

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which best describes the way in which Asian males are perceived as a threat by other American males?
Potential physical/martial threat | 8%
Economic/workplace threat | 42%
Incipient sexual/romantic rival | 13%
Intellectual/cultural threat | 23%
No real threat | 14%

Which factor contributes most to the perception of Asian males as a threat?
Growing numbers of AM/WF couples | 18%
High concentrations in top colleges and professions | 41%
Flashy displays of personal wealth | 24%
Power and wealth of Asian nations | 8%
History of Asian wars | 9%

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
How can you possibly say that

England treatment of Irish 7.
European treatment of Native American 9.5.

and the Holocaust was only a 6?

Hitler killed 6 MILLION (at least) Jews, gays, communists, etc etc. It was an attempt to obliterate an entire ethnic group from the planet. I would certainly rate that a 10.

Unfortunately I'm not a major history buff so I can't sit here and come up with some great examples of Asian atrocities, but oh I can bet you that there have been many. For example, the Khmer Rouge killing 1 million Cambodians because they were members of the intelligentsia? Mao's "Great Leap Forward" that forced people to stop working in the fields in order to cultivate steel, which caused the Great Famine of 1961, killing millions?

jnt    Monday, April 08, 2002 at 11:21:58 (PDT)

I beg to differ.

On a scale of 1 - 10.
1 being discrimination.
10 being totally wiped off the planet culturally and genetically.

Assasination of Lincoln 1.
Jewish holocaust 4.
England treatment of Irish 7.
European treatment of Native American 9.5.
England treatment of India 5.
Open door policy on China 6.
Japanese invasion of China 7.
Barbarian horde and Rome 10.

So you see with this "Dropout" reference scale, which will soon be copyrighted and coined by historian, you can see that Holocaust is minor compared to other world attrocities. And imperial Europe was the instigator in Asia for most of 20th century.
AC Dropout    Friday, April 05, 2002 at 10:52:06 (PST)
To AC Dropout- yes I know that Europeans have done many evil things to people all over the world, the most blatant example would be the Holocaust, which is one of the ugliest chapters in human history. I just wanted to point out that whites are not the only people capable of evil. Every human being is capable of good as well as evil.
jnt    Thursday, April 04, 2002 at 09:34:35 (PST)
just not true,

But imperal Europe did its damages that world is still trying to recover from.
AC Dropout    Wednesday, April 03, 2002 at 13:58:29 (PST)
Yellow Peril? -I don't know,but it surely won't come from Japan. According to what I've seen on TV young Japanese are physically and mentally weaker than ever. (That has certainly something to do with the excess of consuming mangas and computer games.)The just-for-fun mentality from the West could lead to a final breakdown of their society.
saw-it-on-TV    Wednesday, April 03, 2002 at 05:36:59 (PST)
To Asian History Buff- well well, you've got a maaaajor chip on your shoulder. White people are not the cause of all suffering in the world. I could go on and on about history, but I know that no one here believes you when you say that in all recorded history whites are the only ones that have ever caused evil, suffering, hatred, etc. Get over your anti-white ranting and work on that self-esteem.
just not true    Tuesday, April 02, 2002 at 12:54:43 (PST)
Asian History Buff:
Yes, ethnically European people have been doing very bad things to other ethnicities (and to themselves) for many hundreds of years. But you make it look like all other ethnicities have basically clean records, which is absolutely absurd. I don't feel like teaching world history, but let's just work with the stuff you've already pointed out.
Witch burnings: these were largely carried out against the wishes of the church and often against the wishes of the civil government, in the form of "mob justice". Also, in some countries, for example Finland, far more men than women were killed. And no, I don't have an agenda here, I'm agnostic.
African slave trade: You do remember that many of the people sold into slavery were originally captured and transported by other Africans, right? Using one's defeated enemies as slaves was a bit of a time-honored tradition in many cultures.
Racial Segregation: Yes, the average black American earns less than the "average white American" for the same job. So does the average white American female.
Hard to see racism coming from anywhere else? This statement, as far as I'm concerned, completely discredits everything else you said. On this very site, I have seen speakers of Mandarin hating on speakers of Canton and vice versa, Chinese make extremely rude comments about Indians, and dozens of extremely bigoted comments directed towards whites. Including yours. Very ironic, don't you think, that you polish off a bigoted tirade by saying that only whites are bigoted. Shall we go into Chinese history now? Or Japanese? Guess what? I didn't do any of the things you listed, I hold no responsibility for them, and I don't feel a bit guilty. If you are just using history to see the things you want to see and judge people, then you're no true history buff.

WORLD history buff    Sunday, March 24, 2002 at 12:08:45 (PST)