

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which best describes the way in which Asian males are perceived as a threat by other American males?
Potential physical/martial threat | 8%
Economic/workplace threat | 42%
Incipient sexual/romantic rival | 13%
Intellectual/cultural threat | 23%
No real threat | 14%

Which factor contributes most to the perception of Asian males as a threat?
Growing numbers of AM/WF couples | 18%
High concentrations in top colleges and professions | 41%
Flashy displays of personal wealth | 24%
Power and wealth of Asian nations | 8%
History of Asian wars | 9%

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
AC Dropout,

“What kind of BS is this.”

Existence of Chinese prostitutes all over the world is a fact.

“All countries have prostitution issues. Because of Asian sexist culture that they are willing to allow less educated women become sex workers as an acceptable means of support. That is a reflection of culture. From Japanese night club from to ko-gal prostitutes. From Korean massage parlor to Thailand sex tours.”

You won’t see me arguing against what you said here. It doesn’t take anything away from my argument. I still say that one can hardly come to a conclusion that China is the only Asian nation that respect women.

[lost due to transmission error] person,

You’ve missed my point. The point was that the fear instilling police/soldier in China is not what defines a real man. I did not compare the US police to Chinese police/soldier in my previous post.

Unfortunately, we have corrupt doctors, lawyers, accounts, police, etc., etc. Individual or group of police officers denying citizens’ rights in the United States are breaking the law. The difference between China and US is that we have a justice system, that is designed to protect individual rights. Does it work perfectly? No, far from it. However, police powers in US are less than absolute due to the Constitution, lawyers, judges, media, politicians, public eyes, etc., etc.

World Traveler    Tuesday, January 08, 2002 at 06:06:05 (PST)

"I think China will help Pakistan in this conflict"

I think that is pretty clear. Considering that both have a long standing relationship of economic, geographic and military cooperation.
Just to give you an idea, In the 60's China asked Pakistan to give them a small piece of Kashmir. The basis of the request was both cultural and economic. China successfully demonstrated that the people living there were ethnicly Chinese (which they are) and that such a land deal would allow China and Pakistan to build a highway connecting both nations economies. That road is of major economic importance to both countries (especially Pakistan). The treaty known as the Sino-Pakistani border agreement was signed in 67 I think.
In more modern times the two countries have become even closer.
The Pakistanis contracted a tank with Ukraine known as the T-80ud aka "Al-Khalid" tank. It has been hailed as one of the best tanks ever made. The Chinese were eager to cooperate and offered to refit a superior main gun and superior Israeli sold (U.S. made) radar system. The Tank is known as the MBT-2000 in China and is now the main battle tank for both China and Pakistan.
In the 90's the U.S. refused to release about 80 F-16 bought by Pakistan because of its pursuit of nuclear weapons. This crippled the Pakistani air force while Indias major arms dealer Russia had no problem selling them 100 SU-33 and SU30-MKI MIGs. (excellent Russian fighters). Pakistan and China then cooperated on a joint dog fighter jet. Pakistan basically gave one of its late 80's F-16s to China. The Chinese took it apart and revised their own home grown fighter known as the FC-1. It also possesses superior radar and guidance systems and Python-3 air to air missles via the Israelis (U.S.). It possess 80% of the F-16's abilities but only costs 3 million a piece. Both countries chipped on the project and now own 200 each. Ironically the jet making plant is located in Chinese Kashmir.
It was also recently discovered that below Pakistans portion of the Thar desert lies one of the largest coal deposits on Earth. China is providing Pakistan with heavy machinery to excavate it and Pakistan has promised China to sell it coal at below market prices. China is also going to help Pakistan build its own version of Chinas Yang-Tze Damn in Pakistans Punjab state. This damn will provide Pakistan with enormous hyrdo-electric capability and greatly increase farming land.
China also brokered a deal between North Korea and Pakistan. North Korea provided a missle plant to churn out Mid-Range Ballistic missles based on thier Taepo-Dong No MRBM. In Pakistan it is called the Shaheen. It is a highly accurate, and reliable solid fuel booster rocket with a range of 1300 miles. Pakistan has provided North Korea (and China) with technology to minaturize nuclear weapons (Pakistans nuclear program is is rather accelerated due to geography and poliitcs). China has also provided missle technology to Pakistan in the past.
On the political front few people know that it was Pakistans former president YaYa Khan that helped bring about the Nixon/Mao summit in the 70's by being a go between.
Both China and Pakistan are closely connected and will clearly defend and support each other in any regional crisis or conflict.
Seaman    Monday, January 07, 2002 at 21:35:38 (PST)

Perhaps I should have clarified. Actually the Shah of Khwarasm and Ghengis were involved in simultaneous land grabs when the Uigurs fell to Ghengis in 1209. The Shah conquered Khurasan in Persia and Transoxania to the north of it in 1210 due to the power vacuum created. They fell easily. The Uigurs and Khitans relied on a policy of mutual defense and the Khitans were considerably weakened after the Uigur fell. Infact Transoxania was taken from weakened Khitan rulers by Khwarasm. This left only Qara Khitai between the Shah and the Mongols. Yet this was very early in Ghengis's miltary career nad he did not possess a grand reputation yet. It was Khwarasms plan to take Qara Khitai and then go through Mongolia bypassing the Tanguts to the south and attack the Chin.
The Mongols had historically been plagued with internal conflict and it would have been easy for him to play one tribe against the other.
But in 1215 Ghengis used a unified Mongol, Uigur, Khitan army to level Chung-tu with such horrible devistation, the Shahs mind quickly changed form conquest to defensive strategy.
In the end it is all hypothetical. But the Shahs biggest stumbling block to the Chin was not the weakened Khitans or the avoidable Tanguts, but Ghengis Khan himself.

Seaman    Monday, January 07, 2002 at 20:20:10 (PST)

I am not entirely sure about specific Sherpa battalions in Northern India, but I do know that they used Gurka regiments in Northern India and Gurkas are Nepalese. Infact it was a Gurka platoon that Major Dyer used when he opened fire on unarmed citizens in the infamous Amritsar Massacre in Punjab.
This was part of English divide and conquer politics which proved quite effective in India and in all over Asia and Africa. The British would station Gurkas in Punjab and Punjabis in Nepal. They would place Maharatans in Orisa and Orisans in Marashtra. And they would use everyone they could get in North West Frontier Province (NWFP). Infact before WW2 75% of the sepoy Indian army was station in NWFP to fight the Pathans and Waziris who the English could never really control. But I digress.
Yes it is quite possible Gurkas were stationed in Dehli. But to explain such a clear genetic thread, there would have been an incredibly large amount of inter-marriage. The Gurkas were Hindu so there was probably almost no mixing with Muslims and the Hindus of Dehli were very traditional in their marriage practices reactionarily due to the historically large presence of Muslims there.
In the end, it is difficult to say. I mean Dehli is a large town and houses many different peoples now. Some of whom migrated within the last 30 years and some who have been there for generations. The Sepoy Muntiny of 1857 was centered around Dehli but the soldiers on both sides were all north Indian. Yet there could be another piece in the puzzle that might explain the gentic connection. Dehli was the seat of the Mughal throne and the Mughals were of a Monglo-Turkic stock. They held power in Dehli for about 350 years and dominated all aspects of urban life. So the Sino-Tibetan connection may be more accuratly a Sino-Mongol connection which has survived over the years. This may or may not be the answer but to my knowledge it is the only time a large influx of East Asian genes travelled into Dehli.
Seaman    Monday, January 07, 2002 at 19:42:39 (PST)