

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which best describes the way in which Asian males are perceived as a threat by other American males?
Potential physical/martial threat | 8%
Economic/workplace threat | 42%
Incipient sexual/romantic rival | 13%
Intellectual/cultural threat | 23%
No real threat | 14%

Which factor contributes most to the perception of Asian males as a threat?
Growing numbers of AM/WF couples | 18%
High concentrations in top colleges and professions | 41%
Flashy displays of personal wealth | 24%
Power and wealth of Asian nations | 8%
History of Asian wars | 9%

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Comments posted during the past year remain available for browsing.


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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
bicultural (if you really are),
you should try to be less culturally biased and more bicultural as you imply that you are.
I think that you overlook the barbarism existing in even the Roman civilization with its gladiator sports and the feeding of slaves and prisoners to lions. Why is this? And why focus on this part of what you are and choose to despise it? You should analyze these underlying reasons before making more dumbass statements.
AM    Thursday, December 27, 2001 at 23:50:57 (PST)
Why is it that Asians get upset at White supremacy, then turn around and try to play up how they have European lineages or how many Ancient rulers had Eruopean or other types of White wives? I find this sooooo funny and pathetic. No matter how much or little Asian blood Whites may have, Whites still control the planet. Deal With It.
Dull Double-Edged Knife    Thursday, December 27, 2001 at 21:24:51 (PST)
That was a very informative post of the influence of Chinese culture on different parts of Asia. Your insight on the Mongols is especially interesting.
There are a few points that could use more clarification i think.
Chinese musical instruments for example. It is theorized by many Chinese historians that Chinese instruments were based on Iranian and Middle Eastern tradtions. The North Western parts of China have had a great deal of contact with central Asia and one of the major concepts that traveled East were Persian/Turkic musical instruments.
Also the Mongol use of foreign military invention was utility based. From the Chinese Ghengis learned the use of gunpowder and light seige equipment that could be packed up and moved quickly. From the Persians he learned the use of heavy seige equipment. It was Persian seige equipemnt that sealed the fate of teh Sung empire to the south. The Mongols possessed no seige weaponry capable of breaching the great walls of the Sung capital. It was teh implementation of Persian heavy seige weapons that allowed the Mongols to end the 1 year seige in two weeks.
But clearly it was the advantage of both Ghengis Khans superior tactics and Chinese gunpowder that insured the defeat of the Shah of Khwarazamia, who maintianed an amry of cavalry archers in many ways equal to the Mongols. In fact had it not been Ghengis who conquered Northern China first, The Shah had planned to take it for himself since at that time Northern China was weak. Unfortunately it was the Shahs ego and the underestimation of Mongol ferosity that spelled his doomed a year before his planned invasion.
Chagdai    Thursday, December 27, 2001 at 19:07:24 (PST)
"Karen Narasaki hasn't been to Sugar Land or Katy in West Houston. Most Whites as well as South and East Asians live in those upper middle class to upper class suburbs peacefully and don't move out when wealthy Asians move in. You must be citing some backwards place like Jackson Mississippi or Denver Colorado."

I do not know much about Houston, except that Harris County has a very high murder rate (not as high as New Orleans or Miami though)and its prosecutors and DAs are all white (at least as of two years ago). The mayor is black, I believe. Would like to see more Asians and Hispanics become DAs and prosecutors.

Asian American Male    Thursday, December 27, 2001 at 13:19:53 (PST)
"if it wasn't for the west and the white man,and others for that matter you people whould still be riring your little undersized horses around the empty useless plains and deserts of central asia.actually many of your looser relatives still are."

If it hadn't been for Julius Ceaser and his Roman legions, as well as Chinese merchants on the Silk Road, who asked the ancestors of these guys to come out of their caves in Europe and learn how to make fire, these characters would still be living in their caves, and practicing human sacrifice and cannibalism.

"way your filthy illiterate ancestors raided the peacefull people of older times."

I think he is talking about the Vikings and the Saxon tribes who invaded and pillaged Celtic England!!

"If you're so proud of your people why did you marry an iranian/white woman?"

Interesting. In Detroit a darker Arab was beaten up for being with his "white" girlfriend by a bunch of guys who wanted the "foreigner" to leave "our girls" alone..a white looking Arab American from Lebanon.

In some other town, I read that a darker skinned South Indian was beaten for taking "their" girl, who happened to be a lighter skinned North Indian!!

Stupid white supremacists. Too much inbreeding I suppose!! They have neither any brains nor any knowledge of the peoples around the world!!

Asian American Male    Thursday, December 27, 2001 at 13:13:58 (PST)