

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

What is the biggest problem faced by Asian American teens?
Pressure from parents to excel academically | 79%
Identity conflicts related to growing up a minority | 19%
Problems related to dating & sex | 2%
Gang influence, pressure & violence | 0%

What of these is the most common mistake made by Asian parents?
Not spending enough time with their kids | 18%
Pushing kids too hard for good grades | 34%
Being too strict in controlling kids' behavior | 45%
Neglecting the kids' social or cultural development | 3%

What factor contributes most to helping Asian teens grow up to be productive, well-adjusted adults?
Stable home environment | 93%
Cultural bias favoring academic success | 3%
Advantages provided by above-average affluence | 4%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]

I'm just trying to offer some realistic options to Asian American teenagers struggling through grade school. The majority of the posts so far seem to suggest:

1) Lift weights and get stronger.
2) Learn some form of martial arts.
3) Start an Asian gang to beat the living sh** out of everyone.
4) Start a physical fight with anyone who slanders you.

Sure, you can start a physical fight all you want, but after high school, that's only going to land you in prison. Not only that, but you'll also get a criminal record. What company, school, or government agency is going to hire someone convicted of homicide or aggravated assault?

Please, we're Asian Americans! It's a well proven fact that AAs have the highest college enrollment and graduation rates, tend to hold the best careers, and have the highest average and median incomes, compared to all races, even whites.

Believe me, you can make a difference, but it depends on what you want and make it to be. When I was in college, I knew an AA who majored in psychology. He made the most of his racial struggles during grade school by writing essays about overcoming racism, which got him into grad school. He eventually got a job as a multicutural counselor, dedicated toward minority students, at a junior high school.

AzN MoFo: Please don't start an Asian gang or go back to China. You are an American, and you do have a place here. BTW, I realize that Asians aren't large in numbers to significantly influence the elections. My point is to make your voice be heard, and Asians have a place in politics. Pres. Bush appointed a Japanese American to the Secretary of Transportation. There are several AAs who are in Congress or state legislators. Now, do you think any of these AA's would have been appointed/elected if they were former prison inmates?

B. Lee    Wednesday, February 27, 2002 at 18:40:43 (PST)
B. Lee:
Hmm. This assumes education will be able to break down all prejudices ... but what if now is as good as it gets? 150 years in the country and 25% of Americans think ABCs are more loyal to China than the USA, logic flying in the face of evidence that most ABCs can't even speak Chinese. 30 years of sexual liberation and the percentage of the population who thinks homosexuality should not be publically accepted or encouraged barely moved.

It took less than 70 years from the first major wave of Italian immigrants arriving to overall elimination of public, legally-sanctioned prejudice, 100 years to their equalling WASPs in educational achievement, per-capita income (not bullshit HOUSEHOLD income), etc. The Irish moved even faster, "No Irish Need Apply" signs in Boston to JFK as president in two generations. When was the last time you heard someone in your school called a "dago"? And when was the last time you heard someone called a "chink"?
T.H. Lien    Tuesday, February 26, 2002 at 23:34:42 (PST)
You make a good point B. Lee but I doubt our few votes would count......and I think every1a comments has gone so off the subject.
AzN MoFo    Tuesday, February 26, 2002 at 18:07:25 (PST)
L.A chinatown,

If you grow up around asian youth gangs, of course you won't understand the plight of some asians in the USA. They don't have access to backup when they need support.

They don't have the magic beeper number or cell phone number to bring down the wrath of 20 or so young asian males to their side.

They live effectively as a gang of one in rural USA.
AC Dropout    Tuesday, February 26, 2002 at 11:54:37 (PST)
Geoff DB,

I have had plenty of Black friends growing up, growing up in a Black neighborhood myself during my childhood. But as you get older you lose touch. And as you become economically more sucessful you just plain move out.

As for "N" word, although, I did not really understand it back then. But the "N" is about ownership of the word. It is all fine and dandy when a Black man refers to another Black man or friend as a "N". But watch out when a outsider tries to use the "N" word, well hypocricy for the high level just comes out.

I'm cool that you don't like the word. Now you just got to convince a good population of the African American to have the same view as you do on the word.
AC Dropout    Tuesday, February 26, 2002 at 11:51:14 (PST)