Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025, 06:39:10 AM
to reflect the 100 most recent valid responses.)
Which best describes the way in which Asian males are perceived as a threat by other American males?
Potential physical/martial threat |
Economic/workplace threat |
Incipient sexual/romantic rival |
Intellectual/cultural threat |
No real threat |
Which factor contributes most to the perception of Asian males as a threat?
Growing numbers of AM/WF couples |
High concentrations in top colleges and professions |
Flashy displays of personal wealth |
Power and wealth of Asian nations |
History of Asian wars |
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[This page is closed to new input. --Ed.]
"Why am I not good enough to date one of your white girls?"
Why, please tell me why:
It's not one of "your" white girls, but why am I not good enough to date one of "my" white girls. White males don't "own" white girls. Ask, for example, Curious Girl.
The KKK-McVeigh Mentality Must Be Electrocuted   
Thursday, August 08, 2002 at 12:32:19 (PDT)
"Needless to say, he was court-martialed and sentenced to 18 months of hard labor."
George in San Francisco,
Your friend is a hero. He should know that. I'm glad you told this story, because Asians and Asian Americans need to hear stories of such raw courage and bravery. It inspires us all.
Asian Machiavelli   
Thursday, August 08, 2002 at 12:25:00 (PDT)
Saying Thank You is for the cows.
Whites are Either Polite or Criminals   
Thursday, August 08, 2002 at 12:09:47 (PDT)
I think white males tend not to see me as a threat initially, but are jolted into facing reality (me) when they see that I am physically powerful (I'm not discernably muscle bound, but I am strong as an ox and powerful), have charm and mad, MAD intelligence/game. I kinda like it that way.
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing   
Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 19:11:18 (PDT)
So I guess the question should be asked of you. Which came first the chick or the egg? ^_^
AC Dropout   
Monday, August 05, 2002 at 15:51:29 (PDT)
You know that is so weird. Just tonight at the mall I asked a girl that was working the makeup counter what was she. As soon as the words left my mouth I apologized saying that I hate that. But it seems that she had internalized it or something because it turned out she was several different things and I didn't notice any discernible facial distortions . She probably thought I was just another troller trying to put the mack on.
Thursday, August 01, 2002 at 20:58:12 (PDT)
White people are nothing but mutts. I doubt many white people could tell the difference between an Irish, Dutch, German, or whatever American. And unless they were born in that other country, are they anything but a white American anyway? I would seriously question the purity of any one lineage. My father used to say we were part Native American (Granny and a few great grannies and aunts, uncles, cousins were full or part NA) and part Black Dutch. What the heck is a Black Dutch anyway? To my knowledge I've never seen one, and I can't recall any of our family members being born anywhere but the US. As far as Native American goes, we did have a lot in our family but they are all dying out. With the exception of my father, we are all as white as snow. No one ever thinks about him being part Native American, especially his kids. So am I really Native American or Black Dutch? No, not really. I'm a mutt white person like almost everybody else in this wonderful mixing pot. So don't ever take it personally if white people don't identify each other as Irish or Dutch or whatever. It isn't a slight because you're Asian, it's just because we all look alike:)
white mutt   
Thursday, August 01, 2002 at 17:36:15 (PDT)
Dude...I see what you are saying...
but you know..life isn't fair...so just deal with it...
It is not fair that a CHINESE American should get asked where they are from while an IRISH American with good English would never have that problem...
But you know...face it..AMERICA is a Caucasian dominated world..."WHITE" is the majority and defines "AMerican"...and that's really just the way it is...I don't like it...because I am Asian...but..you know...that's just one of the downside to us or our mom or dad deciding to leave their homeland in order to come here for the "Better life..."
Really...it is not that I do not want to do anything about Asian Americans being percieved as less AMERICAN..it is just that realistically speaking somethings are not changeable...
Things like how Italian Americans/Irish Americans/Dutch Americans will always be more AMERICAN than Asian Americans because they look like the majority here...
Besides...it's really not that big of a deal...
If it is...you and I would have packed up and gone back to our motherland China.
Besides...brother...what's wrong with being CHINESE dude...?
Chinese guys are handsome...smart..and they are tall and HOT HOT...
Being Chinese/Asian enables you to be so attractive in the eyes of this woman and other beautiful women alike...
Which should motivate you to want to be SO Asian dude...
Maybe the reason why I feel flattered when people compliment my English is because English is not the only language which I can speak...
Dude...listen to your Chinese younger sister(ME)...learn yourself Chinese fluently...then you will feel flattered rather than offended when peops compliment your english dude...
refer to the above...
Say thank you when people compliment your english YO   
Wednesday, July 31, 2002 at 23:28:07 (PDT)
"...Your just an egg."
I thought I was a chick. ;)
Wednesday, July 31, 2002 at 23:00:07 (PDT)