Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which best describes the way in which Asian males are perceived as a threat by other American males?
Potential physical/martial threat |
Economic/workplace threat |
Incipient sexual/romantic rival |
Intellectual/cultural threat |
No real threat |
Which factor contributes most to the perception of Asian males as a threat?
Growing numbers of AM/WF couples |
High concentrations in top colleges and professions |
Flashy displays of personal wealth |
Power and wealth of Asian nations |
History of Asian wars |
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The safest way to keep our Asian heritage alive is by mixing with the women of other races.
When we look around some areas here in the USA, the Asian guys just be dateless and desperate because so many of the Asian girls have married out.
This was the same dilemma that wiped out the American Indians. It wasn't really disease, but the fact that the women married white or black guys (Pochahantas, Malinche, etc.).
Us Asian guys should look back east to find clues.
The Turks of Turkey may look like any other white people surrounding them. But, to all their neighbors, it is not a well-known secret that in their minds and hearts, these Turks are still "Mongoloids", nomadic intruders from farther Asia.
When the Turks arrived in Europe and the Middle East, they found themselves to be racially and physically different from the Caucasoids they conquered and ruled over. They saw that they themselves were less taller, less hairier, less angular than these Caucasoid subjects. They felt an inferiority complex and so, they decided to mix and aspired to attain the features of their subjects (Slavs, Arabs, Greeks).
This they ultimately did.
But, occasionally, you still see the East Asian influences among them even to this day. Just look at that basketball player for the Sacramento Kings (Hidayet Turkoglu). Everything about him looks no different from your average European, except his eyes. You see, he still got slanted Asian eyes. Not so slanted, but more slant than the average Europeans.
Two decades ago, the Turkish Premier, Torgot Ozal made a trip to Uzbekistan (a Turkic republic in the former Soviet Union). He told the Uzbeks, that the Turks were "long lost kin and cousins of the Central Asians." "That, the Seljuks and Ottomans had left Central Asia in their ponies and made their way to modern Turkey." "Those original Turks
had left Central Asia with slanted eyes, but that today, the modern Turks are returning to the lands of their Central Asian forebears with large and green eyes."
American and European female tourists drool over Turkish men in Istanbul. I see this.
The Asian men's only way of salvation from being extinct is the path of the Turks, not the American Indians.
sultan of mixing   
Wednesday, May 08, 2002 at 23:26:31 (PDT)
My biggest Asian hero has got to be Bruce Lee and still is.
Everytime I watch him on TV kicking the living the crap out of other races, I get a real kick and satisfaction out of it.
He gave us Asian guys hope.
He is like our modern Genghis Khan.
Jet Li and Jackie Chan is cool, but doesn't exhibit that same kind of originality, threat and charisma that Bruce Lee had.
I had two of my white girlfriends (bed buddies) watch these old Bruce Lee films with me everytime before we made wild animal sex. I get that adrenaline and confidence and they finally see the macho side of us Asian men and that we can take on guys of other races too.
All Asian guys should aspire to be another Bruce Lee.
throw down the books and bust out them nunchuks   
Wednesday, May 08, 2002 at 23:10:47 (PDT)
If anybody reading these comments believes that Hollywood and the film industry is held responsable for some of the repression, and xenophobia imposed onto new cultures entering America please get back to me at;
Are there any specific movies in which the non-American country is portraited especially discriminatory.
gina jackie@gnell.fsnet.co.uk   
Tuesday, April 16, 2002 at 08:54:01 (PDT)
All right AMs, keep patting yourself on the back for beating down whitey and nourishing that big ol' chip on your shoulder. Nothing more attractive than an angry man!
oh boy   
Wednesday, April 10, 2002 at 19:57:04 (PDT)
Judge a genocide by a) how many people it killed, b) over how long a period, c)
did it eliminate the memory of or sympathy for the victims, or destroy their ability to transmit their civilization, language, and culture.
Europeans killed almost all the Amerindians here in a policy which continued over about 300 years. There is now no one in the US under age 30 who speaks an Amerindian language natively. Successive English governments continued the policy of starving the Irish out of house and home, illegalizing their language and religion, etc. for the entire period of English occupation. Irish were deprived of their own language and it took them decades to recover a functioning culture, literature, etc. Very few people speak Gaelic natively and schoolkids complain that they have to study it at all. Germans were not sending Jews to labor camps until the late 1930s and didn't come up with the "Final Solution" until '41 or '42. The Jews got Israel by the end of that decade and have been speaking Hebrew there ever since.
Not to reduce the horror of what the Germans did, but as far as genocides go, theirs didn't even work. I'm sure everyone on this board, without consulting friends, books, or the Internet, can name a Nazi official other than Hitler and Himmler, a concentration camp, and an important date in German WWII history. Now can everyone name a U.S. official involved in Amerindian affairs during the 19th century other than the President, any major site (battle site, reservation, boarding school) relating to Amerindians, and the date of it's establishment? Can everyone name any Englishman other than the King/Queen who owned land in Ireland in the 1700s and 1800s?
T.H. Lien   
Tuesday, April 09, 2002 at 22:43:11 (PDT)