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rare stuff,
I wouldn't know how to relate to those example of the male species. My sex drive has been pretty consistent since 13. My urge to have sex is still consistent with the national average (5 thoughts of sex per second) ^_^.
I never gave technology and sex much thought. But there is the pill, the condom, the more real feel dildo, and a slew of toys that have broadened the human horizon when it comes to sex. Not to mention the infamous blue pill of manliness (Viagra).
AC Dropout   
Wednesday, June 12, 2002 at 14:18:48 (PDT)
AC Dropout,
"sex in a safe environment" may not be very exciting.I remember they have interviewed a guy who has watched the world trade center in New York collapsing.His comment was that he felt his sex drive in this particular situation which seemed to be insecure for him.The vice versa are Japanese of Tokyo.They live in very secure environment and are reknown to be relatively impotent (according to NHK). So sex drive can hardly be supported by modern technology.The connection between sex and technology is nearly non-existent.
rare stuff   
Friday, June 07, 2002 at 15:54:31 (PDT)
rare stuff,
Causitive effects. Chimps due to lack of food create tools aquire food. Bonobo with an abundant food source have not need to develop tools.
Also the tools you are referring to are just stick and leaves. Not a CD player or power drills or beads. Not really a good high level intelligence measures.
Most high-tech stuff was invented for the military. So we could have sex in a safe environment.
AC Dropout   
Thursday, June 06, 2002 at 11:31:48 (PDT)
AC Dropout,
aggressiveness as a lack of resources? -I disagree. It has to do with hormones and is rather vice versa. The aggressive chimp is more intelligent and uses more tools than the bonobo. Most high-tech stuff was invented for military purposes, not for masturbatory purposes.
rare stuff   
Wednesday, June 05, 2002 at 17:01:47 (PDT)
rare stuff,
Bonobo and Chimp sexual habits and social displays are directly related to how they get their food and female social status in the community.
Chimp get food from the fruit trees. So there is less socialization among female members, due to fact that to find enough fruits for a female and a child chimp the females need to forage on their own. Also because of the high tendency for male chimps to kill infant child not of their fathering. Female chimps with child tend to stay away. In addition this make female chimps into sluts during heat. They will have sex with the entire male population during heat. In order to confuse the males, which male fathered the child.
Bonobo forage for food on the ground. There is an abundant food supply. This allow females to socialize. This allow females control of sexual selection. Their society is female dominated.
Genital rubbing can be interpreted as homosexuality or creative masturbating. Since the behavior of the Bonobo are not sexually exclusive in any sense, it seems better to define it as creative masturbating.
So either you have a lack of resources and behave like a chimp (sluts and wife beaters). Or you have an abundant of resources and behave like a bonobo (bums and orgies).
Human aggressiveness....As ranchers like to joke. Under a microscope observing human sperm. If this was a bull, we'd have to shoot him for lack of performance.
AC Dropout   
Tuesday, June 04, 2002 at 11:39:52 (PDT)
a bonobo is a subspecies of chimp which has a significantly higher sex drive than the common chimp.The common chimp does not engage in sex that much, it is more interested in aggressive behavior patterns.
Scientists have found out that humans and common chimps are closer related to each other than humans and bonobos (because humans and chimps are both aggressive,they both use tools and do usually not engage in homosexuality in contrast to bonobos.)
I mentioned George Michael in connection with bonobos because I'm a conservative homophobic man who is relatively "rude" and chaste (in the manly sense of these words) and wants to stay like that. I don't want that scientists poison food with hormones which would make us as peaceful and homosexual as bonobos.
rare stuff   
Thursday, May 30, 2002 at 18:53:39 (PDT)