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Which U.S. TV network is most Asian-Friendly?
Which U.S. TV network is least Asian-Friendly?
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Im glad that my Asian brothers won the damn contest...
Oh yeah, those b*tches were acting like they did not like these guys but you know deep inside they were like: damn, they are smart AND talented...
Oh yeah, that one dude with the all white outfit who won by driving that car.. He is repping it for us real well... A lot of non Asian tricks in my gym were staring at his body with jaws dropped when they showed the show on television...
Lets keep on hitting the gym my brothers....
Asian pride   
Tuesday, October 29, 2002 at 07:36:30 (PST)
Has anyone seen the Fox TV Show "Firefly" yet? It's kind of like "The Magnificent Seven" in Space and has smatterings of other Asian influences.
1. The Mechanic/Engineer Kailee is obviously a Hapa.
2. It's 500 years in the future and the "English" spoken by much of the characters is flavored with Chinese Expressions (due to language fusion).
For example: "If you make a move, I'll blow your head off. Ni dong ma?"
"Captain Reynolds! That idea of yours is fong-la!"
Also, a lot of the labeling on the pipes and the doors onboard the ship Serenity are in Chinese characters (one of the pipe labels said "Goes nowhere--does nothing.")
3. The worlds which are on the outer periphery of the Galactic Alliance use more basic technologies and resemble the "old West." However, the people there reflect a huge confluence and fusing of cultures. For example, on a couple of the planets the crew has stopped at, the Major Domo for the local Magistrate is Asian. Often the Magistrates are wearing Asian influenced clothes. You also will hear people with French, Russian and sub-Saharan African style accents in such environments as well.
While the show does not feature any prominent Asian characters or actors, the influences in it are undeniable. I wouldn't call Firefly a good "Asian show", but one where it is interesting to see some of the Asian influences in it.
Hank Lewis   
Tuesday, October 29, 2002 at 06:51:12 (PST)
Young Luminary,
who said wf don't like am.
Monday, October 28, 2002 at 17:06:13 (PST)
Young Luminary,
Word, my brotha. I don't give a ff about white girls. I really don't. Am I bitter or something? Not even. I like Asian and Latina women. My post would have sounded like a similar kick ass version of yours had the Ed not hacked it to bits and made it into a PG-rated farce.
No One Owns Me   
Sunday, October 27, 2002 at 22:32:30 (PST)
[Hate and obscenity aren't material elements of kickass posts. Actually, those things merely obscure kickass ideas -- or the lack thereof. --Ed]
Young Luminary, your comments are very generalized. You seem to think that ALL white females act that way you described. I can say from personal expericnce, that the WF I've met and dated are by no means like what you talked about. My girlfriend is a WF and she's the best thing to come into my life. She thinks I'm nothing like those generalizations you made. When you make generalizing claims about a group and then generalzize yourself, don't you think that's hypocritical?
I'm glad those two Asian males won on Fear Factor. Thier actions would shut up any person who thinks otherwise about an asian man, regardless of thier own ethnicity!
Chinese Canadian   
Sunday, October 27, 2002 at 21:46:21 (PST)
The two Fear Factor episodes were the first two times I saw Asian men in any sort of competition or reality show. I'm just glad that in both episodes, both Asian men were the winners of the contest.
So what if the Asian dudes in the shows were "arrogant" and "overconfident" (as the White female contestants criticized)? Let's face the fact: White women in general do NOT like Asian men anyway. They have already made up their minds they do not like Asian men anyway, so they can and will ALWAYS find rationales to dislike Asian men: either Asian men are too passive, too inert, too shy, too arrogant, too traditional, too yuppie, too cocky, too sexist, too this or too that. But who cares? My advice: mind our own business, be our own selves. It's a waste of time and energy to even try to convince those White girls otherwise.
So what if those Asian dudes in Fear Factor were arrogant? Those Asian dudes had the TALENTS and GUTS to back their cockiness, and they BEAT all other contestants in the end and WON. Those Fear Factor White chics could shove that up their @r$e$! Those White chicks should re-examine their close-minded attitudes (which they won't anyway.)
Young Luminary young_luminary@email.com   
Sunday, October 27, 2002 at 12:48:47 (PST)
Is the desired image, for Asian males, that they have just as many diverse personalities, good and bad, as other races? Or is there some other image that you wish to project?
Just Curious   
Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 16:24:59 (PDT)
I saw that crap Robb pulled on Shii Ann. What a MORON he is! Commenting on her being disgusting for eating chicken gizzards and heart. WTF? Uh, KFC sells fried gizzards and some other chicken and cajun restaurants use chopped hearts and intestines in their gravy or their dirty rice. The dude is just ignorant.
The fact that he said "Who'd want to take you home after eating that stuff?" was not only way over the top, it was borderline racist because he's criticizing her on a cultural level for what she was eating.
