck her face in Ross's (now former) girlfriend's face...in a very condescending way...and yes rude way! Chandler too. The situation didn't call for it either. Very disappointing. Place an asian man, other non-white, in a similiar situation with a white talking down to him for no reason and...I bet our reactions to the scene would have been the same.
I like Phoebe's style too. At first, people thought she was too goofy but after a while, her character grew on people. I think she won an Emmy award for her role. Haven't seen japanese anime..
you thought..., I thought...., we're on the same page   
Tuesday, April 30, 2002 at 11:18:09 (PDT)