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AC Dropout,
a child cries because of anger/aggressiveness, children have no conscious sexual activity. Otherwise paedophiles could use the argument of "children's sexual needs" more successfully.
Sexuality is (or better: should be) just a thin layer of experiences above the experiences people collect in their childhood. Thus childhood experiences are at last more intimate and more important for people than sexual experiences.In the case that you're not under pressure because of a sexualized environment you'll have the choice to take sexuality as easy as someone who doesn't know it. So you can live as a celibate without suffering from the consequences,unlike the kid who doesn't go to school.
Once a month is enough to get children (experience made by Indians in India). And if you can abstain from it for month without "alternative practices" you'll likewise be able to abstain from it forever."Abuses of teddybears" and similar stuff are not the results of sexual needs but of minority complexes.
--There's no need for sexualized technologies.--
rare stuff   
Saturday, July 13, 2002 at 10:58:11 (PDT)
"Next round, I'm gonna cream him."
Talk about a rich fantasy life...heheh.
You couldn't find the cream on a custard pudding pie.
AC Dropout   
Friday, July 12, 2002 at 10:31:11 (PDT)
NYhomeboy & chicky poo
Thanks! Stay tuned for round two of the Skinny-Weight Championship round between MLK and The AC. (I lost the first one), so maybe I should put his name first...nahhh. Girls go first, always.
Next round, I'm gonna cream him.
Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 22:52:47 (PDT)
Your pen is definitely much better than my own. You create original works.
I myself need to borrow the words of masters to kick start my works. They are but mere shadows to original works out there.
rare stuff is still around. So it's not me. It is most definitely you.
Since you concede, the doggies are mine...heheh.
AC Dropout   
Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 12:17:39 (PDT)
rare stuff,
If that is the case birth controls are sex toys. Because they are alternative to natural birth control.
Sacrifice and religon all center around sex. For they are about life/fertility/death which are all connected to sex ultimately.
Modern society frees us from mundane activities of survival. Hence, we can endulge in pleasure...i.e. sex.
AC Dropout   
Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 12:13:14 (PDT)
Good stuff! I am green with envy at your ease of facility with the English prose.
Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 07:15:39 (PDT)
MLK & AC Dropout --
so talented! hahahahaha!
thanks for the funnies
chicky poo   
Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 03:28:44 (PDT)
Ohh, I cannot top that. You win the poetry contest!!! :) First Dr. Seuss's Green Eggs and Ham, then O'Carol's The Night Before Christmas. You are hefting heavy weight poets against me. How could I possibly compete against both them and you at the same time? My poems are all original works by a poor starving unknown poet named MLK.
Hey, where's Rare Stuff? I think we scared him off. And I'm sure it's not me. It's gotta be you!
to Thas laughs.... =D
Thanks!!! You ain't seen nuthin yet!
Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 00:11:44 (PDT)
AC Dropout,
Clinton's liberal attitude toward "oral" activities indicates that he could also be as liberal regarding technologies for "alternative" sexual practices,i.e. "sex toys".
Sensible alternatives would be certain ritual practices in a social context, e.g. initiation rituals,sacrifice rituals,non-competitive physical activities which don't apply pressure on sex drive. Sensible activities for (young) people are those which don't allow the individual to be the beloved victim, but instead an active personality.--Because of modern technology society becomes more and more passive and thus effeminate. And that's a failure.
rare stuff   
Wednesday, July 10, 2002 at 16:17:05 (PDT)