If I had been there, I'd have asked him if he ate bologna, salami, sausage or hot dogs. Then I would have been sure to tell him a list of choice animal parts used in sausages, bologna, hot dogs and salami. It would give that idiot pause to think and show him what a hypocrite he is.
Hank Lewis   
Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 12:45:48 (PDT)
You are somewhat correct. Although I don't appreciate the 2 Fear Factor contestants' Frat boy mentality. I do think that Asians (as with all races) need diversity in their image. We can't all be respectable, well-educated, mild mannered men that listen to their parents and wives. Sometimes we need AMs to just open a can of whoop-ass and be dangerous. AMs can be whatever they want; it teaches people not to stereotype. These are just my thoughts.
Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 08:55:50 (PDT)
Fear factor boost,
unfortunately, that isn't the image we asian males want in the media. There is a fine line between arrogance and confidence, boasting and maturity. Having asian males act like a bunch of obnoxious, arrogant frat boys is not my idea of improving our image.
Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 00:58:54 (PDT)
Dude, who gives a flyin' if some white girls don't like it when we're assertive? I mean, ... I like white women just fine (as I do all women), but if she tries to stifle me as a man, then she can go shove it... I'll be damned if I let some woman push me around. Call me sexist if you want, but when you let a woman have her way, she thinks she can manipulate you. You gotta hold the reins as a man.
When a black dude calls women hoes n floes, it's pimpin, and when a white guy tosses his chick around its macho and manly. And when an Asian guy acts like a guy, then he's a sexist.
No one owns me.   
Tuesday, October 22, 2002 at 23:58:40 (PDT)
This may be off the topic but the last two episodes of the Fear Factor featured Asian Males beating the competition!
The first one was Hyan Yoo who won by walking over a tube in midair with water sprinkling on it and the second one was Tai Van Ngo who won by speeding his car the longest through a crash wall.
The amazing thing about these two Asian guys is that they didn't bow down to the competition and even egged the others on. One keep telling the white guy to barf and the other called his other competition a bitch. It was refreshing and exciting to watch this show now. As crass and bad as these Asian guys were they really took the show in stride and not be shy as well as proved to the others that they had what it takes to win.
Some of the white girls didn't like them but they didn't care and reflect their comments back to them. Could this be the next phase in improved Asian male image? Could this new arrogant image be the new counterpart for all the submissive roles Asian males received in the past? Will this make us more attractive to the opposite sex? Only time will tell
Fear Factor Boost
Tuesday, October 22, 2002 at 00:38:48 (PDT)
i love Chau from 'Off Centre'! he is hilarious!
Saturday, October 19, 2002 at 14:50:46 (PDT)
Shii Ann on the last show said she realized after a while how being a minority in a group can affect you after a while, because two of the people said her eating habits were disgusting but she said later on that's how her family eats in Taiwan and what not....total culture clash.
Saturday, October 19, 2002 at 07:31:18 (PDT)
After the third Survivor series, the producers have finally included an asian in the fourth series in Thailand. Her name is Shii Ann Huang, 28, is an executive recruiter and i hope she kicks butt.
Oz asian   
Friday, October 18, 2002 at 05:12:26 (PDT)
Great new show on TV: Off Centre. One of the few shows that I've seen that has a relatively normal Asian man who is portrayed in a relatively strong manner. Watch it!
Tuesday, October 08, 2002 at 05:45:11 (PDT)
Yes. The lack of coverage of the Asians affected by 9/11 was terrible.
It makes me wonder if an Asian American life is considered as important as a white american life.
Thursday, September 26, 2002 at 07:30:44 (PDT)
well i actually believe that there should be more asian football players and i also believe that they should be wearing g strings. you know a little skin never hurt. asians are what make america beautiful they make me proud to be who i am and make me try to be the best person i can be!!!!!!!!!!!
vern yip lover   
Saturday, September 21, 2002 at 19:02:14 (PDT)
Yep, people in Chinatown are ignored from the 9-11 coverage. Actually most non-Whites are rarely portrayed as heroes, survivors or victims. Only the White firefighters, White Corporate Workers...etc are worthy of mention.
Many people in Chinatown volunteered, and contributed food to the workers at Ground Zero during the 9-11 aftermaths. Their efforts have also been ignored by the White Media.
Hey it's still a White-oriented society. In addition, there isn't much political clout or representation in the Cantonese-Mainland Chinese community in NYC.
There are 2 reasons for this, many successful and brilliant Cantonese Americans have left the city for deep suburbia, therefore, the best and the brightest are gone, leaving the city with struggling and less educated Chinese. Another reason is that many ABCs do not want to associate with the immigrant community. Maybe this will change in the future!
By contrast, the Taiwanese Community has made some political inroads in Flushing, Queens...! Successful and educated Taiwanese are always in their communities to contribute, tackle problems, and improve upon them. Very different people from the Cantonese!
Wednesday, September 18, 2002 at 07:33:08 (PDT)