Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 04:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which best describes the way in which Asian males are perceived as a threat by other American males?
Potential physical/martial threat |
Economic/workplace threat |
Incipient sexual/romantic rival |
Intellectual/cultural threat |
No real threat |
Which factor contributes most to the perception of Asian males as a threat?
Growing numbers of AM/WF couples |
High concentrations in top colleges and professions |
Flashy displays of personal wealth |
Power and wealth of Asian nations |
History of Asian wars |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
I'm quite sorry to inform you of your ignorance...the author of this article that is, but your hypocracy is quite disgusting. I have respect for all cultures, all races, and all religions. Everyone has their own hopes, and aspirations, thats life! Racism is something that should no longer excist, but unfortunatly it does. When people are racist towards me, does that give me the right to be racist towards them? of course it doesn't. So although you may consider "the majority" of white people to be the cause of everyones problems, you should not preach that word to the world, and continue the cycle of racism. If you are not a solution to the problem, you aren't anything but a source. Please take my words into consideration, and remember that what goes orund will come around, and if you respect all the races for their differences, maybe they will respect you to, and even if they don't, at least you will be honest to yoursef, and know that you have been cured of the racist disease, becoming the bigger man. Makes sense.
-someone who's race doesn't matter
someone who's race doesn't matter   
Tuesday, May 21, 2002 at 16:14:25 (PDT)
Ottoman Turks did not deliberately try to "improve" their stock with Caucasian blood. Like many nomadic political powers, they simply inter-married with whatever races that were locally available in the lands they conquered. It's a tendency among all nomadic conquerors, no "overwhelming" reasons (such as "improving" bloodlines) required. If the western Turks were unique in inter-marrying local populaces, then the argument might be valid, but obviously this is not the case, unless someone can provide definitive proof that Anatolian Turks mingled with local Caucasians for different reasons than Tavgach (& Khitan, Tanggut, Jurchen, etc.) did with Chinese.
Political power & culture may shift geographically back & forth because of the military might of the highly mobile nomadic people, but due to their small # the racial distribution on the Eurasian continent remained largely unchanged.
The notion that Turks "improved" their stock with Caucasian blood implies a racial hierarchy in which western Turks are racially superior to other Asians. It's a dangerous path through which a guy who shares the name with my dog Adolf drag his nation along wth others into living hell.
KC Henry Y yeh_henry@hotmail.com   
Tuesday, May 14, 2002 at 02:51:18 (PDT)
sultan of mixing,
What about the Mongoloids that ravaged Europe and raped many of the women?
What is your take on that?
Maybe if Asian men can't get dates, we should go to the extremes huh...? Ur pathetic...!
First of all, Asians are the most prevalent race on this freaking planet. There will no extinction of the Asiatic Race. China already has billions of people...and Asians are found in every freaking country that does commerce. The Chinese communities throughout Europe and their exploding populations are a "major concern" to many White Europeans and others who fear a "yellow planet". And since ur a Turk, the Turkish Community in the Netherlands dislike the Chinese community because they are being overshadowed by the Chinese due to their numbers and wealth. Even the Red Light district in Amsterdam is becoming a Chinatown. There are so many Chinese in that city that all of the prostitutes who are looking for clients are being shoved out due to the growth of Chinese businesses.
They saw that they themselves were less taller, less hairier, less angular than these Caucasoid subjects. They felt an inferiority complex and so, they decided to mix and aspired to attain the features of their subjects
So only Asian Men have inferiority complexes and Asian Women don't huh? Because what u just said seems to contradict what are u trying prove. Or what u assume is that mixed children who have Asian mothers will become White while mixed children of Asian fathers will maintain their Asian traditions. Another false presumption!
Look at Bruce Lee's son Brandon Lee. Many Chinese hated his son because he didn't understand the Chinese culture, to them, he was one of those stupid/ignorant Americans.
Many Asians living in the US who want to assimilate or have become assimilated have no respect for their cultures and thus don't care about the existence of Asians.
You see, he still got slanted Asian eyes. Not so slanted, but more slant than the average Europeans.
Slanted eyes are found in many Europeans beside the Turks. Some Greeks and other people of the Balkans, and Eastern Europeans have slanted eyes.
The European Jews are also said to be a people mix of Mongoloid/Turkic stock. Look at their features and many of them have slight Asian features.
Many Turks in modern day Turkey are actually Greeks who defected to the Ottoman Side during the Ottoman Dominance of the Balkans. The same applies to Greece. Many Greeks will tell u that some of their ancestors are Turks.
Some people claim that America is going through a cycle of racial dominance. America was once the land of the Native Americans (cousins of the Asians) and then the Europeans slaughtered them and took the land, and now the Asians are beginning take it away from the Whites.... Hey, this only a speculation...
Asians are everywhere   
Friday, May 10, 2002 at 13:28:56 (PDT)
Why do you want the image of the asian male to be that of an aggressive fighter? Or of a barbaric murderer like Genghis Khan? Do you really think that all asian men want to be seen as martial arts experts that will kick the crap out of you? Yes Bruce Lee was very cool, but you're just perpetuating this stereotype of the asian male that knows kung-fu. All men are not athletic, some are bookish, everyone's different.
Thursday, May 09, 2002 at 10:37:57 (PDT)