

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which best describes the way in which Asian males are perceived as a threat by other American males?
Potential physical/martial threat | 8%
Economic/workplace threat | 42%
Incipient sexual/romantic rival | 13%
Intellectual/cultural threat | 23%
No real threat | 14%

Which factor contributes most to the perception of Asian males as a threat?
Growing numbers of AM/WF couples | 18%
High concentrations in top colleges and professions | 41%
Flashy displays of personal wealth | 24%
Power and wealth of Asian nations | 8%
History of Asian wars | 9%

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
[Let's get back to the topic -- whether and how White men perceive Asian men to be a threat. --Ed]

well brother, i am sure u were brought up in china and in the mao era, where u were constantly fed propaganda. Yes nehru did support tibetians, but a deal was signed by the military of china and over night broken, please read more about it. And yes china is more power ful as it is a communist country, one of the concepts of communism is military might.I think chinese people are very nice, but they are quite mis informed about their old govt
Friend    Monday, January 21, 2002 at 14:28:15 (PST)
Where can I by a Nehru jacket? My Norwegian identity just doesn't fit?
Sevendwarfnot    Sunday, January 20, 2002 at 12:36:42 (PST)

You make a very good point. Much of north India and Pakistan's cultural history and indentity are intertwined. This, as you said, is quite visible in the United States and particularly among the Punjabis. Since half of Punjab lies in both countries, you will find both Punjabi Pakistanis and Punjabi Indians that are fast friends all over UK, Canada and the U.S. Its is far more common to find a Punjabi Indian with a Pujabi Pakistani friend then an Indian friend who is from Tamil Nadu or Marashtra. And while tensions along the Kashmir border have alwasy run high, along the Punjab border it was not uncommon to find Pakistani and Indian soldiers who crossed each others borders for a game of cards or chess. A very interesting story tells how in 1965 both countried clashed along the Punjab border. One night an encampment of Pakistani soldiers were singing and making music (Punjabi music) and reciting poetry ( Punjabi poetry). Befor long a company of Indian Sikh Punjabis came out of the dark and sat around the outside edge just so they could listen to the music. They were discovered but were allowed to stay for the night and enjoy the music.
I asked a Paki friend of mine if there was any tension in Toronto between the Pakistanis and the Indians these days. He laugingly told me that the only tension in this town has always been between Punjabis and non-Punjabis.
Seaman    Friday, January 18, 2002 at 14:06:49 (PST)

Wow and I was just impressed that he spoke eloquently on TV -- and was the first to offer help to rid the world of Al Quaeda. Too bad politicians who walk the walk are so rare these days. In any case, he seems to genuinely care about his country and that is admirable.
An Avid Reader    Thursday, January 17, 2002 at 21:01:18 (PST)
Very few people in the West know the specifics of the China-India border clash and conflict in the 1960s. Nehru underestimated Chinese military strength and determination and starting the conflict. When it was clear that the Indians were losing, Nehru and the West portrayed it as Chinese military aggression when it was really the opposite reality. Also, India has long supported Tibetan militants who conducted hit and run massacres and slaying of Han Chinese living in Tibet before this conflict.

I have respect for India, as its people are very highly intelligent. But, its leadership is ruled by corrupt crooks who knows very well how to manipulate the West and its media.

India should be aware that Perviz Musharaf is one of the few recent Pakistani leaders who wants to root out Islamic fundamentalism not only in Kashmir but all of Pakistan and establish secular democracy.

All Indians and Pakistanis in the USA have no problems with each other whether they are Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, Christian or Sikh. They often refer to one another as coming from the "desi" (homeland) which can mean both India and Pakistan.

Many Pakistanis have roots in India and still have relatives in India. The Indian Muslims are the ones who decided to remain in India after the partition.

The language that Musharaf speaks (Punjabi) is also one that is commonly spoken in northern India. So many of my Indian and Pakistani friends can watch and understand the speech he made
asdf    Thursday, January 17, 2002 at 17:13:37 (PST)