

(Updated Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)

Which best describes the way in which Asian males are perceived as a threat by other American males?
Potential physical/martial threat | 8%
Economic/workplace threat | 42%
Incipient sexual/romantic rival | 13%
Intellectual/cultural threat | 23%
No real threat | 14%

Which factor contributes most to the perception of Asian males as a threat?
Growing numbers of AM/WF couples | 18%
High concentrations in top colleges and professions | 41%
Flashy displays of personal wealth | 24%
Power and wealth of Asian nations | 8%
History of Asian wars | 9%

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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
I was in the Vietnam War. Looking back on this July 4th brings back many memories. It happened many, many years ago in Vietnam. My childhood buddy, also of Chinese-American heritage and I had nothing to do in the rebellious 60s. We didn't go to school and we hated to work at Chinatown, so we went to the war.

My friend had "rebelled."

I still remember. He couldn't take it anymore. One day he got so mad that he threw a knife on the floor after he was called a chink. The white mess sergeant ordered him to pick it up. He refused. Then, he started yelling at my friend. Still, my friend refused. He kept yelling all kinds of remarks to my friend like--slant-eyed Chinaman, gook, chink, and he went on and on. My friend just got madder. So the white sergeant went to get the staff sergeant. My friend went to get his rifle. He waited for them to come back and when they did, they started to sweet talk my friend into giving up his rifle. My friend said: "If you come any closer, I'll shoot." He fired a warning shot and they froze. Then, he left the tent and the corporal came after him. He tried to grab my friend's rifle. My friend fired once and he froze too, he was scared as hell I remember. Then, the M.P.s came and my friend shot at them too. He had bad eyes, so he missed. By this time, he was near the perimeter of the base and was thinking of joining the Viet Cong, he said: "At least they would trust me (he had tears saying this I remember)." But, the M.P.s sent for tanks and armored carriers to come after my friend, so he got caught.

Needless to say, he was court-martialed and sentenced to 18 months of hard labor. In most cases (myself), the Chinese, Japanese and Filipino American soldiers carried out their duties, fulfilled their military obligations and took whatever racial insults was hurled at them on a daily basis. Yes, I was what you now call a "sissy." But, what could I have done?

My friend is no longer a bitter man. He is a successful restaurant owner. We are old now and I never mentioned this memory to him not once.
George in San Francisco    Friday, July 05, 2002 at 01:45:00 (PDT)
Why, please tell me why?

BEcuase this is a racist nation founded on racist principle.."Liberty and Justice for all" they forgot "for the elected few"

Its the first nation to have more of a melting pot of cultures and they still got it wrong.

This nation, let alone this world is not going to change , unless a force by God to can change it. This world is govern by mankind which will always make sure that only a few will get more privileges that others. Because it is ruled by mankind and not God, what do you expect? There is always going to be injustices abound.

Sure, we have more opportunities than other nations but being a Asian-American male born in the US, we have the opportunity to live in an environment where we were singled out because of our race. Unlike our Asian cousins who are born in Asia who grew up with a better self-image than we did.

"Truth keeps coming and can't stop the flow from coming"
Am Truth    Monday, June 03, 2002 at 16:22:24 (PDT)
Why, please tell me why?

One secret of being an American is to never ask WHY - just do it. And if they do ask WHY - no need to give them an answer!
NYhomeboy    Tuesday, May 28, 2002 at 20:02:45 (PDT)
I live in the United States of America.

Excuse me, actually, I was born and raised in the USA, right here in beautiful southern California.

Today is Memorial Day.

As I reflect, what is the significance of this day for me?

Those innocent folks who perished on Sept. 11 deserve our moment of silence and prayer.

The war on terrorism is a necessity.

As a 3rd generation Chinese-American, I can proudly say that some of my uncles served in World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War.

I love America, and although my grandfather and his people were treated like dirt in the past, this is still our one and only country. You will never find a Chinese-American ever run the streets waving a flag of China. Simply because we know no other nation besides the USA. My forefathers made the conscious decision to leave China and live the better life here. People can discriminate against us and ask us to leave, but we are here to stay. We are native here as much as you are.

I decided to post on this thread, because I want to say that although I love this great nation of America, my heart and mind is still not to the point where I can say to myself consciously that I am 100% American.

I have no threats against this society at large, neither do most Asian males.

If I do go die and fight for the freedoms and opportunities of this nation, I want to die knowing in my heart that I am 100% American, and not just a Chinese-American.

There wouldn't be no Asian-American movements, studies and Asian pride activists nowadays had there been no racism, discrimination and uncomplete assimilation into the melting pot. These young brothers here wouldn't be screaming Asian pride and love had it not been for them not feeling totally accepted into the mainstream.

If I am good enough to serve, fight and die for this nation, then why am I not good enough to find a government or corporate job upon graduation from UCLA? Why am I not good enough to date one of your white girls? Why am I always constantly being asked by others what country I am from and if I could speak or understand English? Why?

Uncle Sam, I want to shake your hand. But, would you want to shake mines? Remember, that these yellow hands of mines had helped build this nation too!
Why, please tell me why?    Monday, May 27, 2002 at 20:50:34 (PDT)
Asians are everywhere,

Not all Turks are like that. One of my most longest penfriend is a Turk from Turkey. He is one of the more friendly persons you can meet.

Even if they are racist in Holland, it is because they picked such attitudes from the white Dutch. Maybe it is because they themselves are being discriminated against by the white Dutch so they take it out on other groups such as Chinese.

But, I find the Turks to be less temperamental than Arabs. Maybe it is the Arabs you are describing?
Bob    Saturday, May 25, 2002 at 17:37:51 (PDT)

Genghis Khan was not a murderer, he was a better ruler than Chin Shi Huang Ti.(Chin Shi Huang Ti was an effeminate megalomaniac.)
I'm also for a renaissance of Asian manliness. I think we Asians are manly in a way different from Caucasoids. We don't shout as much as the Western Europeans of the Celtic tradition. For them it may be OK because it appears to be their nature but I as an Asian male consider shouting as effeminate. With enough manliness Asian heritage will survive.

rare stuff    Saturday, May 25, 2002 at 10:31:27 (PDT)
Asians are everywhere, Mongoloids didn't "ravage" Europe. They didn't get farther than far eastern Europe. Get your history right before you summon another hyperbole.
And isn't it ironic that almost everyone subscribes to the "competition will bring about the best product" adage but the world on the whole is very protectionist. Look at Bush's tariffs and farm bill. I feel very sorry for the hoes in the Netherlands who aren't getting any clients; they should be hating on their men not their Chinese counterparts.
How can Asians take away America from whites when America doesn't even belong to white folk?
ME    Friday, May 24, 2002 at 11:44:58 (PDT)
sultan of mixing,

That's the stupidest speculation I've ever heard.
kc    Thursday, May 23, 2002 at 11:41:18 (PDT)