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Which U.S. TV network is most Asian-Friendly?
Which U.S. TV network is least Asian-Friendly?
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I agree. They talked about everyone who was affected by the attacks, even the relatives of the people affected by the attacks. And while it was terrible for many people....
Why were the people of Chinatown ignored?
SF AM   
Tuesday, September 17, 2002 at 11:05:56 (PDT)
Angry AA TV Watcher:
I actually watched that movie--I can't believe the guy who played Keith agreed to play such a lame character. He was portrayed as lame, having no personality and not getting anywhere with women. WTF? That's it! No more MTV for me!
Hank Lewis   
Tuesday, September 17, 2002 at 06:03:24 (PDT)
I am amazed by the lack of coverage that Chinatown and the affect of the 9/11 attacks has had on that community. Many people in Chinatown were affected physically, economically, and psychologically. Yet for all the media coverage, little has been said about them. Are they not Americans too?
Wednesday, September 11, 2002 at 09:17:48 (PDT)
I think Friends is a funny show, but like most shows on TV, it's very "white". It's written by white people and it's about white people. But so are most shows on TV. Friends does try to be inclusive of other minorities, but very rarely (besides gay people). Even Seinfeld featured more minorities, although in a much more offensive way. As for Lauren Tom's role as Ross' girlfriend, I did not find the role offensive. Even though she came between Ross and Rachel, she was not made out to be the "villian". In fact, she was portrayed as a sweet likable person, and all of the friends. other than Rachel, seemed to love her. In fact, Rachel was made out to be mean and petty for not liking her (of course, in a funny cute kind of way). The only thing I found a bit offensive was that the role was just too bland. If Julie were played by say, Sara Jessica Parker, she would've had more edge, more fire to her, some personality. Instead, we get this sweet, timid Asian woman. Not sure if it was the fault of the writers or Lauren Tom's acting range.
Friends Fan   
Monday, September 09, 2002 at 14:25:29 (PDT)
Jim Proudbear
Africans never really chose to come here, but whatever. And i think you should look at all the good that came out of Europeans coming to the Americas, because whats done is done, and its better to look at the bright side rather than the negative because you cant change anything so might as well be happy about the U.S and such today. but that is in no way justifying or condoning what happened to your people and your land. I would be angry too, but hateful remarks like yours arent helping either.
Tuesday, September 03, 2002 at 13:58:06 (PDT)
Meet My Folks had an Asian looking woman on its show the other day. And guess what she played a sex-crazed, airhead, temptress. Surpise surprise. The parents disapproved of her, but the white guy picked her, mainly becuase he wanted to have lots of "fun" with her.
Tuesday, August 27, 2002 at 07:11:01 (PDT)
I guess nobody cared that the winner of the Grand Prize on The Mole II was Dorothy, the Asian American music student from New York. Tsk. Tsk.
TV Watcha   
Tuesday, August 20, 2002 at 10:45:09 (PDT)
According to the New York Post, Channel 4 (NBC?)'s Ti-Hua Chang will host "East Asians: Changing Mainstream America," a one-hour special airing Sunday, Aug. 25, at 11:30 am.
The special will examine the impact of the East Asian community is having on the mainstream America.
Tuesday, August 06, 2002 at 11:04:12 (PDT)
Finally, we have an Asian American male on a cast of MTV's The Real World--Keith from Baltimore, MD. OR DO WE???
Apparently, MTV has produced a FAKE Real World Season and documented in a film called "The Real World Movie: The Lost Season." According to the promos, apparently "The Real World: Vancouver, BC" was terminated midway through the season due to "circumstances beyond their control." Some nut job who had been repeatedly rejected in auditions to be on "The Real World" kidnapped the entire cast, locked them in a mock-up of a Real World loft and forced them to keep on acting out the deal at gunpoint.
Jeez--we have two Hapa guys who were on different seasons of Road Rules (Yes Duffy and Steve Meinke) but when it looks like we FINALLY get an AA brother on Real World, it turns out to be a @$@!#!@#@! FAKE!!!
Angry AA TV Watcher   
Wednesday, July 31, 2002 at 12:02:45 (PDT)
X sounds like a white guy. He does not represent all of the views of Asian Americans, because he probably is not one.
Monday, July 22, 2002 at 15:03:25 (PDT)
Sheesh Jim Geronimo Last of the Mohicans, get a grip. I'm sorry about what we non-Indians bastards did to "your" land, but c'mon it wasn't exactly hunky-dory before we arrived. Maybe if you all hadn't been so fond of getting plastered with the white man's brew you might still have your land-nah I'm just joking. You all were doing a swell job of killing one another way before we godless, heinous bastards arrived.
Anyway you all are raking in jillions with your addictive casinos and I don't begrudge you a penny you make. And those casinos wouldn't make a cent if I and my fellow bastards were to return to Asia, Europe, or Africa.
Peace and bling bling.
Friday, July 19, 2002 at 15:24:01 (PDT)
Jim Proudbear,
Completely in agreement. American Indians are not Asians. Each has their separate and proud heritages. We are only similar in that we have both been oppressed by whites. Any Asian who says something incorrect about the American Indians is doing so because of White American propoaganda. Shame on that person for lumping minorities together.
The enemy is not Asians. Fighting amongst the minorities in this country is silly. None of us have a seat at the table of power. Until we stop fighting amongst ourselves, we will never be able to get the voice that we deserve.
Friday, July 19, 2002 at 08:09:25 (PDT)
Why must Asian female comics that I see spend a large portion of their time insulting Asians. I haven't seen an Asian female comic who just does staright comedy. It is true that many comics do self-deprecating racial jokes, like African Americans. But their comedy has much greater scope.
And the Asian female comics always bring up the same things: Asians are nerdy, Asians have funny accents, Asians carry around cameras, Asian parents oppress their children, etc. This is just reinforcing stereotypes that do not apply universally. It isn't even creative racial humor like that done by Adam Sandler or Eddie Murphy. Their humor can be racial but in the end their races come out looking diverse and powerful. Whereas Asians come out looking weak and wimpy.
Thursday, July 18, 2002 at 14:18:05 (PDT)
As a Native American of Apache heritage, I can tell you right now that we do not consider ourselves to be East Asians nor do we buy into lies told by the White Man's so-called Archeologists and Historians as to our origins. We were the original inhabitants of North America. We grew and developed here, not in Asia.
East Asian Men can grow facial hair. Native Americans cannot. East Asian people have more body hair than we do. Our skin tones range from brown to Copper, East Asian skin tones range from light golden to Literally White. East Asians are commonly B-Postive blood type. Native Americans are more likely to be AB-negative.
We are different peoples genetically, physically and spiritually. We have nothing in common with Asians other than a slight resemblance in the shape of our skulls. Quit trying to put us in your Chinese Box. We Native Americans were the most blessed people on earth before you visitors from across the Pacific and those rapists from Europe came and ravaged our land.
So shut the f*** up and please, the rest of you go back to Europe, Asia and Africa. The Americas are rightfully ours and that's all there is to it.
Jim Proudbear   
Thursday, July 18, 2002 at 06:59:45 (PDT)