Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
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Which U.S. TV network is most Asian-Friendly?
Which U.S. TV network is least Asian-Friendly?
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Man, I'm so happy and grateful that Liz Cho is again the co-anchor on ABC's late, late news broadcast. She's not only the finest anchorperson but smart to boot. I actually find myself sneaking up late at night not to watch porn secretly but to watch Liz talk about the idiots in the Middle East. Bet she wears lacy panties.
Wednesday, July 17, 2002 at 13:33:18 (PDT)
"Eskimos" have Asian heritage in the same way that Native Americans do...from the earliest point of their history.
But in today's world, an Alaskan person ( never to be called Eskimo , as that it a terrible slur. It translates to Flesh Eaters. Call them Inuit or their appropriate clan name )considers themselves an Indigenous or Native person, not an Asian.
I don't know if they have tribal enrollment there like we do in the states, but I do know they are recognized by BIA and AIM.
Wednesday, July 17, 2002 at 06:47:15 (PDT)
Annoyed Azn Dude,
I thought she looked okay. Her face was pudgie though.
The point of the show is to vote off anyone smarter than you.
That why the end round is usually the descent intelligent person, with a total idiot.
AC Dropout   
Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 11:13:41 (PDT)
Dang it!
There was a cute Asian American gal named Julienne on "The Weakest Link-High School Edition" last night. She got voted off even though she wasn't the weakest link at all. It was obvious the other guys (White, Jewish and Hispanic) conspired to vote off all the girls one by one. Also, a couple of the other girls (all White or Jewish) voted her off because they said "She's too pretty and makes me look less pretty standing next to me!" UGH!!!
What didn't help was that after she was voted off, she said "I felt a little betrayed because I thought a couple of the guys were on my side. I even winked at them several times from across the stage!" Gee thanks. You really made Asian women look good NOW!!!
Annoyed Azn Dude   
Monday, July 15, 2002 at 06:52:11 (PDT)
There was a sitcom on ABC back in the 1970s called "Mr. T and Tina." Pat Morita played a Mr. Takahashi who was married to a young White American chick. The Clash of cultures was supposed to lead to laughs. Unfortunately, it didn't make it halfway through the season.
TV Watcher   
Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 11:15:36 (PDT)
Apparently, Eskimos do have Asian ancestry. ---According to "The Real Eve" documentory on the Discovery Channel, anyway.
Empyrean20 Empyrean20@aol.com   
Tuesday, July 09, 2002 at 14:42:34 (PDT)
Hey, is it true that Roger (Eddie Shin) on "That 80's Show" hooks up with one of his white female co-stars? If so, that might be a first for prime-time network television.
Sunday, July 07, 2002 at 14:29:11 (PDT)
VN Chick,
Let's see Joy Luck Club was just screened and they thought the demographics of an asian girl would match.
It was a PhD excavation where they met....TV logic brunette and small breast increases intelligence by 100 point. Asians, well not one would doubt it that she's smart.
AC Dropout   
Monday, July 01, 2002 at 15:34:27 (PDT)
No Way- I agree that, in the episode of Friends, Rachel was rude to Ross' gf because she was jealous, not b/c the woman was Asian. But ask yourself: Why did the casting director choose an Asian woman for the role of Ross's new gf? Was it b/c her being Asian made her more "the other" to the general (white) audience, and therefore the audience could subconsciously sympathize with poor Rachel's plight? Why hadn't the show featured Asian characters before this? Why did they all of the sudden decide to cast an Asian in the role of a women who essentially steals Ross away from Rachel? Friends has got a lot of flack for not featuring minority characters, so when they do, I think it's very deliberate. Take that episode in which Joey & Ross went gaga over the same black woman. If that wasn't the producers scrambling to look PC, I don't know what is.
VN Chick   
Wednesday, June 12, 2002 at 12:39:35 (PDT)
The "Asian wife" from Malcolm in the Middle is to be an Alaskan woman.
Which makes me wonder, do Eskimos have some Asian origin?
Tuesday, June 11, 2002 at 17:18:58 (PDT)
There's this new series called smallville on the Wb. There's this girl named Kristin Kruek(I don't know if it's spelled right) and she's supposed to be half dutch and half chinese.
Tuesday, June 11, 2002 at 09:11:58 (PDT)
Did anyone ever watch Margaret Cho's sitcom when it was on back in like 1993 or so? It was pretty funny. Too bad it didn't last long, I think it was great that there was an entire sitcom centered around an Asian-American woman.
Also I've been seeing more and more good-looking Asian men on TV. They may be bit parts, but at least it's something. There was this guy who had a small part on an episode of CSI as a US Treasury Agent (!) and he was incredibly gorgeous as well as smart.
curious girl   
Monday, June 10, 2002 at 10:20:06 (PDT)
April 12:
"Ever watch UPN's WWF Smack Down? Tajiri, A Japanese wrestler, has a WF girl friend named Torrie Wilson. She is a tall, hot, gorgous blonde with a killer body."
I caught a glimpse of WWF Smackdown last week. Guess what? In a hospital scene, that blonde bimbo dumps Tajiri for another wrestler. Get real! You didn't think WWF was realistic, did you?!
B. Lee   
Friday, June 07, 2002 at 19:27:03 (PDT)
Actually Trading Spaces is also shown on TLC, and Vern is awesome. He's an incredible designer, really talented, funny and easygoing and good looking.
Vern rocks   
Friday, June 07, 2002 at 11:22:35 (PDT)
On HGTV, there is a show called "Trading Spaces," and Vern Yip, one of their decorators, is a HOTTIE! I love watching that show.
give me a bib cuz I'm droolin'!   
Thursday, June 06, 2002 at 14:13:54 (PDT)