

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which of the following technologies do you follow with the keenest interest?
Computing/automation | 23%
Automotive | 19%
Genetic Engineering | 14%
Clean Energy | 24%
Space Travel | 20%

Which of the following developments is most likely actually to impact your life?
Hypersonic Airliners | 23%
Gene Therapy for Eternal Youth | 28%
Affordable Flying Cars | 15%
Routine Interplanetary Travel | 5%
Cheap Clean Energy Generators | 28%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
"One of the technologies of my nightmares would be a technology which allowed to mix bonobo genes with human genes to create humans with less aggression and more sex-drive. As an effect they would get more people like George Michael. (I could vomit thinking of that.)
rare stuff"

First, what is bonobo?
Second, I suppose you are infinitely more gorgeous than George Michael?
me    Thursday, May 02, 2002 at 13:14:22 (PDT)
One of the technologies of my nightmares would be a technology which allowed to mix bonobo genes with human genes to create humans with less aggression and more sex-drive. As an effect they would get more people like George Michael. (I could vomit thinking of that.)
rare stuff    Saturday, April 27, 2002 at 19:17:40 (PDT)

Machines will evolve as human dictates it. They might become symbotic relationship. They might be parasytic relationships. But ultimately we will dictate the environment in which machine/computers evolve.

As for ethics and advancement. Only to appease the masses. They are trival restrictions. Splice human and cows genes, so that the offsprings will have the descency to serve themselves at our table.

Wouldn't it be grand to have a talking cow at the table going, "Would you like to taste my rump? Its quite tender today. Take a bite I don't mind."
AC Dropout    Wednesday, April 10, 2002 at 12:40:08 (PDT)
To Thomas, the Matrix is one of my favorite movies of all time. I think it is possible that sometime in human's future we will design a machine/computer that will be able to learn and think on its own, but does that necessarily mean that the machine will then decide to annihilate us? Maybe. But does that mean we should only let our scientific studies advance to a certain point and then stop for fear of catastrophe? I think this is where the important field of bioethics comes into play, there are professors,etc that make this their life's work, to make sure that human techonology does not advance further than its ability to handle said technology, and to study the moral and ethical implications of inventions and discoveries. At any rate humans are by nature curious and inquisitive and I don't think you can ever stop science from progressing.
L    Tuesday, April 09, 2002 at 13:21:58 (PDT)
I would love for the computer to be able to cook/prepare any meal for you (star trek next generation series).

-would love if all the cars on the road were pollution free! even though they are starting to have those hybrids out, it's still too expensive to own.

bag    Saturday, April 06, 2002 at 12:31:50 (PST)

You just can't clone muscle and fat tissues like that. The muscle needs excersice to develope the marbling and texture you are requesting, not the mention the rest of the organism. So in the end you would be killing a clone

We could wait for the development of the Star Trek, Hydrogen atom reconstruction technology.
AC dropout    Tuesday, January 01, 2002 at 11:42:46 (PST)
I wish mass cloning of pork and beef was in exisistence. I love pork and beef but I feel so horrible(for a while anyway) when I see pigs and cows getting butchered at a slaughterhouse. The utter horror and fright in their eyes is chilling. With the cloning of meat, animals wouldn't have to be killed anymore.
slobsex    Saturday, December 15, 2001 at 17:40:19 (PST)
Didn't anybody see the movie The Matrix. There are a few lessons and deep fundamental issues about technology that should concern us. Would someone like to address that?
Thomas    Thursday, October 18, 2001 at 18:59:14 (PDT)
to GoodLife:

Send them off into deep space, eh? That's the equialent of either a) throwing your garbage in someone else's front yard or b)littering your garbage all over the highway and the surrounding plains. Technology is not an excuse to be selfish. Please people, have some morals.

"With great power comes great responsibility" - Stan Lee (Spiderman comics)
Thomas    Wednesday, September 12, 2001 at 17:52:42 (PDT)
Brain Transplation:

Now that's something that will be exciting. Imagine giving someone an entirely new body, that's just been donated by someone who just passed away but left a perfectly good body behind..with minor damages.

Now that would be spooky. Then you really could switch places!! Wow!
something to think about    Friday, August 17, 2001 at 15:11:34 (PDT)