

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which of the following technologies do you follow with the keenest interest?
Computing/automation | 23%
Automotive | 19%
Genetic Engineering | 14%
Clean Energy | 24%
Space Travel | 20%

Which of the following developments is most likely actually to impact your life?
Hypersonic Airliners | 23%
Gene Therapy for Eternal Youth | 28%
Affordable Flying Cars | 15%
Routine Interplanetary Travel | 5%
Cheap Clean Energy Generators | 28%

This poll is closed to new input.
Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
Kelly, AC,

Hahahahaha... you guys are a riot!
Thas laughs.... =D    Tuesday, July 09, 2002 at 18:59:58 (PDT)

Me a vampire? I think you should at least recount the honest tale....X'mas dinner

'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
The dog had been slaughtered and cleaned with great care,
In hopes that AC Dropout soon would be there;

AC was nestled all snug in his bed,
While visions of doggie sausages danced in his head;
And MLK started the fire, and put on a cap,
While the Dropout settled down for a pre-dinner nap,

When out of the kitchen there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the pantry I flew like a flash,
Tore open puppie-helper and saw the potato mash.

MLK heaved her breast and started to bellow her woe
Gave a lusty objection to the meal prepared below,
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a row of doggie sausages shaped like eight tiny reindeer,

We, enjoyed the meal with delight and glee
MLK ate, eyes twinkled and soul merry
As I drew in my hand, and was turning around,
MLK eyes wandered and knew no bounds,

My Belly full and my eyes heavy laden,
I turned to bed bid the sandman hasten,
As I was about to slumber off something sprang,
It was MLK by the door plotting to suck all my yang.

AC Dropout    Tuesday, July 09, 2002 at 16:21:26 (PDT)
rare stuff,

How do you know Pres. Clinton uses a sex toy. All I know is that he has an affinity to use cigars. That is a carcinogenic not a sex toy.

What "culturally sensible thing" are you being denied?

AC Dropout    Tuesday, July 09, 2002 at 15:39:53 (PDT)
to AC dropout

Hahaha! You're great! Want another poem?

This one's called, AC Dropout, the Vampire Pirate.

by MLK

'Twas chance that I once swam amidst
the Goldsea currents drifting,
I felt a nudge and then a push
of Goldsea currents lifting... up above the crested wake
to break above the waters,
And sun drops fell upon my face
and wind caressed my shoulders

And then I heard a cynic cry
above the blowing zephyr
Of one infamous pirate ship
the AC Dropout skipper.

He flew his colors high and might
the crossbones flying proudly
and up atop his mast I saw
the Vampire laughing loudly.

"Please be my guest," the Vampire spoke,
"for I've been waiting for you.
A feast I have, of mice and goats,
and ham and puppies for two.

And to my horror and surprise
He lifted up his fingers
And bade the ocean to be still
and pulled me up from under.

He sat me down amidst the feast
of rats and goats and canines
And as he carved the monsrous beasts
his eyes were gleaming brightly.

And as I struggled not to scream
I saw the pale blue bodies
of women who had been sucked dry
their Yin completely empty.

The Vampire AC smiled at me
and carved a slice of puppy
And as he ate with devilish glee
I fainted. End of story.

MLK    Tuesday, July 09, 2002 at 01:12:40 (PDT)
AC Dropout,

nobody controls it. Intimate stuff is more private than the common "private" stuff. Nonetheless I would forbid it formally if I could. It nerves me that my environment plays gay games while common people like me aren't allowed to do culturally sensible things.

When sex toys are really a multi-million dollar business then it's clear who spends his money for trash: it is the rich men who are too degenerated to do e.g. martial arts, sports or physical labor in the garden. People like Bill Clinton do thing like using sex toys.
rare stuff    Monday, July 08, 2002 at 13:47:32 (PDT)